How to get rid of the smell of meat? Effective Ways

How to get rid of the smell of meat? Effective Ways
How to get rid of the smell of meat? Effective Ways

No matter how good the hostess is, but anyone can have a similar trouble - in the kitchen and in the refrigerator there is an unpleasant smell of beef or pork. How to get rid of meat smell?

First, you need to inspect the refrigerator and freezer, find the spoiled product and carefully examine it. Perhaps the situation can be improved. For example, in the refrigerator there is simply old meat. How to get rid of the smell?


how to get rid of meat smell
how to get rid of meat smell

If the meat is not rotten, but just old and smelly, you can try to cook it after processing it. If the process of decay has just begun, the product can still be saved. There are several ways to get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat:

- you can pickle the product in red wine by adding various strong-smelling spices - thyme, rosemary, dill, basil;

- mustard beats off any smells well. You can coat a piece of meat with it, leaving it like that for a couple of hours;

- also perfectly eliminates the smell of garlic. They can rub meat;

- remarkably help to eliminate the unpleasant smell of strong meatsaline or pomegranate juice;

- you can soak the product in milk for a couple of hours, repeating the procedure once or twice;

- cold chamomile decoction with a pinch of sugar. You need to put old meat in it for half an hour. This procedure will help eliminate the smell.

After using all the marinades, the meat should be thoroughly washed in cold water and deep fried. However, if the product is hopelessly damaged, it is better not to risk it. After all, heat treatment in this case will not help. Meat, as a perishable product, is subjected to the rapid destructive action of putrefactive bacteria. Spoiled, of course, is not good for consumption.

If the smell is on the dishes…

Now let's talk about how to get rid of the smell of meat on a cutting board or knife? To do this, treat them with hot water with detergents or soda. Dishwasher does an excellent job of eliminating unpleasant odors.

If the smell in the refrigerator…

How to get rid of the smell of meat that has been absorbed in the refrigerator?

A simple remedy that quickly gets rid of any unappetizing odors in the refrigerator works well. It is necessary to put a saucer inside either with sliced lemon or orange slices, or with coffee beans and freshly ground coffee. Simple baking soda works well for odors. It is placed in an open container in the refrigerator for several days. It absorbs all foreign flavors. You can buy special napkins in the store that absorb odors and put them in the refrigerator.

rotten meat how to get rid of the smell
rotten meat how to get rid of the smell

More efficient ways

If these remedies did not bring results, we must move on to more serious measures.

First you need to turn off the refrigerator. Then wash it. There are several great proven ways to effectively remove odors:

- a solution of any detergent that is used in the kitchen;

- solution of lemon juice in water in a ratio of 1:1;

- soda solution - prepared from a couple of tablespoons of soda and a liter of warm water.

how to get rid of bad meat smell
how to get rid of bad meat smell

The empty refrigerator is thoroughly washed with any of the above solutions, the walls are wiped dry. Only after that the device can be connected to the network and filled with products.

Everything seems to be done right, but an unpleasant aroma is still in the air. How to get rid of the smell of rotten meat quickly?

Lemon (peel and juice) will help

Probably, the product has deteriorated badly and completely soaked the inside of the refrigerator with its smell. So, it is worth using potent means. One is to make a solution out of the juice and peel of one lemon and water. This solution must be warmed up and kept warm in the refrigerator.

how to get rid of the smell of rotten meat
how to get rid of the smell of rotten meat

After that, the device closes for five to ten minutes. During this time, plaque on the walls, particles of dried food, and possibly rotten meat, which emit a stench, begin to soften. Then gentlywashed with saline solution. To enhance the effect, you can wipe the already dry walls of the refrigerator with dry soda sprinkled on a sponge.


If the meat is rotten, how to get rid of the smell? A solution of ammonia also helps a lot. It not only acts on aromas, but also destroys bacteria. It only takes a few drops of ammonia per liter of water to clean the refrigerator. However, then it must be ventilated for 24 hours, it cannot be filled with food and the doors cannot be closed.

Perhaps you should carefully review all the products from the refrigerator and freezer. After all, food without packaging could absorb the smell of spoiled meat, bacteria could start in it.

The refrigerator should be washed twice a month. Then the question of how to get rid of the smell of rotten meat or any other unpleasant smell will not stand.

Washing the sink

Everything is done - the refrigerator is washed, the food is sorted out, but the unpleasant smell still hovers in the kitchen. Probably, the meat gave off a smell while it was defrosting in the sink, bloody liquid was in the siphon of the glass, and now the sink is the source of this fetid odor. How to get rid of the smell of rotten meat in the sink? Pour a glass of soda into the sink and pour a large amount of boiling water - 3-5 liters. A chemical reaction will take place. Adhering particles of fat will move away from the walls of the sewer pipe, and the meat smell will go away. Then rinse the sink with hot water.

Get rid of the smell in the room

How to get rid of the smell of meat? You need to do some serious cleaning. Need to wash the floor with a disinfectantdetergent containing chlorine. After washing, the kitchen must be thoroughly ventilated. The walls of the furniture also need to be wiped down. For this, any dishwashing detergent diluted in water is suitable. After all, fat settles on the walls, and it absorbs odors. Clean furniture surfaces will help you get rid of unpleasant odors faster.

Microwave smell

how to get rid of rotten meat smell
how to get rid of rotten meat smell

It happens that the unappetizing smell of meat comes from the microwave. It probably hasn't been washed in a long time. A large number of food particles have accumulated in it, which gradually rot, creating a persistent unpleasant odor. Therefore, the microwave must be washed using the same products as for the refrigerator. Then a chopped lemon is placed in a clean device, a container of water is placed, the stove is turned on for three minutes. In order to avoid problems with odors in the microwave in the future, it is better to use a special plastic cap when heating food.

old meat how to get rid of the smell
old meat how to get rid of the smell


Now you know what to do if the meat is rotten. How to get rid of the smell? It is quite simple, using the detergents or improvised means available to any hostess. However, it is better not to bring the matter to a disaster with meat products, but to monitor the condition of the products in the refrigerator and freezer in a timely manner.
