Phraseologisms, sayings, proverbs, and many other popular expressions of any people (especially ours) make the language unique, expressive, juicy and accurate.

What is phraseologism?
Phraseologism is a stable expression in which words are considered not separately, but together, in aggregate. The Russian language is very rich in sustainable constructions, which makes it diverse, multifaceted and deep. Of course, every educated literate person should know as many popular expressions as possible. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the meaning of this or that expression, it is so confusing and has a hidden meaning. For example, it will be difficult to understand the meaning of the phrase “sword of Damocles” (an inevitable, oppressive thought of danger) if you do not know the parable of Damocles, over which they hung a sword held on a horsehair. Today, when we talk about some problem, or an inevitable event, we can say that it "hangs like the sword of Damocles", that is, it does not give rest, forcing us to think about danger. It should be noted that phraseological units are present not only inRussian, but also in all others. For example, there is an English expression “piece of cake”, which literally means “a piece of cake”, but means “easy, effortless” and corresponds to the Russian phrase “just spit.”

The meaning of phraseologism "to rage with fat"
We often hear the phrase "fat mad", especially from older people. Grandparents, and sometimes parents, speak with disdain about politicians or celebrities who distinguished themselves by some strange act. In such a case, it is sometimes said that he or she is "fat-mad". That is, with a very good state of affairs in their lives, complete security, out of boredom they begin to commit stupid, delusional acts. So, the meaning of the phraseologism "to rage with fat" is to become arrogant from a good, prosperous life. Often this phrase is heard in their address by children who, in the opinion of their parents, having everything they need, begin to be capricious and picky not on business. It is very important to know the phraseological unit "mad with fat", like others in the Russian language, in order to understand the speech of other people and enrich your own.
What is etymology
This is a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of the origin of words, or, in this case, winged expressions. It is very exciting, taking any word familiar to us, to delve into the history of the language and find out why objects are called that way and not otherwise. For example, the simple word "homeland" refers to the place where you were born, and comes from the word "kind".

And now back tophraseological unit "furious with fat." Its origin has two theories, one of which is most likely a joke. They say that from overfeeding and, accordingly, obesity, rabies began in dogs. But this is not particularly confirmed in any way, and the veterinarians laugh at all. The second theory has documentary, historical confirmation. Here we are not talking about the weight of a person and his complexion. The word "fat" in the old days meant we alth, property. Our ancestors had a deeper understanding of the nature of human behavior, seeing the basic problems. And then everything falls into place: a person who rages with fat languishes with we alth.