Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin is a great Russian poet, whose works are known to every person. His work touched and still touches absolutely everyone who is familiar with his works. This man literally conquered the public and made a huge contribution to Russian literature. It is impossible to forget him. Many people love and remember the great poet, more and more often they want to honor his memory. All of them are interested in the question of where Yesenin is buried. Despite the fact that the poet is famous and popular, many of his fans still do not know the answer to this question.
Years of the poet's studies
Sergey Yesenin is one of the most talented and famous Russian poets, whose work could not leave readers indifferent. His fans are concerned about the question of where Yesenin is buried, because many of them love, remember the great poet and therefore want to honor his memory.
The great poet Sergei Yesenin was born on September 21, 1895 in the villageKonstantinovo, Kuzminskaya volost, Ryazan district, Ryazan province.
In 1904, Sergei began to study at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, after which he entered the parochial second-class teacher's school.
The great poet was able to conquer a huge number of people with his work, but some of them do not know where Yesenin is buried.

The poet's move to Moscow
In 1912, Yesenin decided to leave home, after which he left for Moscow. There he got a job in a butcher's shop, and after that he began to work in a printing house.
Already in 1914, the first works of the future great poet were published. The following year, Yesenin left for Petrograd, where he read the first poems by A. A. Block, S. M. Gorodetsky and other famous poets and writers.
He became very close to the "new peasant poets", after which in 1916 he published his first collection called "Radunitsa". Thanks to them, Sergei Yesenin gained dizzying popularity.
Fans of the poet's work are often interested in where Yesenin is buried. In what city is the tomb of the great poet? The answer to this question wants to know a huge number of people in order to honor his memory.

The Imagist group and Yesenin's participation in it
Later Sergei met Anatoly Mariengof, after which he became an active member of the Imagist group.
In 1921 the great poet met Isadora Duncan. He married this womansix months later. However, it is worth saying that their marriage fell apart after a short period of time after their return from abroad.
Sergey Yesenin often began to have disagreements with Anatoly Mariengof, after which the poet decided to stop participating in the Imagist group. After that, numerous accusations of the poet in antisocial behavior began to appear in many newspapers: drunkenness, debauchery, fights, etc. It is worth saying that Yesenin himself gave rise to such gossip and rumors, since in the last years of his life the great poet similar behavior has been observed.
Sergey Yesenin is the greatest Russian poet, whom a huge number of readers love and remember. However, most fans still do not know where Yesenin was buried after his death.

Criminal cases against Yesenin
Later, several criminal cases were opened against Sergei, which most often concerned charges of hooliganism. It is also important that a criminal case called “The Case of Four Poets” was connected with the accusation of poets in anti-Semitic statements.
Despite the fact that the poet had a scandalous and controversial reputation, a huge number of his fans are interested in where Yesenin is buried.

Esenin's treatment in a neuropsychiatric clinic
It is worth noting that the Soviet government was worried about the psychological state of the great poet and his he alth in general. Already in 1925, with the director of the psycho-neurological clinic aboutSophia Tolstaya agreed to the hospitalization of Sergei Yesenin. She was not indifferent to the physical as well as the moral he alth of the poet. Yesenin stayed in the clinic for a month, after which he went to Leningrad, having removed almost all his savings from his savings book. In this city, the poet spent his last years of life. It is worth saying that there is still a huge amount of information on the Internet about the burial place of Sergei, so many of his fans are wondering where Yesenin was buried.
Cause of death of the great poet Sergei Yesenin
Sergey Yesenin is a great Russian poet, whose work will not leave anyone indifferent. His works make the reader feel the gamut of emotions that leave an impression forever. Yesenin's poems make you think about important things for everyone. All readers love and remember the poet, so they are interested in the cause of his death, as well as where Sergei Yesenin is buried.
Sergey Yesenin died in Leningrad at the Angleterre Hotel. This sad event happened on December 28, 1925. It is worth noting that the last poem of the poet was called "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye." It was handed over to Wolf Erlich shortly before Yesenin's death. The poet complained to Wolf that there was no ink in his number, and therefore he had to write this poem in blood.
According to the generally accepted version, in the last days of his life after treatment at the clinic, Yesenin was in a deep depression and hanged himself in his room. However, there is another version that says that he did not commit suicide. ATIn 1970, an opinion arose about the murder of Sergei Yesenin with a staged suicide. It is worth saying that this version is considered untrue, unconvincing and simply fictional. The mystery of the death of Sergei Yesenin still remains unsolved.

Where is the great poet buried?
The work of Sergei Yesenin is still admired by a huge number of fans. Probably, it is precisely in connection with his fame and popularity on the Internet that there is a huge amount of false information about where Yesenin is buried. In which cemetery can you honor the memory of your favorite poet?
As is already known, the poet spent the last days of his life in Leningrad. After that, the body of Sergei Yesenin was taken to Moscow by train. The poet was buried on December 31, 1925 at the Vagankovsky cemetery. Every fan who wants to honor the memory of the great poet can come to the cemetery where Yesenin is buried and remember the great Russian poet.

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin is the greatest Russian poet, whose work has been admired by more than one generation. A huge number of people are interested in his biography, and all schoolchildren study the poet's poems. Many still do not believe that Sergei could have committed suicide, but Yesenin cannot be returned. It remains only to love, mourn and remember the greatest Russian poet of the last century.