Kamchatka is a beautiful and mysterious land in the Russian Far East. It is often mentioned in everyday life when describing distant objects. For example, all schoolchildren know that the last desks in the class are called "Kamchatka". However, this region is rich in attractions. It is constantly developing, and tourists come here. Although many are afraid of rare, but strong earthquakes in Kamchatka.

Description of the region
The Kamchatka Peninsula is washed by the waters of the Sea of Okhotsk from the west and the Bering Sea from the east. It is connected to the mainland by a very thin isthmus, the width of which in some places is less than 100 km. The eastern part is strongly eroded, due to which deep bays and bays have formed. Here is the Kamchatka Territory of the same name, which is a subject of the Russian Federation.
Seismic conditions
The region as a whole is quite stable, but an earthquake off the coast of Kamchatka is not uncommon. It belongs to one of the seismically active zones on the territory of the Russian Federation, but experts always closely monitor the activity of the earth's crust and try to warn the population in advancepeninsula about possible tremors. As a rule, all earthquakes occur at a distance of 30 to 150 kilometers east of the peninsula. However, sometimes the shocks are so powerful that they are strongly felt on the surface of the edge. In addition, such underwater earthquakes are fraught with strong waves and tsunamis.
History knows that the consequences of an earthquake in Kamchatka can be very serious, so the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the leadership of the region take their work to warn the population about possible tremors with all seriousness.

Many rivers flow through the peninsula, one of them, Kamchatka of the same name, is even suitable for navigation. These rivers are well known to rafting enthusiasts. Many connoisseurs of this extreme sport come here.
There are also many picturesque lakes, most of which are of tectonic origin. They were formed as a result of the shift of the tectonic plates of our planet. One of the consequences was probably the earthquake in Kamchatka.
One of the most famous places in Kamchatka is the Valley of Geysers, which is included in the list of seven wonders of Russia. Due to the largest landslide, geysers ceased to exist for several years, and many scientists said that this natural phenomenon would not revive again. But fortunately, this is not the case. Heavy rains have washed away layers of mud from mudflows, and now many believe that there are even more geysers than before this natural disaster.

Volcanoes are one of the main attractions of the region. It must be said that difficulties arise even with determining their number on the territory of Kamchatka. In various sources, the numbers vary from a few hundred to a thousand volcanoes.
About three dozen of them are very active and throw huge amounts of volcanic ash into the air. Earthquakes in Kamchatka are often the result of active volcanic activity.
The highest of them is Klyuchevskaya Sopka. Its height reaches 4750 m above sea level.

Earthquakes of the 18th-19th centuries
The first recorded earthquake in the records of historians and researchers of the region dates back to October 1737. Judging by the description, tsunami waves were also observed then. Unfortunately, there is little written evidence of those events, as the region has just begun to develop.
At the end of the 18th century, earthquakes in Kamchatka resumed, as the entry in the catalog of the Russian Empire of the same name says.
Since little research was done at that time, there is disagreement about these natural phenomena in 1791-1792. Some scientists believe that these were two separate, unrelated earthquakes. And some argue that these were shocks from one strong one. This fact, however, refutes the absence of any record of a tsunami wave that should have been generated from shocks of such magnitude.
Around the middle of the 19th century, there was another strong earthquake. On a spring morning, May 18, 1841the maximum magnitude of the shocks was 8.4, and they lasted about 15 minutes. Various damages to buildings were recorded, with windows broken in some of them. The scientists also described repeated rises and falls in the water level in the sea.

XX century
The last century did not bring any special surprises - it did not become calmer in Kamchatka. On February 3, 1923, the first major earthquake occurred, resulting in a wave 8 meters high. There is evidence of several victims of the elements. Two months later, it happened again, but with a slightly smaller magnitude of shocks.
The middle of the 20th century was marked by one of the most powerful and destructive earthquakes in Kamchatka. November 5, 1952 was the date of the modern catastrophe that claimed the lives of thousands of civilians and wiped out the entire city of Severo-Kurilsk from the face of the earth. The epicenter of the earthquake was only 20 kilometers from the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. The force was such that a huge tsunami surged almost instantly. Its height was 18 meters. The earthquake itself, although powerful, did not cause catastrophic damage. The whole tragedy was played out because of the power of water.
After the first wave, frightened residents left their homes. After the water receded, they began to return back. And that was the fatal mistake. About 20 minutes after the first wave came another, much more powerful and destructive. It was she who caused the majority of human casu alties. After her came another, but she was weak.
This tragedy has become the mainreason for the formation of a central tsunami warning system in the country.

Recent earthquakes
At the beginning of the 21st century, Kamchatka continues to suffer from seismic activity. In 2006, another earthquake occurred, but thanks to timely informing the population, victims were avoided. An emergency evacuation of about 1,000 residents was required.
The last earthquake in Kamchatka happened 10 years ago, in the winter of 2016. Scientists recorded tremors of magnitude 7.3, which is a very high value. The January 30 earthquake in Kamchatka frightened many residents who hurriedly left their homes, fearing their destruction. Buildings trembled violently, things and books fell off the shelves. Rescuers consider it lucky that the earthquake in Kamchatka on January 30 occurred in the middle of the day. Sensors recorded the first tremors at 15:25 local time. In Moscow at that time it was early morning - 6:25.
The earthquake in Kamchatka on January 30, 2016 occurred at a distance of about 100 km from the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and at a depth of almost 200 km. After the aftershocks, experts carefully examined the buildings for cracks. Fortunately, no victims or victims have been registered.