Kerry, John (John Forbes Kerry). US Secretary of State John Kerry

Kerry, John (John Forbes Kerry). US Secretary of State John Kerry
Kerry, John (John Forbes Kerry). US Secretary of State John Kerry

John Kerry (see photo below) was born on 1943-11-12 in the US state of Colorado. He is a politician, a member of the Democratic Party, and, since February 2013, the 68th US Secretary of State.

kerry john
kerry john


John's father is diplomat Richard Kerry. His mother is Rosemary Isabelle Kerry (née Fobs). She was a representative of a very we althy and famous dynasty. It is worth saying that in the list of relatives of John Kerry you can find four US presidents. Among them is George Bush Jr. In addition to John, the family had three more children.

During his summer holidays, the future politician visited France, where the estates of the Fobs family were located. It was there that he first met his cousin Brice Lalonde, who in 1981 participated in the election campaign for the presidency of France. Later he created the Green Party.

The diplomat's family lived either in America or in Europe. From 1957 to 1962, St. Paul's School became John's home. It was during this period that his character was formed. During all five years of being at school, the boy stood out from the general mass of children. He studied well and loved sports.

kerry john about russia
kerry john about russia

He entered St. Paul's School in the eighth grade. In the boy's life, this was the seventh educational institution. Everywhere, friends noted John's good-heartedness and the complexity of his character. However, Kerry certainly stood out for his seriousness. As a school student, Kerry John became the organizer of a political club. At its meetings, it was not questions of past wars or the history of the ancient world that were discussed, but the events of the current cold war that influenced the life of the population of that period. John was a member of the French Club and was selected to be a member of the editorial staff of the student newspaper, The Pelican. Carrey was considered an excellent speaker at school and even won a landslide victory in a public speaking competition. John also played bass in the band "Electras".


Kerry John graduated from high school in Switzerland. After that, he became a student at Yale University. The taste of political struggle Kerry knew in his youth, when he worked in the campaign headquarters of the then Senator J. F. Kennedy.

After graduating from Yale University, John volunteered for the army. He served in Vietnam, where he commanded a combat boat. During his service, Kerry was awarded three Purple Heart medals, as well as a Bronze and Silver Star. These merits allowed John to be honorably demobilized.

Career start

John Kerry, whose biography as a politician began in April 1971, founded after demobilization a group of veterans opposed to the continuation of the Vietnam War. Before the Senate Committee, he delivered a speech in which he pointed out the criminal nature ofmilitary actions. After that, Kerry John became known throughout America. A year later, he made an attempt to enter Congress, but it was unsuccessful.

us secretary of state
us secretary of state

John Kerry received a law degree and became a prosecutor, as well as a lieutenant governor in Massachusetts. The turning point in his biography came in 1984. He was first elected to the Senate, which Kerry has not left yet.

Private life

John Kerry entered into a legal marriage in 1970. He married Juleen Thorn. In 1973, their daughter Alexandra was born, and in 1976, Vanessa. In 1982, Thorne, suffering from severe depression, asked her husband for a divorce. The marriage was annulled in 1988

In 1990, John Heinz, a fellow senator, introduced Kerry to his wife Teresa. A year later, tragedy struck. Heinz died in a car accident. After some time, John and Teresa began dating, and in 1995 they registered their marriage. Kerry is five years younger than his wife. The state of an influential American family is, according to experts, over three billion dollars. This allows John Kerry to be included in the list of America's we althiest politicians.

Presidential Candidate

In 2004, John Kerry made an attempt to defeat George W. Bush and take the country's top government post. However, he failed. At this time, the star of the little-known Senator Barack Obama from Chicago began to rise.

US Secretary of State John Kerry
US Secretary of State John Kerry

The young politician was entrusted to read a speech about candidate John Kerry. After the speech, Barack began to promise victory in the 2008 election race. John Kerry was simply forgotten about. Voters found his speeches boring.

Working under a young president

Obama's ambitious initiatives to normalize relations with Iran were to be carried out by the chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee. This position at that time was held by Kerry John. He became an envoy to the US President, visiting countries that Bush had placed on the list of the notorious "axis of evil."

A new round of career

People wanted to see a politician in the role of Secretary of State or Vice President. However, these posts went to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, respectively.

In December 2012, several news outlets noted President Barack Obama's intention to nominate John Kerry for the post of US Secretary of State. On December 21, this decision received a lot of positive feedback.

24.01.2013 The Senate Foreign Policy Committee held hearings on the new appointment of John Kerry. On January 29, 2013, a secret ballot took place. As a result, the committee approved the candidacy of an outstanding politician. On the same day, the Senate held an additional vote. His result: 3 votes against, 94 - for.

1.02.2013 Newly elected US Secretary of State John Kerry was sworn in. He started work on the 4th of February. He did not have to get into the know for a long time, because for twenty-eight years Kerry had been sitting in the upper house of the American Parliament, andPrior to his appointment, he was the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee for four years. During this entire period, he developed certain views not only on international problems, but also on ways to solve them. His views are unanimously supported by the Senate.

John Kerry is an influential American politician, a long-liver of the political scene. He is known for his rather reserved position on the Iranian nuclear issue. In addition, the current US Secretary of State is opposed to imposing tough sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Mr. Kerry is deeply convinced that America should not destroy existing world alliances. On the contrary, its task is to strengthen them and strive to achieve full agreement with the UN.

John Kerry photo
John Kerry photo

Kerry John speaks about Russia as a country, relations with which must certainly be returned to the highest level. The US Secretary of State is deeply convinced that America needs Moscow's help on a wide range of vital issues. In this regard, it is necessary to establish cooperation with Russia, which, according to the politician, has somewhat shaken in recent years.


John Kerry enjoys windsurfing and surfing, as well as hunting. He plays bass and plays hockey. Kerry is a fan of rock bands such as the Beatles and the Rolling Stones.

John Kerry biography
John Kerry biography

The current US Secretary of State is an avid cyclist. He took part in long bike rides even during the presidential election campaign.campaigns. Kerry also requires the creation of special conditions from the staff of the hotels where he has to stay. An exercise bike must be installed in his room.
