Cool sayings about life

Cool sayings about life
Cool sayings about life

Everyone thinks about his life. Sometimes you need to make the right choice, sometimes you need to realize and correct mistakes, or even take stock. Surely at such moments, quotes and aphorisms come to mind that accurately express the thought. The feast is not complete without them, they sound at weddings and funerals. They concern us all.

The meaning of life

Usually, growing up, a young man dreams about the future: who he will become, where he will live, what place he will take in society. Discusses it with friends, keeping funny sayings in his heart.

A Russian proverb says: a person who lives for himself smolders, who lives for his family burns, and who tries to live for people shines brightly. Plato is sure: living for the happiness of others, you can find your own happiness.

When choosing a life path, it is important not to copy someone's life: parents, idols or friends. To make standard decisions in such a matter is to lose oneself. Leonid Martynov calls to break stereotypes: long live the road-seekers, it's hard just to cross the threshold.

Bulat Okudzhava complains: it's a pity that we are still happy to create an idol for ourselves and bow to him, considering ourselves his serf.

Friedrichvon Logau warns of constant work on oneself in order to achieve the goal: the most difficult thing is to conquer oneself. Laziness, cowardice, cowardice - the enemies sitting inside. Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach adds: Be the servant of conscience and master of the will.

Georg Hegel advises: the path to perfection is endless. Whoever thinks he has achieved it has killed his personality.

Connection of two hearts

Lovers react very sensitively to everything: they are attracted by beautiful speech, cool sayings about family, about love. Many couples have their own song that expresses their feelings.

They all share the thoughts of Vincent van Gogh, who considered it a sin and immorality to live without love.

funny sayings
funny sayings

It's okay if a man does not say beautiful words. Perhaps he agrees with William Shakespeare, who did not compose laudatory odes, considering praising his beloved before other tricks worthy of a merchant.

Finding love is not enough, it is more important to keep it. Guy de Maupassant, quoting the Song of Songs, compared the strength of love with death, and fragility with glass.

True love can take it all. Although a person is gentle like a flower, he is stronger than a stone, says a Tajik proverb.

Declining years

Cool sayings about life can be heard from old people. The sage Omar Khayyam gave a rule: it is better to starve alone than to eat anything with no one knows who.

The golden rule is given by Jesus Christ: in everything do to people as you want them to do to you. Do not bend under blows, love life and hope for the best - this isthe key to happiness, - considered B. Disraeli, - and sooner or later what you are waiting for will come.

Smile gives us the extension of the century; and anger makes a person old (Folk wisdom).

The old people know for sure: when you live in the past, you borrow from the future (Vladimir Lebedev). Folk wisdom warns: while we scold our life, it passes.

funny sayings about life
funny sayings about life

Grievances and forgiveness

Mahatma Gandhi once said that the principle of "an eye for an eye" will leave the whole world blind. Indeed, people constantly offend each other. Sometimes they do it by accident. No reason to be offended by misunderstandings or stupidity.

François de La Rochefoucauld explains: small offenses befall a small mind, a big mind is not offended.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky always formulates cool sayings and comforts: it's better for people to laugh at you than cry. In fact, as long as he is alive, everything is not a problem. Miguel de Cervantes compares the word to a weapon, referring to thoughtless speech as indiscriminate shooting. William Shakespeare agrees: a sharp word that marks clothes would make everyone walk around dirty.

And Voltaire sums it up: weakness on both sides is a feature of all quarrels.


When real friends gather at the table, they can't talk enough. Every now and then jokes, anecdotes, funny sayings about everything in the world sound. This is understandable, they communicate from heart to heart, without any tension. Shota Rustaveli says: whoever does not seek friends is his own enemy.

funny sayings with meaning
funny sayings with meaning

Work, children, spouses, relatives, hobbies are discussed among friends. And there is a catchphrase for every topic. And if something did not work out, someone will simply say: ce la vie. And they will immediately understand him.

And everyone will agree with Indian wisdom: the highest pleasure and a worthy way of life is to be in joy, to love friends and to be loved yourself (Panchatantra).

Sometimes we do not notice that we use funny sayings with meaning in our speech. And only by the reaction of the interlocutor we understand - well said! They become part of our personality, they are exchanged during conversation. It is difficult to search for such pearls, but they find us themselves.

Usually people of the same circle quote similar aphorisms taken from books, films and folklore. The more pleasant the speech of the interlocutor becomes, they give it colors. Whether our speech will be decorated with wise sayings, sprinkled with funny sayings or quotes from books - everyone decides for himself. But one thing can be said: this is what will be the real Russian language.
