Wolf Messing: predictions about Russia

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Wolf Messing: predictions about Russia
Wolf Messing: predictions about Russia

Video: Wolf Messing: predictions about Russia

Video: Wolf Messing: predictions about Russia
Video: TRUE PROPHECIES about the future of Russia and THE WHOLE WORLD from Wolf Messing | THEY'RE LYING 2024, October

The biography of Wolf Messing is interesting to millions of people, because about 50 years ago all of Europe was talking about him. During his life, he made acquaintance with such prominent people as Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein, who considered him the most outstanding soothsayer of the 20th century, earned the hatred of Adolf Hitler, who appointed a fabulous reward for his head at that time, and also achieved the status of Stalin's personal soothsayer.

Oddly enough, it was the "leader of the peoples", who had a hard time meeting people, who appreciated the abilities of the Polish psychic, repeatedly using Messing's predictions about the future for his own purposes. It was on his orders that Wolf was allowed to continue his concert activity, during which he was able to demonstrate his talent to the masses.

Basic data

Despite the variety of talents, it was the ability to providence that played a key role in the life of a psychic. It is noteworthy that Wolf himself, whose predictions stunnedthe whole world, at first did not even know that he could see the future, and even in the future was not too fond of predictions.

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messing predictions

Soviet science denied the very possibility of the existence of telepathy, and that is why Wolf's impressive abilities have not been studied in detail. Modern researchers admit the possibility that there are some unknown predictions of Messing, but they are so impressive that they are still hidden from the masses under the heading "secret".


Wolf Grigoryevich Gershkovich (Messing) was born on September 10, 1899 in the small Polish town of Gura Kalwaria, not far from Warsaw. The Jewish family of the boy was very numerous and poor. Since childhood, Wolf had to work hard.

It is noteworthy that his childhood passed under the close supervision of his parents, who feared that a boy suffering from sleepwalking could cause significant harm to himself in his sleep. Nevertheless, the father came up with an unusually simple way to cure Wolf. To do this, he placed a basin of water near his son's bed, and when the boy, about to get out of bed, put his feet into it, he immediately woke up. A similar method eventually gave an impeccable result - Wolf was completely cured.

Cheder study

Being religious people, and to the point of fanaticism, Wolf's parents observed all holidays and fasts.

Therefore, when the question arose about Wolf's education, he was immediately sent to a school at the synagogue, the religious atmosphere of which had a greatimpact on the fragile psyche of the child. It is noteworthy that the impressions that Wolf received in the classroom were only strengthened at home due to the fanatical faith in God of his parents, which not only made the boy extremely pious, but also had a detrimental effect on his nervous system.

Wolf easily memorized those prayers that were given to other children quite hard. This was the reason for his meeting with Sholom Aleichem, who advised his father to continue his son’s education in a yeshiva, nevertheless, the boy himself did not show such a desire, and it was then that Wolf’s parents decided to resort to a little deception for the benefit of their unreasonable son, who did not realize what had fallen to him. in their opinion good luck.

Transfer to Yeshibot

The father persuaded his acquaintance to play the role of one of God's messengers in front of Wolf, and when the boy went home, having bought cigarettes for his father in the store, he saw a tall figure in white, who told him that his future was to serve God. After this incident, the boy told his parents that he was ready to continue his education.

The institution where they now had to continue their studies was located in another city. Having got rid of the excessive influence of his parents, Wolf calmed down, his psyche gradually began to return to normal. In his second year of study, he saw in the yeshiva a man who seemed to him vaguely familiar. It was in him that the boy recognized the very "God's messenger" whom he met near the house. Guessing that his parents had deceived him, he immediately ran away from school, but did not want to return home.

First Manifestationgift

With a capital of nine kopecks, Messing, whose predictions will later make him known to the whole world, went to the nearest railway station and, entering the first train he came across, climbed under the bench. As it turned out later, the train went to Berlin. The ticket inspector spotted the boy and asked to see the ticket.

messing predictions about russia
messing predictions about russia

Fearing that they would put him off the train, the boy handed the conductor the first piece of paper that came across, hoping that he would take pity on him and allow him to go on. One can imagine Wolf's surprise when the conductor not only accepted the paper in all seriousness, but, having punched it, asked in surprise why the boy was riding under the bench.

Moving to Berlin

The train the boy was on was leaving for Berlin. Feeling constant hunger, he got a job as a laborer in a guest house. Despite being very busy, he received extremely little money, as a result of which he had to save on almost everything, which eventually led to a faint of hunger.

The boy was taken to the hospital, where doctors pronounced him dead from starvation. No one would have known Wolf Messing's predictions about the future of Russia if one of the students who had an internship in the morgue at the hospital had not noticed that Wolf's heart muscles were still contracting, albeit very weakly.

The boy's body began to be studied by Professor Abel, amazed by the amazing phenomenon, who was an extremely popular neurologist in Germany at that time. Wolf woke uponly on the third day. The professor told him in detail not only where he was, but also how much time he had spent without moving. Then Wolf did not yet suspect that acquaintance with Abel would play a key role in his life.


Professor Abel during the examination of the boy, when he was unconscious, drew attention to the fact that his body behaves completely differently than most people who are in a state of lethargic sleep. He was extremely interested in this case and, having enlisted the support of his colleague Schmitt, he suggested that the guy, as soon as he got stronger, go through a series of paid experiments, during which he had to independently introduce himself into a state of complete paralysis so that doctors could comprehensively study his phenomenon..

Wolf, agreed, almost without hesitation, because for such an easy job he received 5 marks a day, which were a fabulous amount for him at that time.

Working with the professor, Wolf began to think about the nature of his gift and gradually engage in self-development.

Work in the circus

The constant training of the gift allowed the boy to raise his consciousness to a new level. Having completed the research, Abel, who became attached to the boy, assigned him an impresario, Mr. Zellmeister, whose main task was to employ Wolf in the famous Bush circus, where he received the position of a fakir. His duties were that while piercing him with sharp objects, he had to mentally turn off his pain sensations. In the final partprogram, an artist appeared on stage, portraying a millionaire.

wolf messing predictions about russia
wolf messing predictions about russia

Then "robbers" appeared on the stage, who carried out the murder of the rich man and distributed to the audience his "jewelry" with a request to hide them in any part of the hall. After that, Wolf entered the stage, who, to the surprise of the audience, unmistakably pointed out their location. This number brought Messing the first success with the audience, who were amazed by his talent.

End of circus activities

Despite the outbreak of World War I, nothing has changed in Wolf's life. He still performed in the circus. The only change concerned the program of the performance. Now the “robbers” took things from the public and, having dumped them in a heap, offered the boy to distribute them to their owners.

During the time that Messing spent in the circus, he managed not only to earn the favor of the audience, but also to make a name for himself. The year 1915 was marked for Messing by a trip to the first independent tour, which was organized for him by his impresario. The performances brought him a resounding success, thanks to which he was able to end the circus life forever and start an independent life.

Meet Freud and Einstein

During a tour in Vienna, Albert Einstein visited Messing's performance and, becoming interested in the unusual abilities of a 16-year-old boy, invited him to visit him. At Einstein's house, Wolf was met by another friend of the owner, Sigmund Freud, a talented doctor and psychologist who created his own theory of psychoanalysis. Einsteintold him about the outstanding teenager, and he wanted to see him personally.

It was Freud who suggested that Messing conduct a series of experiments, thanks to which he managed to become Wolf's personal inductor, transmitting his mental orders to him. In the future, Messing, whose predictions almost always came true, became known throughout the world.

Serving in the army and meeting with Piłsudski

He went on a big four-year tour, during which he visited all the most important European countries. In 1921 he returned to Poland as a we althy and well-known person.

Because he came of age, he was called up to serve in the Polish Army. From where one day, on the orders of his commander, he went to an appointment with Jozef Pilsudski. With the whole society, Wolf's abilities were tested, after which Pilsudski, who was quite superstitious, turned to Messing with a personal request, which Wolf himself is silent about, only briefly mentioning it in his memoirs.

Life in Poland

Thanks to a personal acquaintance with the head of the Polish state, Messing was not burdened by military service. He again began experiments in the field of psychology. Having hired a new impresario, he continued his tour of European countries.

People began to turn to the famous psychic with private requests - to resolve problems in family relationships, find stolen valuables and much more.

messing predictions about the future of russia
messing predictions about the future of russia

An example is the case in the castle of Count Czartoryski - he helped to finda diamond brooch that the feeble-minded son of a servant hid in a stuffed bear.

Hitler's "personal enemy"

Speaking in 1937 in one of the Polish theaters, Messing Wolf Grigoryevich, whose predictions often came true, says that Hitler will die if he starts to advance his troops to the East. The Fuhrer found out about this prediction quite quickly, because all Polish publications immediately published it.

Hitler's hatred intensified even more after a conversation with his astrologer Eric Ganussen, from whom he learned that Messing is not a charlatan and really has amazing abilities. Once upon a time, two psychics crossed paths on tour and tried to penetrate each other's thoughts. Despite the fact that they parted almost immediately, Eric was left with the impression of a complete loss in this silent duel.

After this story, Hitler announced that now Messing has become his personal enemy. DM 210,000 was even assigned for his capture.

The capture of Poland by German troops

After the German army crossed the borders of Poland (September 1, 1939), thus marking the beginning of World War II, Messing, knowing the Fuhrer's rancor, decided to flee Poland.

The place where he spent his childhood was soon occupied by the Nazis, who organized a ghetto in it. Wolf Messing managed to move from his native village to Warsaw, and all his relatives - his father and three brothers - were arrested and died in Majdanek. At the same time, Messing himself was glad that his mother did not live to see this terrible day and did not see the torment of her relatives,having died much earlier from a broken heart.


In the Polish capital, Messing found refuge with one of the meat merchants. Despite the observance of secrecy, one day Messing is arrested. Wolf tried to convince the Nazis that he was just a poor artist, however, according to one of the posters massively pasted on the streets of the city, he was identified by a German officer.

Bewildered, Messing did not have time to use his amazing abilities. He was taken to the police station and locked in one of the cells. It was only there that Wolf fully realized that if he did not manage to escape as quickly as possible, he would soon be killed. Having mentally gathered himself, he was able to use his amazing gift again - all the Germans, obeying his mental order, gathered in his cell. Messing himself, who had previously been motionless, got up from the bunk and quickly went outside, closing the camera with a bolt.

After such a strong nervous strain, his strength completely left him, he could not even go down the stairs and leave the building. Then he decided to make a risky jump from the window of the second floor, hoping only for good luck, and she did not let him down. Messing with injured legs was picked up by compassionate people and taken out of the city under a haystack. Having slightly restored his strength, Messing crossed the Western Bug on a boat and ended up on the territory of the USSR.

Starting a new life

Of course, he crossed the border of the Soviet Union at his own risk. Knowledge of the Russian language was minimal, which is why at first he had a hard time. However, thanks tophenomenal memory, he easily coped with his study. Despite the fact that Messing was not very famous in the USSR with his performances, there was one person (head of the art department Abrasimov) who supported his attempts to start life from scratch.

wolf messing's predictions about the future of russia
wolf messing's predictions about the future of russia

Risking his successful career, he issues an order to include Messing in an artistic team that served the residents of the Brest region. After that, the life of a psychic gradually began to enter into his usual course. In 1940, he was sent to Minsk, from where, having made several extremely successful performances, he went on tour throughout the territory of modern Belarus.

Meet Stalin

The fame of Wolf as the most interesting and mysterious person continued to spread throughout the territory of the USSR. That is why Messing was not too surprised when, at one of the concerts he gave in Gomel, several people in uniform caps took him right in the middle of the concert, apologizing to the audience. In his memoirs, Messing recalls that the event that followed played a decisive role in his life. As it later turned out, people brought him to Stalin, who received some of Wolf Messing's predictions about the future of Russia. Having met with the “leader of the peoples” face to face, he stated that he carried him in his arms and, seeing Stalin’s surprise, explained that this happened on May 1 at a demonstration, thereby defusing a rather tense situation.

According to Wolf's memoirs, hemet with the head of the USSR more than once. In one of these meetings, Stalin suggested that he check whether he really had the abilities that people were talking about, and Messing agreed. The essence of the first test was that the psychic, influencing the bank teller, could receive money without a check, and Wolf coped with this task brilliantly. He showed the elderly cashier a blank sheet of notebooks, "having familiarized himself" with which, the latter gave him the required amount of 100 thousand rubles. Employees of the NKVD, who watched the experience from the outside, immediately returned the money to the bank. An elderly cashier, realizing what had happened, was hospitalized with a heart attack.

Stalin, however, was not convinced by such a test. He suggested that the cashier was in cahoots with the telepath. Therefore, he gave Wolf an even more difficult task - to penetrate the Kremlin without documents, but the telepath did it flawlessly here too. Later, to the questions of the "leader of the peoples", he replied that he had inspired the guards that he was Beria.

Telling in his memoirs about the meeting with the "leader of the peoples", Messing briefly mentions that Stalin was most interested in his life in Poland and the opinion of the most prominent people of that time.

The prediction that saved the life of Stalin's son

Messing Volf Grigorievich considered predictions about Russia his hobby and almost never kept records of them. However, in his memoirs, he indicates that, thanks to his gift, he was able to save the life of Stalin's son, Vasily. The fact is that the young man was going to go to Sverdlovsk by plane. Wolf warned Stalin about the impending catastrophe, and he ordered his son to goby train. It is noteworthy that the plane really fell from a great height

Meet Khrushchev

In the late 40s, the telepath will meet Nikita Khrushchev, who has repeatedly heard talk about Messing's true predictions about the future of Russia. During Wolf's tour in Ukraine, Comrade Bulgarin himself, who at that time held the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, flew in for him. His main task was to deliver Messing to Khrushchev as quickly as possible. As it turned out later, a high-ranking official disappeared in Moscow, who had a number of secret documents with him. Upon learning of the missing papers, Stalin was furious and gave only 3 days to find them.

Wolf was brought to the office of the missing official, where he had a lead: he saw a village with a river and a rickety bridge. Specialists-local historians helped to find a place, to whom Wolf described in detail what he saw. The documents were eventually found next to the body of the deceased official.

After the "leader of the peoples" died, interest in Messing's talent decreased significantly. The fact is that he had a conflict with Nikita Khrushchev, who did not forgive the telepath that he refused to speak at one of the party congresses with a speech written in advance for him. Khrushchev wanted the people to hear Wolf Messing's predictions about Russia, in which he had to declare that he saw Lenin in a dream, who allegedly asked that Stalin's body be removed from the Mausoleum.

wolf messing predictions about ukraine
wolf messing predictions about ukraine

Messing said that he does not believe in spiritualism and does not communicate withdead. After such a categorical refusal, Wolf immediately began to have problems with performances. People who wanted to personally hear Wolf Messing's predictions about the future wrote him many letters, but after Khrushchev banned his concert activity, the psychic fell into depression. He tried to hide from people, especially since at the same time he began to have serious he alth problems.

Messing's predictions about Russia

Messing's biography is replete with many interesting incidents, but in fact it is not so rich in episodes where Wolf would mention the future fate of the USSR. Despite this, some of Messing's predictions about the future of Russia have survived to this day. So for example:

  • Wolf predicted the end of the Great Patriotic War, naming the exact date of its end - May 8, 1945. This became known to Stalin, who believed in Messing's predictions. The year for Russia turned out to be extremely difficult, but the Soviet troops did not stop the offensive and nevertheless reached Berlin. As you know, the act of surrender of Germany was signed on May 8, 1945, and May 9, 1945 became the official date for celebrating the victory over fascism. This holiday is still honored as one of the most significant in Russia. Messing even received gratitude from Stalin for such an accurate prediction. It is noteworthy that Messing himself did a lot to win. Despite the fact that his salary in the USSR was significantly different from what he earned on European tours, he still gave all his savings to the construction of several military aircraft. The construction of the first wascarried out in 1942, and the second - in 1944.
  • At one of the speeches at the NKVD club, where everyone present wanted to hear Wolf Messing's predictions about Russia with their own ears, the psychic received a question about what he thinks about the Soviet-German pact. After some thought, the psychic stated that he saw tanks with red stars on the streets of Berlin. Somehow, Messing's predictions about Russia became known to Germany, which expressed bewilderment to the Soviet government about what had happened.
  • Thousands of people wrote letters to the seer asking him to tell what happened to their relatives, but he flatly refused to answer them.
  • One of the telepath's most outstanding predictions was the prophecy of Stalin's death. Being at a personal reception with the "leader of the peoples", Messing asked him to reduce the persecution of Jews and, having received a harsh refusal, said that the head of the USSR would die on a Jewish holiday. It is noteworthy that the death of Stalin really coincided with the Jewish holiday of Purim, falling on March 5, 1953.

Predictions about Ukraine

Oddly enough, Wolf Messing also mentioned future events in Ukraine about 50 years ago. Predictions about Ukraine boiled down to the fact that, despite all the attempts of people to unleash a war, there would be no third world war. The soothsayer stated this at a concert in Uzhgorod, trying even then to warn people about the consequences that their rash actions could lead to.

I would like to believe that this amazing person, as always, will be right, and all attempts to unleash the Thirdworld war will be in vain.

Private life

A year before the end of the Great Patriotic War, after speaking to the workers and the wounded in Novosibirsk, a young woman turned to Wolf, reproaching him for incorrectly addressing people in his opening speech before the concert, to which Messing invited the girl to next time read it yourself. This is how Wolf first met his future wife Aida Mikhailovna.

wolf messing predictions about the future
wolf messing predictions about the future

For a long time she went with him to all the performances, but her he alth deteriorated with age. During one of the checks, the doctors stated that she had a cancerous tumor. Despite the pain they experienced, they continued to tour, flatly refusing to go to the hospital. Returning home after one of the concert tours, Messing had to carry her from the train in her arms as Aida could not walk on her own. The luminaries of the sciences of the USSR, Nikolai Blokhin and Joseph Kassirsky, urgently arrived at their home. Despite all their beliefs, Wolf confidently declared that nothing would help Aida - she would die on August 2, 1960 in the evening, at seven o'clock, and, unfortunately, as always, he was right.

Having buried his wife, Messing fell into a deep depression. He became uninterested in life, and he hardly forced himself to do at least elementary things.

From that day on, Wolf began to perceive his abilities as a curse. For about a year, he did not leave the walls of his house and did not communicate with anyone except his dogs and his wife's sister, who continued to look after him all this time. Soover time, the pain of loss subsided, and Messing gradually resumed the concert program, believing that it becomes much easier for him to communicate with people.

In the 60s he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, which he was very happy about, believing that specialists would finally begin to study his phenomenal abilities. However, it turned out that this prediction was not destined to come true.

Last years of life

At the end of his life, Messing was very worried about his legs, injured during the escape from the Nazis. An urgent operation was required, which was undertaken by one of the most famous doctors of the USSR - V. I. Burakovsky. Before leaving for the hospital, Messing, whose predictions almost always came true, stood in front of his portrait and, in front of several witnesses, announced that he would never return home.

Despite the fact that the operation went well, Messing's kidneys suddenly fail and his heart stops. The great telepath died on October 8, 1974. And Messing was buried at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow, where anyone can visit his grave.
