Any person dreams of happiness, that luck never leaves him, everything was easy and simple. However, it is not always possible to hope that one's own efforts will be crowned with success. And then there are various beliefs associated with amulets and their ability to influence the fate of a person. A horseshoe hanging over the doors has always been considered a symbol of protection from evil spirits and promised happiness to the owners of the house. Where did such a belief come from, why exactly did the horseshoe embody luck?
Happiness horseshoe has long been considered a strong talisman. She, according to popular belief, brought we alth and success to the house. It was believed that an old horseshoe found on the road could bring good luck. In addition, the owner of this amulet received the help of higher powers, could attract love, he alth, become successful in gambling, restore harmony and peace in relationships. It was considered a horseshoe found for good luck, it could help to achieve prosperity and see magical dreams. But in the modern world, even after receiving a talisman, few people know where the customs associated with it came from, how to place it in an apartment so that luck does not pass by.

For the first time faith inThe miraculous properties of the horseshoe originated in ancient Egypt. For the horses that were harnessed to the chariot of the pharaohs, golden horseshoes were forged. Such a find could really enrich its owner. Therefore, there was a belief that a horseshoe is acquired for happiness by a person.
There is another version. She is associated with the legend of the blacksmith Dunstan and the devil. One day, a devil appeared in his smithy, taking the form of a horse, and turned to Saint Dunstan to shoe his hoof. He agreed, but instead chained the devil to the wall and burned it with a red-hot horseshoe. The villain asked for mercy. Then the saint released him and said that henceforth the devil would not be able to enter the house if a horseshoe was hanging in it.

Believed that a horseshoe found on the road brings good luck, not only Russians, but also representatives of other nations: Jews, Turks. According to European signs, the horseshoe turned into a wonderful talisman thanks to the gods who endowed it with magical powers. After all, this “horse shoe” looks like a crescent. Beliefs associated with a horseshoe as a symbol of happiness began from the time when the horse was considered the most valuable in the household.
How to hang a horseshoe in the house? There are several options. You can nail it over the doors. If its ends are directed downwards, as was customary according to the traditions of Europe, the East and Latin America, then the horseshoe becomes a symbol of the bowl from which happiness is poured onto the owners. It was also believed that this would protect the house from the penetration of evil forces. The Irish and British believe that a horseshoe should be hung upside down so as not tohappiness flowed out of the house. If her horns are directed upwards, then this will serve to attract good luck and we alth into your life. There is another sign according to which a horseshoe, acquired for good luck, becomes a talisman to attract money. To do this, it must be put on the windowsill during the full moon so that its ends look into the house.
The Slavs believed that a horseshoe for good luck must hang over the doors with the ends down. Chinese Feng Shui teaches that the ends are up. Different peoples make out this talisman in their own way. For example, in Mexico, a horseshoe is decorated with the faces of saints, ribbons, it is placed high enough so that it cannot be reached. And the Italian horseshoe of happiness, on the contrary, is hung so low that everyone entering the house can touch it. But the most important thing is that when you find a horseshoe, you yourself believe in your talisman and strive to find happiness.