"What is a coalition and why is it formed?" - a natural question may arise when studying the past of our planet. This definition has several shades depending on the specific scope of its application, but most often it is used in a military and political sense.

Political coalition
Let's try to understand the meaning of this concept more carefully. So, first of all, this is a voluntary association of a group of subjects of different influence in order to achieve common interests. As a rule, it is temporary and falls apart after reaching the final result - that's what a coalition is. In a political struggle, this may be an electoral bloc created to win elections if the country has a proportional electoral system. Such an entity can continue to exist even after summing up the results already as an inter-party faction in the country's representative body of power. In parliamentary republics and monarchies, the process of creating a coalition of the ruling party is a fairly common phenomenon. Practice shows that this alignment of the political system makes it possible to most effectively solve many problems. In addition, in thiscase, the voter who voted for one party or another will always be represented through deputies in the highest legislative body of the state. And the government coalition will allow even the winning party to take into account the interests of the minority - this is how the principle of democracy is fully implemented.

Military coalition
The creation of military coalitions is a rather contradictory process, because it includes very different socio-political groups, sometimes with diametrical interests that need to be resolved in a limited period of time. Sufficiently vivid evidence of this is the coalition of Russia, France and Great Britain in the First World War. Autocratic Russia, republican France and democratic England - this alliance seemed impossible to many in Europe, but the coincidence of the global interests of these countries and the neglect of momentary differences led to the emergence of the Entente. Only the instability of the internal situation in Russia did not allow her to share the successes of this bloc. History is replete with temporary alliances for the purpose of effectively resisting any emergency military force. This is the chronicle of the conclusion of the anti-French coalitions, which were created seven times, in different periods excellent states were involved in them, only our country was a constant participant in all seven associations. European countries could not stand alone against Napoleonic France, many of them became dependent on it, and the coalition was the only way to maintain sovereignty.
History repeats itself?
The ability to solve your own interests - that's what a coalition is. The most brutal and destructive war in the history of mankind is World War II. The reasons for the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition lay in the policy pursued by Germany. At that moment, the world was on the verge of a Nazi bacchanalia unleashed by this country. In general, she was the culprit of the first global conflict, and, wanting to take revenge for the defeat, unleashed a new military clash. History repeats itself. Just as they did not believe in the possibility of the emergence of the Entente, so this time Hitler only hypothetically allowed the unification of "Bolshevik Russia" and the capitalist West. And he was practically right. The countries of Western Europe made concessions to Germany for a long time, and the Munich agreement became the culmination of the conciliation. However, when the German Fuhrer violated all agreements and attacked Poland, France and England realized the ephemerality of stability in Europe. But in order for the anti-fascist bloc to really begin its actions, it took the invasion of German troops into the USSR.

What is a coalition
Thus, the conclusion of this union is based on the free association of various socio-political entities to achieve mutual goals. There may be a long-term phenomenon in the time period or it may be short-term. In any case, this agreement involves the flow of private interests for the sake of large-scale results. It is in this form that the meaning of the concept of coalition is presented.