Tula region is one of the most famous regions in Russia. For more than a century it has been famous for its gingerbread, samovars, as well as the production of weapons. No less interesting are the cities of the Tula region. They will be discussed in this article.
Cities of the Tula region: list, population, interesting facts
Tula region is an amazing region. And it is famous not only for gingerbread but for samovars. It was here that the legendary master Lefty lived, who shod a flea. Somewhere in the open spaces of the region, a battle took place on the Kulikovo field, during which the Mongol-Tatar army was defeated.

Tula region is located in the central part of the country and is the southern neighbor of the Moscow region. The transport network here is excellently developed. In the cities of this region, relatively low unemployment is observed, the criminal situation is also quite favorable. Nevertheless, people from the cities of the Tula region leave more than come to them. Positive dynamics in population growth is observed only in three of them. Perhaps the reason for this is the proximity of the capital?
Total in the Tula regionthere are 19 cities. The largest of them is Tula (488 thousand inhabitants). But the town of Chekalin is one of the most sparsely populated in all of Russia. It is home to just under a thousand people. Next - all the cities of the Tula region in decreasing order of their population:
- Tula.
- Novomoskovsk.
- Donskoy.
- Aleksin.
- Shchekino.
- Nodal.
- Efremov.
- Bogoroditsk.
- Kimovsk.
- Kireevsk.
- Suvorov.
- Yasnogorsk.
- Plavsk.
- Venev.
- Belev.
- Bolokhovo.
- Sticky.
- Soviet.
- Chekalin.
The cities of Tula and Novomoskovsk form one large agglomeration with a population of more than one million people. Another interesting demographic feature of the Tula region is that there are far fewer men than women (only 44 percent).

The oldest city in the region is Tula (founded in 1146), the youngest is Sovetsk (founded in 1949). Novomoskovsk is considered the most comfortable in the region. At the same time, an extremely difficult environmental situation is observed in this city.
Efremov is a small town in the extreme south of the Tula region. Its history is typical for the cities of European Russia. It arose in the middle of the 17th century as a fortress city. In 1874, a railway connecting Tula and Yelets passed through Efremov. This event led to the rapid development of the settlement as a commercial and industrial center.
CityEfremov Tula region may be of interest to tourists. After all, 45 kilometers to the north-west is the historical area of Kulikovo field - the place where in 1380 the army of Dmitry Donskoy defeated the armada of the Golden Horde. In the city itself, you can also visit the Ivan Bunin Museum - a beautiful one-story house in which the Nobel Prize winner lived and worked for some time.

The city of the Donskoy Tula region is the third largest in the region, located 60 kilometers from Tula. It appeared in 1773, and at the end of the 19th century, deposits of brown coal began to be developed here, which were already depleted by the 1960s. However, the city did not turn into a depressive one. Today, the former mining capital of the region produces furniture, quality footwear and electrical equipment.
The city of the Donskoy Tula region is famous for its oldest museum in the region, which is located in the historical part of the city. In the vicinity of Donskoy, Catherine the Second founded the estate "Bobriki" at the end of the 18th century. A wonderful park and the old Spassky Church of 1778 have been preserved from it.
"Golden City" (Tula region)
The small town of Venev is located in the northeastern part of the region. Several churches of the 18th-19th centuries have been preserved here. However, a more popular attraction is located 20 kilometers south, near the village of Sergievo. This is the so-called "Golden City" - a tourist complex created to take its visitors far to the east, to the Middle Kingdom.

In the "Golden City" you can see Chinese palaces with tea rooms. The complex has a hotel with a wide selection of rooms (from standard to luxury), a spa center, and restaurants serving exotic oriental cuisine.
In closing
Tula region is located in Central Russia, on the Central Russian Upland. The region has a developed chemical industry, metallurgy, and weapons production.
Cities of the Tula region are interesting and original. There are 19 of them in total. Some of them were founded in the 12th century (like Belev or Tula), while others are very young (for example, Sovetsk and Suvorov).