The meaning of the word "village" began to slowly be forgotten by people. But can they be blamed for this? After all, these are the realities: some things appear, while others disappear without a trace. And nothing can be done about it.
A century ago, the word "outskirts" was in wide use, especially among villagers. Many traditions and rituals were associated with him, but first things first.

What is this?
Okolitsa is a wooden fence surrounding a village or village. It served as a border marking the edge of the village. It was made from wooden beams or vines. It depended on a certain region and the natural resources that were available to its inhabitants.
The height of the outskirts has changed over the centuries. Initially, it served as a kind of protective rampart protecting the village from enemies and wild animals. But over time, attacks began to occur less and less often, because the civilized world did not encourage robbery. After that, the outskirts became more of a decoration than a defense mechanism.
If we talk about it in a figurative sense, then the outskirts are the edge of the village. However, it does not have to be fenced or marked. In this case, it is a symbol.
Ancient traditions of the Slavs
Speci althe outskirts of the Slavs had power. This can be understood by considering those beliefs and rituals that could reach our times. In some villages, they are still held today, however, now it is more of an entertainment than a sacred act. But there were times when people sincerely believed in the existence of spirits and demons. At the same time, they tried their best to protect themselves from their evil influence.

Slavs believed that the outskirts - a wall that protects the world of people from the world of spirits. They believed that evil spirits could not pass through this barrier, unless the evil sorcerer helped her in this. That is why they carefully selected the place and material for its construction.
Rite for Holy Saturday
The outskirts are not just a wooden fence. If it is built without the proper rite, then it will lose its magical properties. The Slavs knew this, and therefore they always performed the rite as tradition dictated.
Most often, the action fell on Great Saturday, since on this day good magic is the strongest. According to tradition, on the specified day it was necessary to outline the border of the village with a wooden plow in order to form a small moat. If this was the first ceremony in the village, then a small fence was put up in place of the moat over time.
In some villages this tradition has been preserved even after the advent of Christianity. True, its meaning has changed a bit. Now, such rituals are very rare, and the word "outskirts" disappears from verbal circulation.