Chain-tailed monkey: description, species, habitat

Chain-tailed monkey: description, species, habitat
Chain-tailed monkey: description, species, habitat

Recently, more and more interest of animal lovers is attracted by representatives of the wild. Previously, acquaintance with them was limited to going to the zoo and watching everyone's favorite program "In the Animal World". Now, slowly but surely, the fashion for keeping an unusual animal as a pet comes to us. Fans of the exotic, but at the same time connoisseurs of their own safety, can turn their attention to the amazing representatives of the chain-tailed monkey family. A closer acquaintance with these wonderful animals will help to weigh the pros and cons and make a reasonable decision.

prehensile-tailed monkey
prehensile-tailed monkey

Meet the Capuchin

The family of these monkeys got its name for a reason. Their tail is equal to the length of the entire body, it is very flexible and mobile and allows them to cling to tree branches. They have a characteristic appearance: large dark eyes that are close-set. and a long tail.

The most recognizable species of such primates is the capuchin monkey. These monkeys are quite small in size - their growth reaches 50-60 centimeters, and their weight is not more than 5 kilograms. The Capuchins were named so because the color of their coat resembles the clothes of monks fromOrder of the Capuchins.

Capuchins are one of the smartest monkeys. They have always been easy to train and made contact with humans. Another nickname of the Capuchins, “organ grinder monkey”, suggests that even in ancient times, wandering artists used the cute appearance and amusing habits of tenacious primates in their performances.

Saimiri - species features

Besides the capuchin, another very popular representative of this family is the common squirrel monkey or saimiri. This species of chain-tailed primates is one of the most intelligent monkeys. And the proof of this is not only their behavior and habits, but also completely physiological “braininess”. The fact is that if a person's brain were the same size in relation to the body as a saimiri, it would weigh about 4 kg!

These monkeys have an outward resemblance to capuchins: they are just as pretty, with big intelligent eyes, graceful and with a long tail. But there are a number of differences, the main of which is the size: the chain-tailed saimiri monkey is very small, no more than one kilogram.

genus of American chain-tailed monkeys
genus of American chain-tailed monkeys

Where and how do monkeys live?

These primates need a tenacious tail to quickly move through the trees and be able to avoid danger in time. And this is due to their natural habitat. You can meet such animals in their natural environment in the dense forests of Central and South America. The place of their origin is Guiana, where the monkeys were originally found only along the banks of the rivers.

Genus of American chain-tailed monkeysprefers to gather in numerous flocks that number 100 individuals or more. Sometimes they change from dense tree forests to living in bushes, mainly near rivers or other bodies of water.

common squirrel monkey
common squirrel monkey

These monkeys are very smart, which means they are very shy: dangers lie in wait for small animals everywhere. This is reflected in their habitual way of life. Monkeys do all their business during the day, not for a minute without remaining motionless. But with the onset of darkness, the capuchin monkey and the saimiri climb to the tops of the tallest trees and palms. There they spend the night until morning, afraid to move.

Similar tastes to humans: food for prehensile tails

The diet of these little monkeys is dominated by plant foods. Due to their "arboreal" lifestyle, fruits are their main food.

Insects are also a nutritious delicacy in the natural environment: crickets, grasshoppers, various beetles. An alternative to this type of food at home can be meat or fish products, which the tenacious monkey will eat with pleasure.

If you want to give pleasure to this cute little animal and pamper him with delicious things, you should know that monkeys of this species are prone to diabetes. Therefore, foods high in sugar are contraindicated for them.

Is the character complex?

Keeping a little monkey at home is gaining popularity for a reason. In addition to being exotic, this animal can bring a lot of positive its owner.

saimiri monkey
saimiri monkey

Representatives of the tenacious family, such as capuchin or saimiri (common squirrel monkey), are friendly and good-natured. Their cute appearance and spontaneity are reminiscent of a small child. These monkeys, just like small children, very quickly move from sadness to joy and vice versa. Moreover, all emotions are reflected on their faces: in moments of sadness or fright, tears appear in their eyes, and joy is manifested by a stormy cry and gestures.

Do not forget about the trait inherent in all monkeys of this species - excessive fearfulness. If the animal lives in insufficiently comfortable conditions and is often frightened, then constant stress will lead to poor he alth and even death of the pet.

Should I have a monkey at home?

Before you decide on such an exotic pet as a chain-tailed monkey, you should know the following. A monkey is a wild animal, but very similar to a person. And she can suffer from human diseases, as well as act as their carrier. Therefore, the way to the house for the monkey lies only through the veterinarian's office. This will ensure the he alth of both the animal itself and the family in which it will live.

capuchin monkey
capuchin monkey

The placement of the monkey is of great importance. These animals need space, so they need an aviary or a large comfortable cage.

Finally, it is worth remembering that the little prehensile-tailed monkey is the same little mischievous child who needs to be constantly monitored so as not toharmed himself or property. Only a child can grow up and become more intelligent and independent, and the monkey must always be watched.

Wherever you happen to admire the amazingly cute and smart chain-tailed monkeys - at home, in a zoo or in a nature reserve, communicating with them will bring you a lot of positive emotions and a charge of positive.
