Interesting traditions of the Belarusian people

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Interesting traditions of the Belarusian people
Interesting traditions of the Belarusian people

Video: Interesting traditions of the Belarusian people

Video: Interesting traditions of the Belarusian people
Video: Tradition Culture and Religion of people of Belarus 2024, July

Belarusian culture is one of the oldest European cultures. The traditions and customs of the Belarusian people have been preserved by such holidays as Kolyada, Kupalle, Shrovetide, Dozhinki. In each of them, elements of ancient religions are noticeable.

The traditions of the Belarusian people are rooted far into the past. Here the paganism of the ancient ancestors is closely intertwined with the Christian belief. This is clearly represented in interesting traditions and holidays.

Dozhinka's Holiday

Traditions and customs of the Belarusian people
Traditions and customs of the Belarusian people

The culture and traditions of the Belarusian people are a reflection of the life of ordinary people. The culture of Belarusians is strongly connected with the land. One of such manifestations is the Dozhinka holiday. It is carried out at the end of sowing work. Belarus has quite fertile regions rich in crops. This ancient custom is known to all peoples who are connected with agriculture. The holiday turned out to be so popular that no wars could kill it. The people have kept it for many centuries. In Russia, this beautiful tradition is reflected in the annual Sabantuy holiday. It selects the best workers and gives them gifts.

Kupala Holiday

Interesting Belarusian traditionspeople
Interesting Belarusian traditionspeople

It's Ivan Kupala Day. It is believed that unusual things happen: animals begin to talk, trees come to life, and in rivers and lakes you can watch mermaids swim. The day is filled with many stories. And no one can figure out what is true and what is false. Held from the sixth to the seventh of July. This holiday is the most ancient of customs. He has pagan roots.

Our great-grandfathers associated Kupalle with sun worship. "Kupalo" - means a hot, bright creature, seething with anger. In ancient times, the people thanked the fire, water, earth on the Kupala night. According to custom, young people jumped over the fire. Thus was the rite of purification. Paganism and Christianity after the adoption of the Christian belief became closely connected. It was believed that it was on the day of the summer solstice that John the Baptist was born. And the word "kupalo" came from the word "bath", since baptism was carried out in water. There is a legend that it was on this night that everything that seemed in a dream became a reality. The souls of the dead came to life in the form of mermaids bathing in the river. They could be seen in clear water.

One of the rituals on the Kupala night was the search for a fern. It was he who, according to custom, had the key to everything that happened. The owner of this flower understood the speech of animals and birds, looked at the mermaids and watched the trees move from place to place. This plant is not the only flower worshiped by our great-grandfathers. At that time, it was believed that all flowers were endowed with incredible healing powers. Women and children collected various herbs, illuminated them in the church and were treated with them for a whole year. ATThis holiday was held another rite - cleansing with water. If you swim on this night, then you will feel clean all year, as the legend said. In the morning after the holiday, everyone rode in the dew. The people believed that dew would give everyone good he alth and strength. The Kupalle holiday was celebrated by the whole village, it was not allowed to sleep that night.


Traditions of the Belarusian people
Traditions of the Belarusian people

This holiday among Belarusians was the most beautiful among winter ones. At first it was held from December 25 to January 6. With the adoption of Christianity, this holiday was moved to the birthday of Christ. Christmas time lasted from January 6 to January 19. According to pagan belief, "kolyada" came from the word "kolo", that is, the sun. This refers to the day of the winter solstice and the gradual increase in the day. Also "kol-yada" means "circular food". The people gather in a large company and look into every yard with songs and dances. For this they were thanked with delicious food. Then people gather in one place and treat each other with the collected dishes. Carols are a special custom. They prepared for its celebration in advance, washed themselves well in the bathhouse, cleaned the house, embroidered new clothes. On this day, the people were pure in soul and body. In our time, they carol from 7 to 8 January. These traditions of the Belarusian people are more related to the draw. They dress up in various outfits and go to visit relatives.

Feast of Gukanne vyasny

Culture and traditions of the Belarusian people
Culture and traditions of the Belarusian people

This is the most cheerful and joyful of all holidays. This is how Belarusians call farewell to winter. It was necessary to spend the winter beautifully andmeet the beautiful spring. This custom has its pagan roots deep in antiquity. People are calling for spring to hasten its coming. The festival takes place in early April. The stork is the most important bird on it. People make them from dough, from paper, from cardboard. Trees are decorated with birds. All the birds in the area flocked to this meal from the dough. Thus, birds carry spring with them on their wings. There was a belief: on whose house more birds sit, that house will be the happiest. The people had fun that day, they danced, sang, danced round dances.

Belarusian wedding

It is similar to the weddings of other peoples of the East Slavic tribes. The wedding begins with the matchmaking. Matchmakers from the groom's relatives come to woo the bride's parents. All guests are seated at the table and start a conversation, asking for a hand and heart. At the end of the conversation, the parents agree or refuse. Then they hold a show. The bride's parents inspect the groom's house, where the future wife will live. Next, the matchmaker and godfather agree on the dowry and the date of the wedding. The bride gives gifts to future relatives, this custom is called zaruchiny. If someone is against marriage, then he pays all the expenses. Then they had a bachelorette party. Wreaths were woven, young girls danced and sang. Finally, the groom's friends take the bride home and the wedding celebration begins.

Culture and traditions of the Belarusian people
Culture and traditions of the Belarusian people

Belarusians are an open and hospitable nation. Interesting traditions of the Belarusian people have been preserved to this day. This makes communication with them extremely pleasant and easy.
