Jerry Springer is known as a journalist and politician who worked with leading American politicians, including the brother of one of the US presidents, Robert Kennedy. But Springer only found out what real fame is in 1991, when the scandalous show he created was first presented to the American audience.
Trash talk show
The rare "Jerry Springer Show" does without a fight, and intellectual discussions, famously twisted around controversial issues, traditionally degenerate into "exchange of courtesies". The rules of the show are simple: its doors are allegedly always open for troubled families, as well as those on the verge of breaking up families. Only here people can discuss their problems and get free qualified advice from well-known specialists - psychologists, lawyers and doctors.

In fact, the program has long since moved into the category of so-called trash television talk shows that make a living by flaunting the most ungodly human passions, such as adultery, incest, pedophilia, racism and all sorts of resulting from all of the above.phobias.
For some unknown people, Jerry Springer and his show program have become a kind of springboard to fame. Thanks to the show, for example, the star of Dana Hana, an actress, producer and screenwriter, was lit. Hana appeared in 10 programs from 1991 to 2007.
Springer's new program, called ID Xtra, launched on April 1, 2014, is not intended to end The Show, but rather is an extension of it.
Biography of Jerry Springer
The birthday of the politician, producer, actor and TV presenter Jerry Springer is February 13, 1944, and his hometown is London (UK). Coming from a Jewish family that immigrated to Great Britain in search of salvation from the persecution of the SS, Jerry learned from childhood what persecution is. When the boy was five years old, his parents moved to the United States.

Springer's passion for political science was born under the influence of his inner circle: older family members always followed the events taking place on the world political arena with interest. The speeches of the famous Democrat John F. Kenedy made a special impression on the boy.
In 1965, when the years of study were over, the young bachelor Jerry Springer became seriously interested in politics and by 1967 he was already reaping the fruits of his labors: it was hard not to notice a highly intelligent, outstanding and excellent memory young man. The official biographers of Springer, describing the beginning of his career, mention the legal education received inprestigious university, as well as his work as an aide to Senator Robert F. Kennedy (President John F. Kennedy's brother).
Springer will be interested in the world of show business later. First, leaving politics, he will try on the image of an actor and producer - communication with representatives of this professional environment gave him the greatest pleasure.
Fly in the ointment

Jerry Springer's political biography ended as quickly as it began. According to unofficial sources, Springer's departure from politics was not part of his plans until quick paparazzi got hold of a check that Jerry allegedly handed over to the call girls himself.
Lightning-fast career advancement ended there, and the angry Springer, having retired to the world of television art, soon found a new use for himself - he started creating his own television show, the main topic of which was sexual scandals.
After playing about fifty roles in feature films (actor Jerry Springer often played himself) and shooting several dozen documentaries, Springer was nominated seven times for the Emmy Award (the most prestigious television award in America), after which he left the field of film actor, but not gone into oblivion.
For more than a quarter of a century, his show has been breaking all records of popularity, dozens of countries have acquired the right to rent it, and several million dollars annually settle in Jerry's accounts.
The Jerry Springer Show:restart
ID Xtra, also hosted by Jerry Springer, is dedicated to investigating the most sensational and provocative events that have ever taken place in the country, as well as reckless actions that led to fatal consequences. The heroes of the new show will be both famous US citizens and ordinary people.

The creators of ID Xtra consider their main task to satisfy the curiosity of the audience, regardless of gender and age. Each new program will be dedicated to one mysterious and tricky story based on events that took place in real life.
ID Xtra pays particular attention to the issues that worry modern women: the wrong choice of a lover, domestic crimes "hidden" behind radiant smiles and fake hospitality, unsolved murders committed in the middle of the last century, and so on.
"Windows" is an exact copy
The Russian talk show Okna, which in the early 2000s was the highest-rated television project, is considered an exact copy of the Jerry Springer show in Russian. Founded by Valery Komissarov and being an analogue of the American show, it was first demonstrated in 2002. The participants of the "Windows" were both specially invited celebrities and unknown people who passed the preliminary selection.

Let them talk
Another "clone" of the American showman, some critics calland the host of another Russian-language program - "Let them talk." The target audience of this talk show was representatives of low-paid professions, pensioners, as well as housewives and the unemployed. The age of male viewers who are interested in the topic “Let them talk” is from 45 years and above. As for women, the issues discussed by the program participants attracted the attention of the fair sex over 35.