Pack ice is a unique natural phenomenon. It is observed only in the northernmost latitudes of the planet, in the Arctic region. Once upon a time, this term was applied to absolutely all drifting ice, but after conducting multiple studies, the packs were separated into a separate group. They have a number of properties that distinguish them from other types of ice. The definition of "multi-year ice" is synonymous, so it occurs with approximately the same frequency.

Features of pack ice
Arctic explorers, sailors and travelers who have ever been in the northern latitudes are well aware of what pack ice is. This phenomenon brings a lot of trouble to the conquerors of the north.
These ices drift in the ocean, their mass is huge, and the density is very high. An accidental collision can cause considerable damage to even the most modern ship. Pack ice differs from ordinary ice in its properties. According to experts, the pack is formed from sea water, its thickness exceeds 3 meters. It is denser than ordinary ice due to its extremely low s alt content.
Pack ice formation process

Ice is forming innorthern latitudes at low temperatures. When sea water freezes, a desalination process takes place, thawed water always has a salinity level lower than that of the original. This is a distinctive feature of packs that go through the process of freezing and thawing several times.
Sea water freezes, icebergs and large ice floes form. Subsequently, smaller ice floes detach from large ice massifs, many of which then turn into packs. They are not characterized by any common features in terms of forms. There are a wide variety of packs: from flat ice floes to huge boulders towering above the sea surface.
Researchers have found that pack ice goes through at least 2 annual cycles of freezing and freezing before setting sail. This is the reason for its high density and low salinity. The fact is that when the water thaws and refreezes, the s alt is melted into the ocean. Mariners know that the old pack ice is even suitable for obtaining fresh water on which to cook food.
Habitat area

Pack ice is common in the Arctic Ocean. In the South of the planet, in the region of Antarctica, they are not, therefore, they are not found in any other ocean. The high density and unpredictability of the drift trajectory can make it difficult for even the most powerful nuclear-powered icebreakers to move. It is for this reason that the popular route between the Bering Strait and Murmansk does not run through high latitudes (NorthernPole), but along the northern coast of the mainland. The high-latitude course is shorter by a third, but the movement of the pack ice makes it too difficult. Therefore, it is not used on a regular basis in transport communication. Of course, there are many ships that have passed this difficult course. Professionals know that it is possible to pass it, especially under the escort of an icebreaker. But there is no talk of regular flights yet.