Olga Papsueva is a happy pensioner and a popular video blogger

Olga Papsueva is a happy pensioner and a popular video blogger
Olga Papsueva is a happy pensioner and a popular video blogger

Retired and video blogger Olga Papsueva is increasing her Internet popularity every day. This is very eloquently evidenced by the statistics of her video blog. Every day, the number of subscribers increases by a couple of hundred, and the counter of views of her video tips and recipes counts tens of thousands of plays per day. What is the secret of such popularity?

Just like home

When you look at Olga Papsueva's recipes, you get the feeling that you went to your grandmother's kitchen. While preparing breakfast or dinner, you can have a nice conversation – these are the feelings that do not leave the viewer.

Olga Papsueva
Olga Papsueva

There is nothing pompous and ostentatious in the frame - neither in the interior, nor in the serving, nor in the behavior of Olga Pavlovna herself. She easily and naturally shares her life experience and skills, confirming in each new video the title of a good housewife deserved by subscribers.

Recipes for every day

Whatever each of us does in life, but everyone is united by the needeat. In this fast-moving, crazy-speed world, striving for something, there is less and less time left for simple household trifles. This explains the need to learn the secrets of craftsmanship, how to quickly cook something, how to set the table for guests "out of nothing", how to clean up and spend less time on it. Olga Papsueva will tell about all this in her video blog. Now the time of failed experiments is in the past. Just watch a short video with practical recommendations, behind which many years of experience.

Mistresses always compete to see who has the best borscht and pies. And Olga Papsueva also shows how to achieve the best result. Most recently, she shared the secret behind her signature herb mashed potatoes.

olga papuseva's recipes
olga papuseva's recipes

Olga Papsueva herself says there is no secret. You need to boil the potatoes in a small amount of water without s alt, then drain the potato broth, leaving a small amount in a separate bowl (it is useful for mashed potatoes). It is time to s alt the boiled potatoes, add ground black pepper, mix everything well. At the next stage, the magic begins: you need to add butter and sour cream to the potatoes (to taste, the amount of these ingredients depends on how satisfying the mashed potatoes should be) and mash the potatoes well with a potato masher until smooth, stirring constantly so as not to miss even the smallest lumps. After the potatoes are mashed to a state of puree, you need to add a little potatodecoction, which we prudently left: this will make the puree tender and silky in taste. The final touch is to sprinkle chopped herbs on top (choice of parsley, dill, onion).

Tips for all occasions

Who once went to Olga Pavlovna's channel, he will come back again and again. After all, here you can find answers to almost all questions. Olga Papsueva's advice covers a very wide range of issues. Household tips and workshops for enthusiastic crafters on embroidery, origami, making plaster figurines at home, etc.

Olga Papuseva's advice
Olga Papuseva's advice

Olga Pavlovna will tell you how to make holiday decorations for the interior with your own hands, teach you how to knit and crochet, and also reveal the secrets of how to attract money into the house so that there are large and small, but certainly in sufficient quantities.