Jacy Chan is the son of Jackie Chan

Jacy Chan is the son of Jackie Chan
Jacy Chan is the son of Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan is a world-famous film actor who performs his own stunts. In addition to filming in films, he is engaged in directing, staging battle scenes. Jackie also writes scripts, is a philanthropist, producer and martial artist. What this man has achieved deserves great respect. But today we will not talk about him, but about his son Jaycee Chan.

Jackie Chan's son
Jackie Chan's son


Jacy was born on 1982-03-12 in the state of California (USA), the city of Los Angeles. His parents officially registered their relationship the day before the birth of their son. Jaycee is the son of Jackie Chan and Lin Fengjiao, a famous Taiwanese actress.

The child grew up in the USA. Here he studied at the school of Santa Monica, after a while, at the insistence of his father, he continued his studies at the College of William and Mary. But the young man did not like studying in Virginia. Jaycee dropped out of college after two semesters.

The guy studied acting, dancing and playing the classical guitar in LosAngeles. And in Hong Kong, at the age of 15-16, he began to master the electric guitar.

Since 2004, Jaycee has been acting in Chinese films. He also participated in voicing cartoon characters.

Jackie Chan's son faces the death pen alty
Jackie Chan's son faces the death pen alty

In 2009, a young man renounces American citizenship and becomes a Chinese citizen.

In 2014, Jackie Chan's son was arrested for drug possession. After serving 6 months in prison, Jaycee was released from prison in mid-February 2015.

Relationship with father

Probably difficult to be the son of a famous actor, a favorite of millions. His father sent Jaycee to study in Virginia, but the guy said that he did not want to vegetate in this village, since there was nothing to see in these places except for sheep.

Jacy has a stubborn nature. It is not surprising that the young man did not like the provincial life. As reported by the American media, the guy loves luxury, luxury cars and nightclubs. He enjoys playing the guitar and singing, and is engaged in acting in order to achieve success in show business.

Parents were very worried about the fate of their son, and in order to somehow get rid of their influence, Jaycee made a bet with his father: "He will return to college if the first film with his participation is a failure." In 2004, Jackie Chan's son made his debut. He played a role in the film The Chronicles of Huadu: Blade of the Rose. This Chinese action movie was a failure, but Jaycee never kept his word to his father.

Jaycee Chan
Jaycee Chan

Jackie Chan wasashamed of your offspring. While attending Harvard University, he gave a speech and also donated a tidy sum to the university, but this had no effect on Jaycee. He chooses his own path, preferring to conquer show business.

When Jaycee Chan was 29, he briefly reconciled with his father during the filming of The Fall of the Last Empire. But the behavior of the young man was the cause of one loud statement. In 2011, Jackie Chan told the public that all the multimillion-dollar property he had accumulated would go to charity after his death. And let the son earn money for his own maintenance.

Under the threat of death

In August 2014, the news broke that Jackie Chan's son was facing the death pen alty. Jaycee and his friend Ke Chengdong (a Taiwanese actor) were arrested in Beijing, China. They were charged with possession and use of marijuana. According to Chinese law, the most severe punishment for the distribution of drugs is a long prison term or the death pen alty.

But the court was favorable to the son of Jackie Chan, so he got off with a six-month sentence. He was charged with providing premises to other drug addicts. The pen alty for such an offense is no more than three years.

Jackie Chan's son faces the death pen alty
Jackie Chan's son faces the death pen alty

It is possible that Jaycee's father's fame and his connections in politics influenced the court's decision. As Jackie Chan himself said about the arrest of his son, he was shocked by the news and became furious becausehis act.

It is surprising that 5 years before this incident, in 2009, the world famous actor was recognized as a Goodwill Ambassador for the fight against drug addiction. He also stated that he wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, and was also awarded such a high title. Prior to the unfortunate incident with his son, Jackie Chan spoke out in support of the death pen alty for drugs.

Jacy's professional activities

After moving to China, the young man starts acting and musical activities. In 2004, when the guy turned 22, he made his film debut. But the film does not have the desired success. A year later, he gets his first major role in the film "Young". During this period, Jaycee released several music albums that were not very successful.

Jackie Chan's son
Jackie Chan's son

After giving up his American citizenship, the guy gets the respect of the Chinese public. He is engaged in voicing cartoons "Mulan", "Panda Kung Fu", participates in the filming of numerous films. Here are some of his works:

  • "Drummer".
  • "McDull is a graduate."
  • East versus West.
  • Chrysanthemum for the Beast.
  • "The Fall of the Last Empire".
  • "And the sun will rise again."
  • Double Trouble and others.

Jacy distances himself from his famous father. As they say, surrounded by a young actor, the guy does not like to be called "the son of that same Jackie Chan."
