The largest construction companies in Russia: an overview

The largest construction companies in Russia: an overview
The largest construction companies in Russia: an overview

What could be more important for a country than its viability? Recently, a huge number of analysts are trying to compare the capabilities of our country and, for example, Western states. At the same time, Russia is striving with all its might to new heights and, despite sanctions and a number of restrictions, demonstrates its superiority to the whole world. One of the main advantages of our state is considered to be the construction industry, which is currently in a phase of intensive growth, not stopping in development even in the face of the financial crisis in the country. The largest construction companies in Russia showed very good results in the reporting results for the last year, and this already indicates that our Motherland, as always, is ahead!

large construction companies in Russia
large construction companies in Russia

Russia and its leaderboard

Construction in the development of our state occupies one of the most important places. Thanks to the newdevelopments in our country, the sphere of trade and business is actively developing, infrastructure is growing and cities are growing. Large construction companies in Russia this year, despite the financial collapse, were able to show amazing results. Indeed, for many analysts it was a big surprise that construction corporations did not stop even in the face of financial instability and continued to actively build up the country with retail space, residential complexes and, of course, new roads. One of the world's most popular analytical publications - Forbes magazine - not so long ago published a rather interesting article in which they talked about 200 Russian private companies that showed the highest performance. Here you can also find an overview of the largest companies in the construction industry in Russia and get acquainted with the top ten leaders at the end of last year.

1st place: Mosmetrostroy

The largest construction companies in Russia, or rather, their rating, today is headed by Mosmetrostroy, which is actively working in a wide variety of areas. The activities of this organization are very different - from the subway to the installation of infrastructure facilities. As you know, "Mosmetrostroy" began its activities back in 1931 and during this time managed to achieve considerable results. Today, the company is actively implementing a huge number of various projects around the world. During its work, Mosmetrostroy has executed contracts in such countries as Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Turkey, Armenia, Uzbekistan and many others. On theToday, the organization has opened a representative office in India and is actively establishing contacts in Israel. The structure of the organization includes 25 subsidiaries, and the number of employees of the company reaches 13 thousand. By the end of 2016 alone, Mosmetrostroy is to complete about 15 kilometers of tracks and build nine stations. By 2020, the organization plans to put into operation about 160 km of new metro lines and open 79 new stations.

the largest road construction companies in Russia
the largest road construction companies in Russia

2nd place: Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy

"Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy", according to experts, today deservedly takes the second place of honor in the list of the best. It is not surprising that the largest construction companies in Russia are engaged not only in the construction of new buildings, but also in the construction of underwater technical facilities. For example, Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy has been actively cooperating with such Russian giants as Gazprom, Transneft, Lukoil, Rosneft and many others for many years, and the total length of all projects implemented by MRTS over the years of productive work is equates to 1000 km. It is no secret that in its production the organization uses only the latest developments and modern technologies, which allows Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy to remain the undisputed leader in its field.

3rd place: Autobahn

Absolutely all the largest road construction companies in Russia will not be able to compare with Avtoban OJSC, which has been proving to the citizens of the country for many years itsleadership positions. The third place among the most successful companies goes to this organization. The main activity of Autobahn is road construction. To date, the track record of the organization includes a number of commissioned facilities that operate at the highest level. The company also has a very wide range of construction and installation works: earthworks, drainage systems, bridge construction, oil and gas field development, industrial and civil construction, design and other areas. Autobahn uses exclusively the latest technology and boasts a huge number of successful projects!

4th place: Peak Group

The largest construction companies in Russia are engaged in a wide variety of areas, for example, the PIK group, which ranks 4th in the ranking, is one of the most famous developers in the field of residential real estate. Only 20 years was enough for the company to turn from a small real estate organization into a powerful holding, which became famous for its extremely productive work. The Group is actively engaged not only in the construction of residential projects directly, but also equips new buildings with all the necessary social infrastructure. It is also worth noting that PIK not only develops and implements facilities, but also actively manages them. Over the entire period of its activity, PIK has built about 15 million square meters. m. of living space.

the largest construction companies in Russia
the largest construction companies in Russia

5th place: Group SU-155

Group "SU-155"also entered the major construction companies in Russia. The rating list, in which 10 positions, according to the majority, is quite fair. The SU-155 group, which is only 23 years old, was able to prove that it is possible to work not only quickly, but also with high quality. In general, the organization has 60 years of experience behind it, which allows SU-155 to remain the best for several years in a row and perform huge amounts of work in the shortest possible time. At the moment, the holding includes about a hundred industrial enterprises and construction organizations, while the staff includes about 40 thousand people. A non-standard approach is considered one of the main attractions of the company, because SU-155 builds exclusively new buildings of modern series: I-155Mm / Mk, IP-46S, I-155Mks, and I-155N.

review of the largest construction companies in Russia
review of the largest construction companies in Russia

6th place: House-Building Plant No. 1

Large construction companies in Russia can not always boast of their impeccable reputation and high quality of work performed, but this is not about House-Building Plant No. 1, which deservedly received the 6th place in the rating. For more than 50 years, the organization has been consistently fulfilling all planned projects and has never let down its business partners or customers. It is also worth noting the fact that DSK-1 builds its houses quite quickly, for example, the installation of a 17-storey building will take only three months. According to statistics, House-Building Plant No. 1 produces 80 apartments per day, and also builds about 1 million square meters. m. of housing in the capital. Organizationtakes an active part in the replacement of five-story buildings in Moscow and is considered one of the best in our country, which, in fact, proves the 6th place in the ranking of the most successful companies in Russia.

review of the largest companies in the construction industry in Russia
review of the largest companies in the construction industry in Russia

7th place: Transstroy

What Transstroy does not do today, which is also included in the list of "The largest construction companies in Russia"! The rating places Transstroy at the 7th position, which can be considered a real victory for the corporation. It is worth saying that the path to the heights was not easy for Transstroy, but the goal was worth it. At the moment, the corporation is actively engaged in the construction of buildings, bridges, railways, hydraulic structures and even airports. Transstroy has been on the Russian market for almost 60 years, and during all this time the company has never disappointed its customers. A distinctive feature of the corporation is quality and reliability, which is quite rare in other domestic enterprises. Now the holding is actively working on the implementation of a huge number of projects not only in Russia, but also abroad. It can also be noted that the organization is actively involved in government programs.

major construction companies in Russia rating
major construction companies in Russia rating

8th place: Tashir Group of Companies

Samvel Karapetyan, who created the Tashir holding back in 1999, probably did not even know that in just a few years the organization would successfully enter the largest construction companies in Russia. ActuallyToday, the holding successfully unites more than 200 domestic companies that operate in a wide variety of industries, and the staff exceeds 40 thousand people. The main direction Tashir works with is commercial real estate management and development, but at the same time, the group is also interested in developing retail real estate. Over the entire period of her successful activity, she managed to build about 65 objects, which she herself manages. The building area occupies about 1 million 750 thousand square meters. m. It is interesting that "Tashir" is engaged not only in the construction of residential premises, but also actively works with such areas as shopping, entertainment and business centers. The group also owns a number of hotel properties.

the largest construction companies in Russia
the largest construction companies in Russia

9th and 10th place: Morton and INTECO

Of course, absolutely all Russian construction companies want to be among the best. Construction organizations, firms and holdings dream of appearing on the pages of popular publications, where respected experts will praise their achievements. But, in fact, only a few can achieve such peaks. And among them are companies such as Morton and INTECO, which occupy the last, but not the worst places in the top ten. It should be noted that construction in our country is only gaining momentum. As you know, the territory of Russia is not only huge. There are a lot of places in the country where a more lively infrastructure would not interfere at all. According to experts, construction companies have endless scope for "creativity" ahead, andthis means that soon the number of leaders will be replenished with new holdings, groups and organizations. Well, Russia will look even more attractive to spite its opponents!
