In different countries there are places that are notorious. Time is distorted there, people disappear and the compass goes astray. Probably, skeptics who do not believe in mysticism believe that there is a scientific explanation for everything unusual. However, it is pointless to deny that there are inexplicable anomalies on Earth that not only frighten, but terrify. Stories with deaths and mysterious disappearances in disastrous places are also popular in our country. In this article, we will present you the top mystical places in Russia.

Moleb Triangle
Perhaps the most famous anomaly on our planet is the Bermuda Triangle. This place is located within the boundaries of the South Coast of the United States, the Greater Antilles and Bermuda in the North Atlantic. Under very mysterious circumstances, over a century and a half, about a thousand people, 55 ships, 20 aircraft disappeared in this place. Are there similar anomalous and mystical places in Russia?
Before. The village of Molebka, located on the border of the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region. This is the famous anomalous zone, known among specialists as the Moleb triangle, or the Perm anomalous zone. It is located on the left bank of the Sylva River, just opposite the village. In ancient times, this place was sacred for the Mansi people, there was a prayer stone here.
In the 80s of the XX century, the settlement became known in our country. Geologist Emil Bachurin during a winter hunt discovered a round footprint in the snow with a diameter of 62 meters. From that moment on, this place excites the minds of people. Someone says that they saw Bigfoot here, luminous balls, distinguished by reasonable behavior, UFOs. Researchers claim that this is a zone with strong dowsing anomalies.

Molebsky triangle is known to many tourists and foreign ufologists. Every year, thousands of pilgrims come here to visit something mysterious and unknown.
Damn's graveyard
The most mystical places in Russia include the Devil's Cemetery, located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Over the past 30 years, 75 dead or missing people have been recorded here. On the top of a low mountain in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, there is a rather strange glade. There is a hole in its very center. According to researchers, it appeared in 1908. Various versions of her appearance were voiced. According to one of them, this place arose after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, and the hole located in the center is the mouth of an extinct volcano, which was pierced during the fallobject.
People called this place the Devil's Graveyard. Being in this unusual mystical place in Russia is detrimental to all living things. Hundreds of cows died after tasting the grass from the clearing. After the war, the inhabitants of these dangerous places were resettled. Old-timers recall that a huge number of people died on the territory of the glade or at a short distance from it. Researchers became interested in the anomalous zone in the 80s of the XX century and began to look for it.

Several expeditionary groups are considered missing today. The mysterious and mystical place of Russia was discovered in 1991. A large and serious expedition was assembled to study it. Those wishing to visit this place should be aware that the camp cannot be set up closer than one kilometer. It is more prudent to set up a parking lot at the mouth of the Deshemba River.
Satino Manor
The solemn and some kind of fabulous appearance of this mansion is deceptive. The estate of the baker Filippov is located in the Moscow region, Podolsky district. It was built on the site where the ancient Russian city of Przemysl used to be, which was founded in the 12th-14th centuries on the banks of the Mocha River.
The son of the famous baker Dmitry Filippov in this estate hid one of the main secrets of his life - extramarital infatuation, the beautiful gypsy Aza. She led a solitary life here, content only with rare meetings with her beloved. Feeling that Dmitry Ivanovich fell out of love with her, the girl decided to jump from the tower. The estate belongs to the mystical places of Russia. With the ghost of an unfortunate gypsy in the park oftenlocal residents and patients of the medical center, which had been in the estate for a long time, collided.

Medveditskaya ridge
Giant ordinary and fireballs, crumpled trees with burns on their trunks, UFOs, vegetation and soil with harmful radiation - the Medveditskaya ridge is not without reason included in the top 10 mystical places in Russia. The network of hills, the height of which does not exceed 250 meters, is located in the Volgograd region, in the Zhirnovsky district.
Locals are no longer surprised by unidentified objects and traces of UFOs. This place surprisingly attracts numerous and very frequent lightning. The researchers recorded 350 trees burned to the ground. From many multi-meter oaks, only charred stumps remained.
At about 20 meters below the ridge are tunnels of unknown origin, stretching for kilometers. At the very beginning of the Patriotic War, the entrances to them were blown up. Locals love to tell stories about these underground passages. It is believed that UFO bases are located there, a repository of an ancient race of human snakes, which were allegedly seen by local enthusiasts, an underground city of robbers who hide looted we alth here.

In addition, rather strange springs are spouting from the ground here: distilled water is pouring out in one place, and a radioactive source is beating in another.
Mountain of the Dead in the Sverdlovsk region
The most mystical places in Russia are associated with ancient burials. A group of young researchersthe leadership of Igor Dyatlov in 1959 went to the Mountain of the Dead. The start of the ascent was scheduled for February 1. By a strange coincidence, a magical festival is held on this day - Candlemas.
A group of nine people, before reaching the top, set up camp for the night. It has not yet been clarified what made the young people cut the tent from the inside and leave it in horror. At the site of the tragedy, no presence of strangers, signs of a struggle and traces of the elements were found. At the same time, the expedition members received terrible injuries: some of the skin turned orange or purple, someone had their tongue torn out.

Members of the Dyatlov group are not the only ones who died in this terrible and mystical place in Russia. After visiting the mountain, several expeditions did not return home. In the 90s, the publishing house of the Gentry newspaper released a large material that was completely devoted to the Mountain of the Dead. At the same time, specialists from Vladivostok conducted ufological studies, but there was no consensus on the tragedy taking place in this mystical place in Russia.
And today this place does not attract tourists too much. It's all because of his bad reputation. Although it must be admitted that no new anomalous phenomena have been recorded on the mountain recently.
Damn's lair
In the Volgograd region, on the Medveditskaya ridge, there is this mystical place. In Russia, it is called the Devil's Lair. According to researchers, spontaneous combustions of people occur here. The corpses of shepherd Yuri Mamaev were discovered(1990), and later combine operator Ivan Tsukanov. It is known for certain that Ivan died saving a grain field and a harvester from a sudden fire. According to the testimony of local residents, the shepherd was burned alive due to the burning of a haystack. Despite this, the place is still considered unkind today.
Labynkyr Lake
In the Oymyakonsky district of Yakutia, there is a mystical place shrouded in legends and amazing stories. In Russia, photos of Lake Labynkyr are often published in popular publications. According to legend, an animal of enormous size of relict origin settled in the lake. Locals claim that this creature swallows people and large animals. Judging by the rumors, more than ten people became victims of the underwater monster. But all this is not officially confirmed, there is no real evidence.
The area where the lake is located is difficult to pass. Researchers are in no hurry to visit it. This mystery allows us to classify this mystical place in Russia as one of the most terrible.

Tract Shushmor (Ushmor)
This one of the oldest and most terrible anomalous zones is located in the very heart of Russia, in the Moscow region. For more than a hundred years, people have been disappearing here in some unknown way. The vegetation of these places is also striking - huge ferns, up to two meters high, square trunks of birches, pines two girths thick. There are no settlements around, the guards do not recommend even approaching these places.
After studying this territory, experts came to the conclusion that the impact of this zone on a person is similar to the influence of the Bermuda Triangle. Ball lightning is not uncommon here, and it happens much more often than in other places. Many attempts have been made to explain the disappearance of people and unusual phenomena in Shushmore, but so far they have not been successful.

Death Valley
In our country, there are several valleys that claim to be the Valley of Death. Elyuyu Cherkechekh - "Valley of Death", located in Yakutia. The anomalies of this place have not been officially confirmed, the researchers were unable to fix either copper boilers, or hemispheres that radiate heat, or other anomalous phenomena.
Death Valley, located in Kamchatka, is considered a recognized mystical place in Russia. It is located next to the famous Valley of Geysers. A large number of animal deaths have been recorded in its territory. In addition, there are data on deaths. The researchers managed to prove that the high mortality of animals is associated with gas poisoning, but the reasons for their occurrence and their frequency have not been established.

For people, being in this zone, apparently, does not pose a danger, since in the event of a release of gases, a person can leave this place. But spending the night in the Kamchatka Valley of Death is not recommended.
Ghost Valley in Crimea
On the slopes of Mount Demerdzhi, whose name is translated from the Crimean Tatar language as "blacksmith", there is another mystical place in Russia, which the locals call the Valley of Ghosts. The attraction of this mysterious place are stone"mushrooms", which arose due to the washing out and weathering of rocks.
On the slopes of Demerdzhi in the summer you can see amazing mirages. In autumn and winter, thick fogs descend on the valley. Because of them, it seems that the stone pillars in the haze change shape and move. Such mists gave another name to this place - Funa ("smoking").

Bear Mountain
Inhabitants of Crimea often tell a legend that says that Ayu-Dag was once a huge bear in ancient times. In order to punish the tribe that had forgotten the faith, who lived in these places, the angry God sent a huge beast to destroy the apostates, but, seeing the beauty of the Crimean landscapes, the bear refused to obey the Lord, who turned the bear into stone when he went down to the sea to get drunk.
Archaeologists on the basis of numerous studies claim that this mountain had ritual significance for the ancient tribes. On its top, ancient burial grounds and temples were discovered. Often in these places people feel dizzy, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety.
Kashkulak cave
The first tier of the Kashkulak cave was used by local shamans two thousand years ago as a ritual hall. Until now, the walls of the Temple Grotto are covered with soot from sacrifices. There are numerous legends about the Kashkulak cave in Khakassia, most of which are rather gloomy.

Here people disappear and strange sounds are heard. The locals are sure that the spirit still lives in the cave today.evil shaman. By the way, even today shamanic rituals are held here.
Pleshcheevo Lake
This lake is well known in the history of our country. Peter I built his amusing fleet here, and there is also a monument to the emperor's boat. However, the old-timers of Pereslavl-Zalessky consider the lake to be mystical. It is not uncommon for tourists to get lost in the fog on the shore and find themselves a few days later, but many of them lose their sense of time.
Here is the famous Blue Stone, which is a pagan ritual object. It was established that a huge boulder moved from place to place several times. Scientists believe that ice moved it.
In Karelia, this mountain has received a bad reputation - old people are baptized at the mention of it, children and women are not allowed here, near the mountain it is forbidden to talk loudly and go there for the sake of curiosity. Everyone on Vottovaara sees a rather ominous landscape in front of them, reminiscent of fairy tales about Koshchei the Immortal. The trees here are incredibly deformed, tied into knots. It couldn't be related to wind or frost. Heaps of stones refute the laws of physics. But the worst thing about this place is the absence of birds and animals and the ringing silence.

There are many seids everywhere - individual boulders lying on smaller stones. There are several versions associated with their appearance: the descent of glaciers, an earthquake, the creation of man, however, none of them has been confirmed.
There is also a certain amphitheater here, which has the correct round shape, as well asa staircase consisting of only thirteen steps leading up to the sky. Behind the last step is a cliff. The clock here can lag behind or go faster, bright glows appear, and water boils at abnormal temperatures. People experience sudden anxiety and sometimes panic: pulse quickens, depression sets in, and some visitors feel a surge of energy and strength.