A wind tunnel is a free fall simulator. The attraction began to gain popularity only recently. Thanks to him, anyone can experience an exciting feeling of weightlessness. Reviews of wind tunnel flights posted on the Internet are full of delight.
What is just entertainment for us is a serious scientific tool used to study the effects of the air environment on moving objects. It is used in many scientific fields: industrial and aviation developments, including the training of military pilots and astronauts, and only recently became entertainment for the townsfolk.
The story of invention, the path from science to entertainment
The first wind tunnel was designed for scientific purposes and was small in size. With the help of it, scientists studied the behavior of solids in an air stream. Later, large prototypes were used to test parachutes. In Russia, the first trumpet appeared in 1871 and was designed by the teacher Pashkevich V. A. to train students of the military academy.
The invention became widespread only during the Second World War. At an American air base, a tube was constructed with a 6-meter propeller that allowed a person to experience the feeling of free fall. It was used for the same purpose - testing parachutes and aircraft.

Man was able to experience the influence of air currents inside the pipe only in 1964. Military parachutist Jack Tiffany entered the wind tunnel, intending to take off in it with a parachute, and he succeeded. But this experience did not lead to use as a full-fledged simulator for people. The load of water flows on the human body was too great.
First human aero trainers
The first aerodynamic simulator appeared in 1981 in Canada. Jean Germain built it on the basis of wind tunnels for training landing troops. He managed to improve the invention so much that a person could smoothly rise and fall. But the use of the forces of air currents was still the prerogative of specialists.
In 2006 wind tunnels were used at the closing of the Winter Olympic Games. Trained people showed acrobatic stunts, being in a limited space. From that moment, the wind tunnel began to spread as an attraction. For many people, this has become a systematic entertainment, gradually attracting more and more fans of extreme sports. In Russia, to experience the extraordinary feeling of flying in a wind tunnel in an air park, you need to visit the entertainment centers of Moscow, St. Petersburg or other major cities.
Operation principle
The wind tunnel allows you to experience a free fall experience that was previously available only to those who dared to jump with a parachute. However, this method is safer and allows you to get almost the same sensations.

The attraction is a complex of the following parts:
- pipe of various diameters;
- specially designed fans;
- diesel engine;
- trampoline net;
- "glass", usually made of transparent material and mesh, limiting the flight area.
The principle of operation is simple and based on the gradual injection of air into a limited space. The pipe functions due to powerful fans that create a strong air flow. Artificial wind speeds can reach 190 to 260 km/h.
Attraction design
There are many types of aerodynamic systems, each of which differs in three main parameters:
- The location of the screws - top or bottom.
- The size of the pipe itself - the so-called flight zone (depends on the height and diameter of the fence).
- Wind speeds inside the working area - depends on the power of the diesel engine and fan.
The flight zone is fenced with a mesh on top, and at the edges with a glass of transparent material, which does not allow a person to fly out of the outlined diameter and fall under the fan blades - hence the name "pipe".

Device operationcontrolled by the operator, who can adjust the air flow. In this way, a spectacular free fall effect is achieved.
Instructors always educate the competitor on safety, pipe construction and what to do while in the airflow area. It is not for nothing that wind tunnel reviews tend to be positive, as it is a safe and exhilarating experience.

After watching the video about the operation of the attraction, the audience is divided into two camps. The first group doubts the safety of the flight and are sure that this experience is available only to a specially trained person. The second group, wanting to experience the new entertainment, has no doubts about its safety. However, the reality is that nowadays even children are allowed to fly in a wind tunnel.
Pay attention! Even in the event of a sudden stop of the engine, a person does not fall, but slowly lands, as the fans provide damped operation and a smooth decrease in air flow power.

First time in the pipe may seem difficult for a beginner. You need to learn how to move in the air flow, overcome the panic from the feeling of free fall, learn how to control your own body. As a rule, beginners get used to new sensations in 1-2 minutes, after which a feeling of euphoria from the flight sets in. At the first visit, the accompaniment of the instructor is mandatory.
Only with strict observancesafety rules and following the instructions of the instructor, a person will leave a positive review about flying in a wind tunnel.
Interesting fact! The design of the instructor's helmet is different from the rest, as this protection protects the head from accidental blows by beginners who do not fully master the flight technique.
The safety of the first steps is provided by the instructors who enter the airflow zone with the visitors. They help to get comfortable, adjust the equipment to the individual parameters of a person.
Compulsory rules
It must be remembered that the attraction is a complex mechanical device of high power. Here you must strictly adhere to the following rules:
- Beginners are inside the flight zone for no more than 2 minutes.
- Clothes should be comfortable and not hinder movement. Despite the fact that a special jumpsuit is issued before the flight to help balance on the air flow, it is necessary to wear loose clothing under it.
- Clothes should be warm - forcing air greatly lowers the temperature, so it's pretty cool inside the flight area. The fabric of the overalls is dense, but the supply of heat is not always enough.
- Comfortable shoes - preferably sneakers or lace-up sneakers. Shoes, velcro fasteners and similar shoes may come off, hitting anyone inside the work area, including the visitor.
- It is advisable to braid long hair and fix it with a tight elastic band.
- A helmet is required inside the flight zone.

The main condition for obtaining a pleasant feeling from the flight is complete relaxation of the body. Children are allowed only under the supervision of instructors, in which case the operator reduces the speed of the propellers to a minimum.
Attraction for fun and sports
The wind tunnel has only recently become a full-fledged attraction, but it continues to be used as a sports simulator for training skydivers and athletes.
Important to know! Simultaneous participation of two or more persons is permitted only for athletes with more than 30 minutes of individual flight experience.
Currently, flights are available for residents of different cities of Russia, but most of the attractions are located in Moscow. Before visiting, you can read reviews about flying in a wind tunnel in Moscow and then test your resolve.

The device combines several functional purposes at once and can be used for preparation:
- Skydivers and pilots - to improve the level of skills.
- Acrobats - to prepare for the performance of difficult tricks.
- Children - for general physical development and entertainment.
- Adults - to increase physical activity and relaxation.
In addition, many adults go to the development of the aerodynamic simulator before making a long parachute jump. Despite the fact that this experience cannot be compared with a full-fledged flight in the sky, the conditions are approximately similar.

Besides this, the attraction acts as a simulator. Counteracting the load created by the air flow forces the main muscles of the body to work, due to which calories are actively burned during the flight. Coordination of movements improves significantly, as the visitor adapts to the control of his own body. According to men, flying in a wind tunnel brings to life the childhood dreams of every boy about flying into space.
Restrictions and contraindications to flying in a wind tunnel
Every attraction has its limits, and the wind tunnel is no exception. But thanks to advanced safety technology, there are not so many of them:
- visitor must be between 5 and 75 years old;
- body weight ranges from 20 to 130 kg (depending on engine power and propeller used);
- the visitor should not have he alth problems, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, mental disorders;
- pregnant women are not allowed on the attraction;
- not recommended for use by people who have undergone surgery or have been injured;
- People in a state of intoxication and under the influence of intoxicating substances (drugs) are not allowed into the flight zone.
Everyone else can experience wind tunnel flying and leave feedback on their own experience on the Internet.
Who might be interested in the attraction?
One of the first cities where a wind tunnel flight was implemented was Moscow. This isan active form of leisure, allowing you to get an unforgettable experience. It is completely safe and suitable for all people. Compliance with safety regulations, constant supervision of the instructor and control of the operator make the use of the attraction an interesting and affordable pastime. Giving a wind tunnel flight as a gift would be a great idea.