A real family is a kingdom ruled by Love

A real family is a kingdom ruled by Love
A real family is a kingdom ruled by Love

So, it is generally accepted in the world that a normal family is necessarily married parents with children. Families with one parent automatically fall into the category of "inferior", "incomplete" or even "unfavorable" families. I will immediately put forward the opposite opinion.

family is
family is

The number of family members does not always mean its quality. A strong, happy, prosperous family is a small team where everyone is comfortable. And the presence of parents of both sexes is not at all an indicator of the quality of relationships within her.

Of course, it is extremely difficult for one father or mother who is raising a child on their own to give children a versatile upbringing. But it's quite affordable! There are many mothers who raised wonderful, courageous, selfless sons. Yes, and there are dads who helped their daughters grow up to be kind and gentle, wonderful housewives and caring mothers. Another question is what it cost them… But we are not talking about that now.

Many put forward the thesis that a normal, "real" family is a family,where there are children. Again a controversial judgment.

happy family is
happy family is

For many parents, having children is really a must in order to feel like a full-fledged family. But there are those who absolutely do not need children, they have a deep feeling for each other, their lives are filled with creativity, work, self-improvement. And even in old age, these two continue to love each other, support, empathize.

Does anyone have the right to condemn them for this? Moreover, not all families with children can boast of mutual understanding and calm friendliness in their small team.

young family is
young family is

There is another "myth" about family happiness that I would like to destroy. Most parents postulate that a happy family is only one where the children are absolutely he althy.

Of course, looking at the suffering of a loved one is not a test for weak souls. However, to enroll such families in the category of “unfortunate”, “unfortunate” is a huge delusion. I think what is more important is not the presence of any physical defect in one of the family members, but the attitude of everyone else towards this person as a person.

An example confirming my reasoning that there can be a happy family in which there are people with disabilities, as well as that the so-called "incomplete" family has the right to be called happy and even ideal, is the story about mother and son.

The boy was only 8 years old when his mother was paralyzed. She stopped walkingtalk, eat and dress independently. By that time, dad had already settled down safely somewhere, completely forgetting about both his ex-wife and his son.

Can his departure from the family be called a misfortune? Rather, it was a misfortune that his departure happened too late … Thus, from a "full-fledged" family with two parents, mother and son moved into the category of "incomplete families", "unsuccessful". However, they regarded it differently: only now they have settled happiness and joy, peace and love!

But the hardships of married life experienced, such as: beatings, sleepless nights, hard work for a penny that went to drink her alcoholic husband - reminded me of myself. Horror blotted out the world. Mom got sick. They wanted to take the boy to a shelter, separating him from his only relative.

The neighbor intervened. She took custody of the child. And the boy put all the worries about his mother on his shoulders. At the age of 9, the young man himself washes and feeds his mother with a spoon, takes her for a walk in his arms, puts her in a wheelchair, massages, talks and does not stop confessing his love to her and kissing her hands.

Family is a kingdom ruled by Love! Mom learned to stand, said the first phrase after a terrible day that divided life into “before” and “after”. These were the words: “I… love you……”

One correspondent found out about them, prepared a report. Television contributed to the fact that the whole country learned about the boy - a real hero, a Man with a capital letter, a courageous and unbending personality with a huge loving heart, with great fortitude. Today, influential people paid attention to them, momis preparing for an operation, which, according to the doctors, will definitely help her, as progress is evident.

This is the true family, the right family, the real family. And it doesn’t matter how many children there are in it, whether all parents are engaged in raising offspring, whether there is prosperity, whether everyone is he althy - this is a family, and not the notorious “cell” listed on paper.

And the last myth about what kind of family should be considered young. Today, age criteria have been introduced for benefits in obtaining housing for “young families”. You can only get on the waiting list until one of the spouses reaches 36 years of age. I think this is wrong.

A young family is a family that was formed no earlier than 8 years ago, without taking into account the ages of the spouses. Why exactly 8 and not 5 or 6?

Psychologists and sociologists say that married couples at the turn of 7 years most often break up. Therefore, during this period, they need special support from the outside, both material and psychological.

Everything I said is IMHO. But it has the right to exist, read and discuss.
