The Great Martyr Theodore Stratilat is one of the saints recognized by all Christian churches. He has long been revered in Russia, as evidenced by ancient temples, in the name of this saint. These include the Church of Theodore Stratilates on the stream. It is considered one of the most beautiful examples of medieval Novgorod architecture and has been a source of inspiration for many Russian architects for almost 7 centuries.
So who was Theodore Stratilat? This article will help you find out the details of his life.

The position of Christians in the Roman Empire at the end of the 3rd c. n. e
According to the tradition of the Orthodox Church, Theodore Stratilat was born in Asia Minor in the city of Euchait. He was a brave, handsome young man who professed Christianity. At a fairly young age, he entered the service of the Roman army. During the reign of Emperor Licinius, severe persecution of Christians began. However, the Romans saw that those whobelieve in the Savior, with joy accept martyrdom for faith. Then the pagans began to persecute Christians who held public office and were respected by the people. For this purpose, the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste and several other important dignitaries from the environment of Licinius were killed.
Theodore Stratelates became revered among his fellow citizens after he killed a snake that lived north of his hometown of Euchait. According to legend, this bloodthirsty monster hid in a hole in an unsown field. Once a day, it climbed to the surface, attacked livestock and people, and when it was full, it returned to its lair.
Theodore decided to save the inhabitants of Euchait from this misfortune. On the way to the beast's hideout, he lay down to rest. Soon he was awakened by an elderly Christian woman, Eusebius, in whose hut were the relics of Theodore Tyrone, and gave advice on how to defeat the monster. The future great martyr prayed and asked his horse to help him in the name of Christ. He mounted his horse and, galloping to the field, challenged the snake to fight. After the monster crawled out of its lair, Theodore's horse jumped on its back and the horseman, with God's help, was able to hit the beast with a spear.
When the inhabitants of Euchait saw the body of the defeated serpent, they connected this feat of Theodore with his faith in Jesus Christ and many decided to reject the pagan gods.

After saving Euchaytes from the monster, Theodore was appointed a stratilate (commander) in the city of Heraclea. There he began to openly preach Christianity and succeeded in this matter. Soon the emperor Licinius was informed that most of the inhabitants of Heraclea and its environs were converted to the new faith. He sent dignitaries to the stratilate, who were supposed to bring Theodore to Rome. However, the future great martyr himself invited the emperor to Heraclea. He promised him to arrange a demonstration sacrifice to the pagan gods to prove his loy alty to Rome and the emperor, and also to serve as an example for the people.
After the letter was sent, Fyodor began to pray day and night, until one day he was illuminated by an unearthly light and heard a voice from heaven that said: “Dare! I'm with you!”.

Soon the emperor and 8,000 Roman legionnaires arrived in Heraclea, who brought with them several dozen gold and silver statues of pagan gods. Theodore Stratelates (see photo of a Greek icon with his image below) asked Licinius for permission to place idols in his house, supposedly so that he could praise them all night. When the emperor agreed, the stratilate smashed the statues and distributed fragments of gold and silver statues to the poor.
In the morning the centurion Maxentius noticed the poor man. He carried in his hands the head of a golden statue of Venus. Then Maxentius ordered to seize him and learned from the beggar that Theodore Stratilat had given him the head. This sacrilege, unheard of from the point of view of the Romans, Maxentius immediately reported to the emperor. Summoned for interrogation, the great martyr confessed his faith in Christ and began to prove to Licinius that he was mistaken in worshiping idols. In particular, heasked the emperor why the mighty gods of Rome did not incinerate him with their heavenly fire when he desecrated their images. Licinius was indignant and, since he could not object to the arguments of his stratilate, he ordered Fyodor to be tortured. He was whipped, burned with fire, imprisoned, starved for several days, blinded and crucified.
Determining that Fedor had died, Licinius ordered to leave him on the cross, but at night the angel of the Lord released him and healed his wounds. Seeing this miracle, the inhabitants of Heraclea believed in Christ and decided to show disobedience, demanding an end to the persecution of their stratilate.
The Great Martyr did not allow them to shed blood. He released the prisoners from prison, whom he commanded to live according to the precepts of the Lord, and healed the sick who came to him. Then, having given the last orders, he himself went to a voluntary execution. On February 8, 319, by order of Licinius, his head was beheaded, and the body was delivered and buried in Fedor's hometown - Evchait, in the estate of the parents of the great martyr.

After his death and burial, the saint began to help Christians and punish their enemies in different parts of the world.
Thus, according to the Patriarch of Antioch and John of Damascus, who lived in the 7th-8th centuries, during the capture of Syria by the Saracens, the temple of Theodore, located near Damascus, was desecrated. It was destroyed and used as a dwelling. One day, one of the Saracens shot an arrow at the image of Stratilates. The arrow he fired hit the saint's shoulder and blood flowed down the wall. The Saracens and their families who lived inbuilding, yet did not leave the temple. However, after some time they all died. The causes of the disease that struck the infidels remained unclear, while everyone who lived in the neighborhood was spared the disease.
Another miracle happened during the last battle of the 970-971 war between the Russians and the Byzantines. According to The Tale of Bygone Years, Saint Theodore Stratelates helped the Greeks to hold back the army of Svyatoslav Igorevich with a significant numerical superiority of the Russians.
The Day of Theodore Stratilates is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on the Julian calendar on February 8 and June 8, and the Catholic Church on February 7. Since 2010, with the blessing of Patriarch Kirill, the Great Martyr has been the heavenly patron of the Federal Bailiffs Service of the Russian Federation.

Theodore Tyrone
There are many icons depicting two warriors in armor. This is Fedor Stratilat and his namesake called Tyrone. According to legend, both warriors were born in the same Roman province. Theodore Tiron was a warrior of the Marmarite regiment stationed in the city of Amasia. He refused to submit to his centurion Wrink and did not take part in public idol worship. For this, he was brutally tortured and then burned at the stake. However, the remains of the great martyr were not damaged by fire, and the Christian Eusebius buried them in her house.
The lives of both saints are closely intertwined with each other, and they are often depicted together. This is due to the fact that during the existence of the Byzantine Empire, these great martyrs personified the Christian principle in military power.states. Both Theodores were also associated with George the Victorious, probably from a similar story with a victory over a serpent.

Temple of Theodore Stratilates on the Creek
Churches in different parts of the world were consecrated in honor of this saint. Among them, a special place is occupied by the temple on the stream, which is located in Veliky Novgorod. It was founded in 1360 with a donation from Novgorod mayor Semyon Andreevich and his mother Natalia.
The Church of St. Theodore Stratilates is a classic monument of medieval Novgorod architecture. Its building is a four-pillar one-domed building in the form of a cube, in which the facade, especially the apses and drums, are decorated with various decorative elements. On the western side of the temple adjoin the bell tower and an extension, erected in the 17th century. Building address: st. Fedorovsky Creek, 19-a.
The temple is also interesting because on its walls you can read medieval "graffiti", including comic content, left by Novgorodians about 700 years ago. Today, the church functions as a museum and its visit is included in many excursion programs.
The Church of Theodore Stratilates is also in the capital. The temple dedicated to this saint is located near Chistye Prudy, in Arkhangelsky Lane, and it was built in 1806.

Chelter Coba
The monastery of Theodore Stratilates, considered one of the oldest on the peninsula, still operates in Crimea to this day. It was founded by iconodules in the 8th-9th century, andlasted until 1475, until the Principality of Theodoro was captured by the Ottoman Empire. 15-20 people lived in the monastery. In total, 22 caves for various purposes have been preserved, including those used as cells. There is also a large dining room.
The revival of the monastery, which belongs to the RCP, began in 2000.

Now you know the details of the life of one of the most famous great martyrs, revered by the Orthodox and Catholic churches. You also know where the famous temple of Theodore Stratilates in Veliky Novgorod is located, so when you are in this city, you can admire this magnificent work of medieval Russian architecture.