"If you love life, don't waste time - time is what life is made of." So much meaning in one sentence. This was the whole of Bruce Lee, who loved life so much, and left it so early. Legendary person. Man is history. A man who is still alive in the memory of more than one generation.
World legend - Bruce Lee
There is hardly a person today who does not know who Bruce Lee is. And this is not surprising. This is a man who can rightfully be called a legend of world kung fu.
It's been more than forty years since Bruce Lee's death, and his memory still lives on in books, films, and art.
His life was full of difficulties and obstacles, but his courage, incredible fortitude and wisdom not only made him a professional, but also raised the martial arts to a whole new level.
From an early age, he starred in films, professionally danced cha-cha-cha, participated in boxing competitions, but it was kung fu that fascinated him so much that he devoted his entire short life to it. Constantly improving skills and honing movements, Bruce Lee developedhis own kung fu technique called Jeet Kune Do.
What is known about the death of Bruce Lee?
Bruce Lee died in Hong Kong on July 20, 1973, at the age of 32. The circumstances of the death of the Grand Master are still a mystery and give rise to many rumors.
According to the official version, Bruce Lee died of cerebral edema caused by a headache medicine, which showed an autopsy. The whole world was shocked by this news, since no one could imagine that a person in such amazing physical shape, improving his body every day, could die like this.
At the time of his death, Bruce Lee was simultaneously working on The Game of Death and directing the fight scenes in Enter the Dragon, which was his last film and was released a few weeks after his death. And the film "The Game of Death" was released only five years after the death of the actor.
Bruce Lee is survived by his wife Linda Emery and two small children - son Brandon and daughter Shannon.
Bruce Lee's grave
Despite the huge popularity, information about where Bruce Lee is buried became known only recently.
The funeral of Bruce Lee had a huge scale, the entire Asian people mourned, mourning was declared. Thousands of fans gathered in Hong Kong to see him off.
But still, few people know where the grave of Bruce Lee is located. After parting with the actor in Hong Kong, the body of the master was transported to the United States, where his family and relatives said goodbye to him.

Bruce Leeburied in Seattle, Washington. Bruce Lee's grave is located in a place called Lake view cemetery, where to this day thousands of fans of his talent come to honor the memory of his talent, arriving in Seattle.
Lakeview Cemetery Address: 1601 15th Ave, Seattle, WA 98102.

Bruce Lee's grave is decorated with his portrait and a modest inscription - "Bruce Lee, November 27, 1940 - July 20, 1973, Founder of Jeet Kune Do."
The tombstone is made of red stone. Its foot is adorned with an open book - on one page of which is a yin-yang symbol, and on the other is the phrase - Your inspiration continues to guide us towards our personal liberation (translated from English: "Your inspiration continues to guide us towards our personal liberation"). This phrase is like words of gratitude to the master, who, even after his death, is a mentor for many who choose the path of martial arts for themselves.

In 1993, exactly 20 years after the death of Bruce Lee, another headstone appeared next to his grave. During the filming of The Crow, the son of the Great Master, actor Brandon Lee, tragically died. His career ended before it even began. Released only a year after the death of Brandon Lee, the film was a great success and brought the actor huge popularity posthumously.
Brandon Lee was buried next to his father, at the site originally reserved for Bruce Lee's wife.
As you can see in the photo, the graves of Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee are never empty, people bring flowers,fruits, leave coins and wreaths.

Memory of Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee left an indelible mark. And this is not surprising, because it was his philosophy. Bruce Lee was not only a martial artist, he was a true philosopher. In his arsenal there are many thoughts that can rightfully be called the mottos of life:
The key to immortality is to first live a life worth remembering

These words belong to the Grand Master, who confirmed their meaning by his own example. Immortal Bruce Lee… He is no longer alive, but his memory lives and will live for many years.