Johnson Dwayne: "The tattoos on my body have a sacred meaning"

Johnson Dwayne: "The tattoos on my body have a sacred meaning"
Johnson Dwayne: "The tattoos on my body have a sacred meaning"

Johnson Dwayne is known throughout the world as a talented actor and professional athlete. Even today, many film critics compare him with Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone. The two-meter Johnson is often called the Rock, but, according to colleagues and friends, in life he is a completely peaceful, intelligent person and does not really like his nickname. Even more colorful appearance of this actor is made by tattoos that draw attention to the embossed body. Johnson Dwayne himself loves his tattoos and talks about them with pleasure.

Tattoo is not only decoration

dwayne johnson tattoo
dwayne johnson tattoo

Dwayne's large arm, chest and back design is in traditional Polynesian style. Such images are applied to the body not for decorative purposes, but as a talisman. A knowledgeable person is able to learn a lot about the past part of the carrier’s life from this pattern and understand what he dreams about and what he strives for in the future. Remarkably, the application of such tattoos is a separate ritual. Johnson Dwayne tattoo shows and cryptically says that forits application required 3 sessions of approximately 20 hours each. The actor does not name the master, but confirms that the drawing really has a deep meaning and significance.

Decoding the Polynesian ornament

dwayne johnson tattoo sketch
dwayne johnson tattoo sketch

Sacred wearable images are a graphic display of the fate and plans for the future of a person. A striking example of this is Dwayne Johnson's tattoo. The sketch is usually developed together with the master during unhurried conversations. The client continues to talk about himself during the tattooing ritual. Each symbol, pattern and even the smallest dash tells about a certain event or human thought. Duane can see sacred stones that give the owner self-confidence and strengthen self-esteem. Nearby is a tortoise shell - like a shield from evil spirits. There are in this complex ornament both the eyes of the ancestors, demonstrating attachment to the roots, and one large eye, which allows you to defeat enemies. Johnson Dwayne tattoo chose in the historical Polynesian tradition. It depicts his family and times of life, as well as all kinds of protective symbols and signs that attract good luck.

Johnson Dwayne's second tattoo

dwayne johnson tattoo sketch
dwayne johnson tattoo sketch

On the second hand of the actor, as if in contrast to the Polynesian ornament, a bull's head is depicted in a small size. A small drawing made in black paint also has a special meaning. This is a picture of the sign Duane was born under. Zodiac tattoos strengthen the connection of a person with space and allowthe owner to reveal the inner potential. Johnson Dwayne tattoo loves and is proud of the images already present on his body. To the provocative question of journalists: “Do you plan to decorate your body further?” - the actor usually does not say anything concrete. And this is another reason to especially closely follow the career of Johnson Dwayne and try not to miss new films with his participation.
