Rashid Magomedov: fighter, champion and wonderful person

Rashid Magomedov: fighter, champion and wonderful person
Rashid Magomedov: fighter, champion and wonderful person

Rashid Magomedgadzhievich Magomedov "Highlander" is one of the best mixed martial arts fighters on the world stage, representing the Russian Federation. He is an example for a large number of young men of our time. Our hero is not only a first-class boxer and wrestler, but an excellent father and husband with a big heart and soul.

Before professional performances

The athlete himself comes from Dagestan, where he began his first sports steps. As a young man, he tried to have time to try himself in various types of martial arts, in which he certainly achieved success. So, the guy attended sections of karate, boxing and kickboxing. The priority for a young man has always been the desire to squeeze as much as possible from a particular sport.

in young age
in young age

While serving in the Russian armed forces, the "Highlander" excels in army hand-to-hand combat, which still forms the basis of the fighter's training camp. And in 2004, there is an opportunity to perform at the Russian Championship in ARB, inwhich he climbs to the first place of the pedestal. Young and thirsty for new triumphs, the Dagestani begins his journey in MMA.

Victory and first championship

The debut fight for Rashid Magomedov takes place in 2008, where he defeats Vladimir Vladimirov by technical knockout in the local organization of Ufa. The lifter shows his superior standing skill over his opponent by winning the first round. It took less time to send the next opponent into deep sleep.

The fighter gaining popularity could not be ignored by the major Russian promotion M-1. After signing the contract, he continues to smash his opponents one by one. The track record showed off from 8 victories, 5 of which do not reach the judicial decision. An extremely controversial fight is held in opposition to his compatriot by our hero, but the outcome must be determined by the panel of judges, which, unfortunately, prefers Magomedrasul Khasbulaev.

in M-1
in M-1

Such an insulting defeat did not break the morale of the Russian. He trains with great intensity, defeating one opponent after another. After a stunning series of successful fights, the management proposes a title battle with Yasubi Enomoto. At the end of the 25-minute felling, a new champion of the company was announced. Six months later, he confirms the status of the best warrior in his weight category. Receiving an offer from the Ultimate Fighting Championship, the Russian leaves the championship belt vacant.

Move to UFC

Dagestanis take a short break incareer due to the death of a coach. Having recovered mentally and physically, he fights with newcomer promotion Tony Martin. The American was inferior throughout the fight to our lightweight, after 3 rounds Rashid's unconditional victory was announced. Magomedov also defeated Rodrigo Damme, Gilbert Burns, and a colorful battle with Elias Silverio ended with an interesting record. The Brazilian had to withstand the onslaught for three seconds, after which the final gong would have sounded, but the referee in the octagon stopped him from being beaten by the Dagestani.

victories in ufs
victories in ufs

Followed by the defeat of Beneil Dariusz. In the next battle, the Russian closes an unfortunate failure, but the corporation's management refused to renew the contract. The lightweight now plays in the PFL federation, where he scored two wins and one draw.

A little bit about personal life

The wedding of Rashid Magomedov took place according to all the traditions and canons of the republic, and in September 2014 the first-born appeared. He is a happy family man who has a daughter. Currently lives in Makhachkala.

One heroic deed of the "Highlander" deserves attention. Driving in a car through his native republic with his friend, the athlete noticed that some eyewitness tried unsuccessfully to pull a little boy out of the overgrown mud of the river. Our hero immediately rushed to the aid of the drowning man. He pulled out a child barely showing signs of life, without waiting for the arrival of doctors, performed artificial respiration. The boy began to breathe, and the ambulance arrived in time to take him to the hospital.


Gratitude was expressed by the father of a 6-year-old child, who thanked both the fighter himself and his parents for the excellent upbringing. The athlete himself, having great modesty, says that any man in his place would have done the same. In the photo Rashid Magomedov with the rescued boy.
