Natalia Pochinok, whose biography will be discussed in this article, is a bright, versatile and ambiguous personality. Her interests range from sports to finance, law and pedagogy. Let's talk in more detail about the doctor of economic sciences, associate professor and rector of the RSSU, the widow of a famous statesman. Natalya Pochinok, whose personal life and career are of particular interest from the media, has worked in various organizations and areas. There are many interesting facts in her fate, as well as a number of scandals that once revolved around her name.

Sport activities
Born July 4, 1976 in Moscow Natalia Pochinok. Her age is currently 40 years. Since childhood, she has been involved in sports, even being a member of the Russian junior team in athletics (between 1991 and 1994). He is the winner of various competitions: in running at a distance of 800, 1500 meters, as well as in the relay race 4 x 400 meters. The events in which she participated took place both at the Russian and international levels. It has title of master of sports.
Even at the age of 13, she had a work book in which they wrote: "athlete-instructor." Thus, from an early age, she earned money, and her salary was a significant help in the family budget. Mom was a certified neurologist: she received 95 rubles a month, and Natalia's salary was 30-40 rubles.

Community activities
- Academic activity: is an active member of the Russian Academy of Social Sciences, first deputy of the UMO VO directions "Sociology and social work". Also a member of the CC of the Educational and Methodological Association of Russian Universities.
- Expert activity: Chairman of the EC for NPFs under the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets.
- Social and professional: member of the Board of the RSPP, member of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce, Head of the Expert Committee of Delovaya Rossiya LLC, Chairman of the Industry Commission in the field of business education.

Natalya Pochinok, whose biography is discussed in this article, received more than one higher education, and she graduated from universities with honors. What educational institutions does she have degrees from?
From 1993 to 1997, Natalia Pochinok studied at the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics ("Finance and Credit" and "Taxation"). She graduated from an educational institution with honors. Until 2000 - postgraduate studies at the same university at the Department of Tax Policy.
After thatshe was educated at the RSSU (speci alty "Jurisprudence"), starting in 2000 and ending in 2002.
2001 was marked by the fact that she received a Ph. D.
She received the academic title of Associate Professor in 2014 at the Department of Taxes and Taxation.

Scientific work
Pochinok Natalia conducted a complex of studies in the field of pensions, tax and budget policy. In the course of its work, much attention was paid to such issues as the social functions of the budget and extrabudgetary resources. Its activities are aimed at increasing the involvement of citizens in the management of the budget process, the development and formation of a responsible taxpayer. The development of social entrepreneurship is also a priority for her. Pochinok Natalya Borisovna conducted scientific research, which was duly appreciated both by her colleagues (Russian and foreign), and by the Government of the country.
In addition to the fact that Pochinok Natalia was engaged in scientific activities, she was actively involved in work in the banking sector, consulted major government departments on the topic of social interaction between the state and private capital, as well as other issues related to budget policy and the tax system. She was in a managerial position in the Krasnodar branch of Raiffeisen Bank,later she was responsible for the branch network of Sberbank. She did not work in this area for long, but during this time she was able to gain good experience as a financier. An important role in obtaining these positions was played by the fact that her husband, Alexander Pochinok, was a famous and influential person.

- From 1993 to 1994 - athlete-instructor in athletics of the CFS MPF.
- Until 1996 - accountant of ZAO Stroyservis.
- 1996-2003 - consulting business at Arthur Andersen and PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit.
- 2003 - Appointment to the position of Vice-President of Gazprombank.
- Since 2005 - work at RaiffeisenBank. Later, she became director of the southern branch of the bank, advisor to the chairman of the board.
- 2010 - director of department for work with branches of Sberbank.
At the same time, he also conducts teaching activities. In the period from 1998 to 2005, she worked at the Department of Tax Policy of the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics as a senior lecturer. In 2011 she became a professor, head of the department. In 2014, she was appointed to the position of about. Rector of RSSU.
Work experience is more than 22 years, of which 11 years have been devoted to work in the scientific and pedagogical field. In the course of her professional activities, she regularly underwent advanced training.
Husband Alexander Pochinok
Her husband - the famous politician Alexander Petrovich Pochinok - died, now she is a widow. He was a famous Russian statesmanfigure: minister and senator.

Alexander Pochinok is from Chelyabinsk. He was a Russian statesman and economist. Between 1999 and 2000, he served as Minister of Taxes and Duties, and later became Minister of Labor and Social Development. Prior to that, he was the head of the State Tax Service of the Russian Federation. He began his career as a junior researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch. In 2002 he was a member of the jury in KVN. In 2012, he tried himself as a presenter on the Ekho Moskvy radio.
In March 2014, Alexander Pochinok died as a result of a hemorrhagic stroke: he was hospitalized, but the doctors could not save the patient. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.
Natalya Pochinok: family
She met her future husband Alexander Pochinok at the Plekhanov Academy, at that moment he was teaching there. From his first marriage (with Irina) he has a daughter, Olga. At the time of his acquaintance with his future second wife, who became Natalya Borisovna Pochinok (Gribkova), he was still married. Natalya was then his student, whose diploma work he supervised. Soon he divorced his first wife, and in 2000 the couple had their first child - son Peter, and then, two years later, Alexander. She lived with her husband for about 14 years until his death, but at that time she left her maiden name - Gribkova. Only after the death of her husband did the widow change her surname to Pochinok.
Natalya Pochinok - Rector of RSSU
After a few days after deathwife Alexander Pochinok, March 20, 2014, his widow is appointed to the position of head of the university department "Taxes and Taxation", which was previously headed by her famous husband. Soon she becomes the chairman of the Council of Departments of the Financial and Accounting Cluster of the Russian Economic University.
In mid-2014, Pochinok Natalya Borisovna, on the basis of the order of the Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, became and. about. rector of RSSU. At the time of taking up this position, the total experience of scientific and teaching activities was 1.5 years. For the most part, the work of the current rector of the RSSU was previously connected with the financial sector.
Before Natalia Pochinok, Lidia Fedyakina was the rector of the university. She was removed from her position in April 2014 due to the fact that the Higher Attestation Commission found plagiarism in her doctoral dissertation. At the conclusion of the council, a general opinion was made that the text contains borrowings from other people's works.
Children are US citizens
Natalia has two sons, who appeared in her marriage with Alexander Pochinok. They study in the USA. Her children are full citizens of the United States, since she gave birth to them in this country, and, according to American laws, any person born in the States automatically becomes a full citizen of America. In 2015, Natalya Pochinok wanted to leave the post of rector of the university due to the fact that her children are permanently residing in the United States, but still remained working at the institution.
Peter and Alexander are now permanently in the States and are studying therein a closed elite school. In this regard, many criticized her for the fact that, on the one hand, being a rector at a Russian university, she promotes education in our country, and on the other hand, she shows her commitment to studying abroad by her actions.
Publications on scientific topics
Natalia Pochinok, Rector of the RSSU, has various publications on scientific topics, including co-authored one scientific and methodological manual, developed 3 curricula. Reads courses on taxes and taxation. She has published many scientific papers, such as "Theory and History of Taxation" (2014), "Problems of Land Tax in Russia and Ways to Solve Them" (2013).

The founder of this educational institution of higher education is Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. I. Zhukov. There are 41 branches in the RSSU structure, more than 100 thousand students from all over the country receive education in 109 speci alties, more than 25 thousand of them study in Moscow. About 5,000 teachers teach at RSSU.
Socialite and one of the we althiest rectors of Russia
The heroine of our article loves to attend social events and presentations. Her inner circle of acquaintances are well-known people, for example, such as Bazhena Rynska, Sergey Parkhomenko and Evgenia Albats. In addition, she devotes a lot of time to riding a sports bike.
Pochinok Natalya was also on the list of the we althiest rectors. A rating of rectors whose income exceeds 10 million rubles a year was compiled. According to this indicator, it occupies the third place in this list out of 47 possible. Income for the year - 41 million rubles. According to her, the monthly salary is about 200 thousand rubles, however, according to her, the declaration most likely also included sales from real estate or salary from previous jobs.
Natalya Pochinok, whose personal life, career and biography were discussed in this article, has achieved some success in different areas of life, and in completely different ones. This speaks to her versatile personality as well as her ambitious nature. An important role in the development of her career and professional growth was also played by her famous husband Alexander Pochinok, who helped his wife in every possible way.