In an era of rapidly developing progress, our great power, more than ever, needs young and talented leaders who are able to form and lead entire teams of followers working in various fields of science, economics and business. They must be purposeful, honest and willing to work for the good of their country. It's time to set high goals for yourself and strive for them with all your might. This is a time not only of new technologies, but also of new tasks, at first glance, difficult and unattainable. But with hard work and faith in victory, any task is solved. Know that nothing is impossible. So, dreams do come true! And this is not just a pathetic phrase calling for no one knows what. Because today there is a real opportunity to realize the most daring aspirations of those who wish to use their talents for the good of the country.
Cry thrown
Just recently, the first news about the All-Russian competition "Leaders of Russia", which officially started on October 11 of this (2017) year, thundered. At the initiative of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Higher School of Public Administration of the RANEPA,a call to all corners of Russia for ambitious and purposeful people with leadership experience.

Among them, it is planned to find the most competent and promising managers, true leaders capable of promoting and developing our country in most key areas in the near future. In other words, identifying the best of the best leaders is the main goal of the Leaders of Russia competition. This unprecedented event is taking place for the first time in the history of our country, and therefore it is quite worthy to be called historical.
"Leaders of Russia". The essence of the competition
As First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergei Kiriyenko said, the launch of such a project is the implementation of a direct recommendation of the head of state.

The main goal of the "Leaders of Russia" competition is not only to select winners who are able to further participate in the government of the country, but also to support, develop and train new personnel, in this case in the field of leadership, who already have a direct attitude towards management. But the main quality of the participants is their readiness and desire for higher achievements, their readiness to do more than they have done up to this point. After all, even participation in an event of this magnitude will require each contestant to concentrate on winning and make every effort for a he althy rivalry.
What is the reward for the winners
Any competition inincluding the competition "Leaders of Russia" in 2017 implies not only the goals of the organizers, but also an award to those who prove themselves so well that they stand out from the huge crowd of talented contestants. What privileges for the participants does the victory imply? Is it necessary to register for the Leaders of Russia contest? It must be said right away that three hundred finalists will receive grants in the amount of one million rubles each for training in a personally chosen program. And that in itself is great! But the tastiest part of the pie awaits the winners. They will have a unique opportunity to learn from significant figures of the state, such as the head of the presidential administration Anton Vaino, his first assistant Sergei Kiriyenko, first vice-premier Igor Shuvalov, ministers Sergei Shoigu, Anton Siluanov and other well-known personalities of the state. Subsequently, those who have completed the training will have prestigious jobs in the presidential administration and major state corporations.

Who can enter the contest
The idea of the project was conceived at the end of last year. And now, after almost twelve months, it has become a reality for many thousands of participants in the Leaders of Russia 2017 contest. Any citizen of the Russian Federation, regardless of their field of activity, can apply for participation. He must be no older than 50 years. The main conditions for candidates is to have experience in leadership positions for at least five years, if the participant falls within the age range from 35 to 50 years. Foryoung people who have not yet reached 35, there are some more lightweight criteria. Two years of leadership experience is enough for them.

At the moment, out of almost two hundred thousand who dared to apply, the "Leaders of Russia" contest has already weeded out most of the applicants at the first stages of online testing. Thirteen thousand worthy ones remained. However, even among them, few will be among the winners.
Main stages of selection of winners
Let's try to figure out on what basis, after all, the selection of winners will take place from thousands of ordinary participants who dream of climbing the career ladder. The entire competition is divided into several stages.
The first stage of the "Leaders of Russia" competition is the registration of participants, which involves the indication of personal data and a description of their leadership experience in any manual. At the moment, the first stage has already been completed, because it was scheduled for the period from October 11 to November 6.
The next step is remote selection. Persons who have timely registered for the Leaders of Russia contest are allowed to attend. From November 10 to 22, an online test is being held to identify the intellectual data and potential management abilities of the contestants. After processing all the tests and making decisions, each participant will be sent personal comments based on the results of the tests of the "Leaders of Russia" contest.

Some statistics
For fans of the purely mathematical aspect of the event, we consider it our duty to acquaint readers with somewhat boring figures, which express the percentage of the country's regions of the number of those brave people who decided to apply for the "Leaders of Russia" contest. In the North-Western region, St. Petersburg occupies the first place - 53.6% of registrations. The Leningrad region takes 13.6%, and the Kaliningrad region - 6.3% In the Siberian Federal District, the Novosibirsk region won - 22%. And in the Southern District, the championship is shared by the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region. In the Urals, the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions are leading. And in the North Caucasus, the Stavropol region is breaking ahead, gaining as much as 45.9%. Such unexpected activity of future managers could not but please the current authorities, who give an opportunity to almost anyone who wants to take part in the "Leaders of Russia" contest.

Some online testing details
According to the latest data, after the first qualifying round, out of more than one hundred and eighty thousand participants, a little less than thirteen thousand remained. And such hard screening is an absolute regularity. This is exactly what one of the participants in the online testing, Alexander Shigapova, thought. In her feedback on the "Leaders of Russia" contest, she reports that the questions were so difficult that they were too tough for most of the registered participants.
In confirmation of her words, the press secretary of the project, Maria Blokhina, reports that questionsfor tests were compiled by the best experts in the country. The contestants tested their knowledge in the fields of economics, culture, the Constitution, as well as the history of Russia, literature and geography. And, I must admit that it was still only the first stage of the tests of the "Leaders of Russia" contest. At the second stage, the participants were tested for the presence of developed arithmetic and cognitive abilities. In other words, would-be managers were tested to quickly identify the essence of the issue.
And the third stage of testing will determine how skillfully the contestants behave in management, with what efficiency their leadership qualities are manifested. For the greatest honesty and the complete elimination of the manipulation of results, all tests are checked by machines.
Opinion of mentors
At the end of the last stage of testing of the All-Russian competition "Leaders of Russia", the results of which can be found on November 22 after their official publication, all participants will receive letters with comments directly on the results of the exam. In this regard, the Vzglyad newspaper asked several questions to Sergei Nedoroslev, co-chairman of Delovaya Rossiya, who is also one of the mentors of the Leaders of Russia competition. Nedoroslev's comments about the complexity of the tests coincided with the opinion of many project participants. He stressed that the public interest in the competition turned out to be much greater than its organizers expected. After all, at first it was calculated that there would be no more than 15 thousand people wishing to try their hand at management. Other mentors and colleagues of Sergei Nedoroslev thought the same way. But onIn fact, there were dozens of times more participants, and this only fueled the interest of the press and the public in the project and emphasized the need for it.
What awaits test takers
According to official data, about 2,400 contestants will be admitted to the semi-finals, who will be selected directly based on the results of online testing. Each federal district will have 300 people. It is planned to hold face-to-face meetings with them in all eight federal districts. And to prevent deception, some elements of the tests of the "Leaders of Russia" competition will be included in face-to-face interviews. In other words, the contestants will have to re-answer some test questions in order to prove that they solved them online without outside help. The semi-final is scheduled for December this year.

From the region to the capital
So, online testing is not finished yet. It will last until November 22. But surely most of the participants who have passed two rounds of the test survey are already dreaming that they will enter the three hundred final winners. However, even three hundred champions is not the end of the competition. After all, the only thing that will determine the best of them is the final meeting in Moscow, which will take place around February 2018. There, in the capital, the last test for true leaders will take place, and only one third of the finalists will ascend to the top of Olympus.
Contest "Leaders of Russia". Reviews
During the competition, the participants of the competition formed their own narrow opinionabout the project. And everyone's opinion was formed on the basis of personal impressions from the past stages of testing. On the example of several reviews of the "Leaders of Russia" contest, this is quite clearly visible. One of the testees says that anyone who wants to test their knowledge and abilities should definitely participate in the project. Another contestant simply hopes to make a major change in his life and deeply believes that he will succeed. There are those who openly express their dissatisfaction, calling the statement about the possibility of participation in the "Leaders of Russia" of anyone who wants to be an outright lie. And since they themselves took part in the competition, they bring a number of good arguments to support their words. But as you know, how many people, so many opinions. Therefore, you should never trust the words of people who are too joyful and too offended. After all, some of their speeches may turn out to be far-fetched, but the truth, most likely, lies somewhere in the middle. Therefore, we look forward to the continuation of the competition and especially its completion.