Let's learn about unions

Let's learn about unions
Let's learn about unions

If you have a desire to find out what unions are from a legislative point of view, then you need to turn first of all to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Its first part (Article 129) states that associations or unions are non-profit organizations based on compulsory or voluntary membership. They are created to protect various types of interests, to achieve goals that do not contradict the law. At the same time, the goals of the association or union cannot pursue profit.

what are unions
what are unions

What are unions for those who join them? Almost always, members of the organization must perform any actions defined by the charter of this association (participate in the creation of property, get acquainted with accounting and other types of documentation, pay fees). But at the same time, they are not responsible for his actions with their property. Although the law (or the same charter) may provide for such liability. The union itself is responsible for its obligations with all its property.

In addition to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, detailing what unions are, what kind of unions they havefunctions, the order of their formation and functioning is reflected in various regulations. For example, in the law "On non-profit organizations" (No. 7-FZ, adopted in 1996 (January 12)), in the legislative act regulating the registration of legal entities (FZ No. 129, issued in 2001 (August 8)). There are also a number of industry documents, according to which consumer, charitable, public unions (associations) are created.

union of Russian paratroopers
union of Russian paratroopers

For example, the Union of Russian Paratroopers is an association on a professional basis of military personnel, veterans, disabled people who served or are in the service in the landing troops, marines, special forces, as well as those who suffered in local conflicts, man-made disasters, etc. The organization was registered in 2003. Its founders were a number of foundations and all-Russian and interregional organizations (“Union of Paratroopers”, “Union of Heroes of the Russian Federation”, organization of the disabled “Chernobylets”, organization of marines “Typhoon, etc.).

Union of Architects of Russia
Union of Architects of Russia

Also, in our country, the Union of Artists and the Union of Architects of Russia are quite well known. The latter strengthens contacts with architects of other countries, helps to preserve the architectural heritage, studies the history and development of the architectural industry, protects society from non-professionals in the field of urban planning, etc. Only a person with an appropriate education, a high professional level, and work experience in speci alties fromthree years old, as well as participating in social and other activities.

In addition to intrastate associations, there are international unions, most of which are regulated by separate documents. For example, in 1999 (February 26), an agreement on the Customs Union (and a common economic space) was drawn up. According to this document, Russia, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Belarus, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan were to create an effective internal market for goods, labor, services and capital, unified energy and transport systems, and pursue a coordinated customs, trade, tax, monetary and other policy. The principles of non-discrimination, beneficial relationships, equality, responsibility for obligations - this is what unions of this level are. That is what they should bring to the countries that are part of them.
