Talented actress Nadezhda Gorshkova and her 7 roles

Talented actress Nadezhda Gorshkova and her 7 roles
Talented actress Nadezhda Gorshkova and her 7 roles

With her debut role, actress Nadezhda Gorshkova immediately captivated directors and viewers. The schoolgirl was promised high-profile roles and audience success. But no one predicted the collapse of the country and the devastation with the complete decline of cinema.

The first and not the last role

At the age of 17, a very young aspiring actress Nadezhda Gorshkova received an invitation to shoot in a full-length serious film. Then at the premiere she was overtaken by success. For the role of Klava Klimkova, a teenage girl will receive the most flattering reviews in her address. Directors, critics and older colleagues from among famous actors predicted a successful future for the talent from Leningrad (St. Petersburg). At the same time, Nadezhda Gorshkova, an actress whose biography contained only a line about studying at school, also found her first fans.

In itself, a successful debut did not guarantee her success in her career, but the girl will prove her giftedness with the following roles.

Nadezhda Gorshkova
Nadezhda Gorshkova

Perestroika cinema viewers know her from several films on the domestic screen, in total, actress Nadezhda Gorshkova recorded 7 films in her track record.

Marriageinstead of roles

With good prospects in the cinema and in the theater, when she was promised a standing ovation and crowds of fans, the girl surprised everyone. After a relatively successful experience on the screen, she exchanged her acting craft for marriage and emigration. The gifted actress Nadezhda Gorshkova and her husband are settling in America.

Then she followed the example of many of the same girls. In difficult times at the “change of eras” in her homeland, Gorshkova risked remaining in poverty. Even constant shooting in the "collapsed" cinema would hardly have brought her success and prosperity. Therefore, she easily accepts the offer of a successful American and leaves with him overseas. There she will not show herself as an actress. But after 11 years, the pupil of the Soviet cinema will divorce her husband and return home.

Nadya Gorshkova in the frame
Nadya Gorshkova in the frame

Here in the new century, the experienced Nadezhda Gorshkova, an actress biography, whose personal life and career no longer interested anyone, once again proves her right to a place in cinema. Her brilliant return left no doubt about Nadezhda's giftedness. The skeptics had to shut up. In 2003 and 2010, actress Nadezhda Gorshkova will appear in two more films, but most importantly, she will act as a producer of several works by talented directors.

Personal life and career

Nadya Gorshkova was born in Leningrad in 1962 and after her debut teenage role she became a recognizable actress. He will increase his recognition and experience in several more tapes. She lived in the United States in marriage for more than 10 years. Many years after divorcelives in a second marriage, has one child from different husbands.

It is noteworthy that both husbands of the actress are successful and we althy men. The American was a successful lawyer from a we althy family, and the Russian chosen one is a businessman. She received a good education at GITIS with a degree in theater studies, collected 7 films as an actress and 4 as a producer in her track record.

The first role of Ndezhda
The first role of Ndezhda

She starred in such tapes:

- in 1979, she played Klava Klimkova in the romantic drama about childhood love “I ask Klava K to blame for my death”;

- in 1981 she was entrusted to play one of the heroines in the film "At someone else's holiday"; played the daughter of Gudilin in the film "Demidovs" in 1983;

- "The Price of Treasure" (1992);

- "Hostages of the Devil" (1993);

- "Punch or Lost" (2003);

- Lifetime Night (2010).

Now, at the age of 55, he no longer acts anywhere and only acts as a producer of certain projects in the cinema.
