If you hear the expression: "Goats in the trees in Morocco", you will probably think that this is complete nonsense. Let's deal with it!
What are goats doing in the trees?
Argan trees grow in Morocco, from the fruits of which a very expensive oil is made, but not everyone knows how this oil is made. The thing is that argan trees are very large and thorny, getting to their fruits is not so easy. Oddly enough, the goats that graze on these trees help the locals to harvest. Eating the fruits, they spit out the bones on the ground, and from there they are easily collected by the shepherds.
Goats in the trees - true or myth?
Of course, it's hard to believe this story the first time, and even when you look at the photos of Moroccan goats grazing in the trees, it seems like it's Photoshop.

But no! Goats in the trees in Morocco do exist, and this is not a myth. This is due to the fact that this country has an arid climate and a lack of green grass. At first glance, this is an amazing phenomenon that is impossible to believe. In fact, goats naturally have very good balance, acrobatic abilities and survivability. Even in such an arid climate, they have adapted to survive, to get food in such an unusual way. Shepherds drive the herd from one tree to another, and many tourists can see this unusual phenomenon, how several dozen goats jump through the trees.
How goats stay in trees
Goats in the trees in Morocco are not a myth. In the arid climate of this country, goats did not survive very easily and had to adapt to difficult conditions. You can find many revealing photographs showing how a goat grazes on steep mountain slopes and in other completely inappropriate places. It seems that they are barely balancing on their thin legs, but in fact they are not.

Unusual jumping ability is provided by an interesting and unusual structure of the legs, which are arranged differently from other ungulates. Their hooves are soft and rough, so they don't slip. Due to this, it is quite convenient for them to hold on and balance on thin branches of a tree and not fall from it. Not a myth, but a reality - goats in trees in Morocco, photos and videos of tourists prove it.
The argan tree grows up to 10 meters high and looks like a huge branchy bush with many small shoots. The keen eyesight that goats are endowed with allows them to see even imperceptible indentations and make a clear, even jump, accurately calculating the trajectory of their jump. No one has ever seen, for example, a mountain goat fall down the steep rocky slopes.
Actually goats in Morocco graze ontrees and feed on the fruits of the argan tree, not only because they are forced to do so by a lack of food, they also love these fruits very much.
Where can you find "flying goats"?
The fruits themselves look like small yellow plums and taste bitter, people do not eat them, but use the pit to make oil, which is widely used in medicine and medicinal purposes. It is added to cosmetics, used during massage, for the treatment of burns, scars, scars, lichen, urticaria, and various dermatoses. The oil itself is used for eating, but this depends on the degree of its purification. It is very expensive and rare, so that the shepherds who graze acrobatic goats and collect valuable bones receive income not only from he althy goat milk, but also from the sale of argan tree seeds. To prepare 1 liter of this oil, you need to collect fruits from 7 trees. The cost of finished oil can reach $400 per liter.

This tree grows in two countries - Mexico and Morocco. Not only goats, but also camels like to feast on their fruits. "Flying goats" in the trees in Morocco are most often found in the southwestern part of the country, many tourists come here to admire this spectacle and capture it.