Guram Narmania: biography and career of a video blogger

Guram Narmania: biography and career of a video blogger
Guram Narmania: biography and career of a video blogger

Social experiment - a way to test the mental reaction or moral principles of a person in a non-standard (acted) situation. Guram Narmania is an expert in these matters. The guy knows a lot about video blogging, because he, along with Nikolai Sobolev, led a project called "Rakamakafo" on YouTube, in which social experiments were carried out. In almost a year, the guys achieved incredible fame, about a million people subscribed to their channel.

Guram Narmania and Nikolai Sobolev became the object of media attention, at the same time they became real idols of modern youth. Currently, the Rakamakafo project is in a “frozen” state - the guys stopped actively filming social experiments and started their own projects on YouTube. They did not quarrel, did not break off friendly relations, they just mentally outlived themselves in a joint project.

Guram Narmania and Nikolai Sobolev
Guram Narmania and Nikolai Sobolev

Where is G. Narmania now?

Now Guram has his own channel on YouTube called Guram Georgian. By the name, as well as by its appearance, we can conclude that the nationality of Guram Narmania is Georgian. Here is a guyuploads various videos in which he tells about his life, tells interesting stories, discusses the burning issues of modern YouTube, and even shoots music videos. The channel "Guram Gruzin" has more than half a million subscribers, who are regularly added.

Guram Narmania on the street
Guram Narmania on the street


Guram Narmania was born on the twelfth of October 1993 in St. Petersburg (Russia). From an early age, the boy fell in love with the art of cinema and dreamed of becoming a director. In 2009, the guy graduated from high school and entered the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University at the Faculty of Information Technology. In 2014, Guram successfully graduated from the university and became an IT specialist. In the same year, our hero began his career on YouTube along with Nikolai Sobolev. During the period of successful growth of the Rakamakafo channel (2016), Narmania decides to return to SPbPU to get another higher education. The guy entered the Faculty of Management, Economics and Trade.

Earn as a video blogger

Even during the period of active work of the Rakamakafo channel, the public wondered about the earnings of N. Sobolev and G. Narmania. Often, the guys eluded the answers, introducing those interested in even more confusion. As it turned out later, there were only two advertising integrations on the Rakamakafo channel (at the time of 2016): businessman Ruslana Tatunashvili and the DEXP Ixion smartphone promoted the project. According to some information, Tatunashvili paid the guys around 150 thousand rubles. Beyond directadvertising campaigns, the Rakamakafo channel was monetized through affiliate programs. On average, their project brought about 3 thousand dollars / 175,000 rubles, that is, $ 1,500 / 87,500 rubles each. for each.

How much does Guram Narmania earn?
How much does Guram Narmania earn?

Now Guram Narmania earns much more than in 2016. Almost every video has advertising integration, which, by the way, costs a lot (measured in hundreds of thousands of rubles). Considering that Guram releases about five videos per month, then his income, taking into account affiliate programs, can range from 300 thousand to 1 million rubles.

Favorite books, views on life

As you know, Guram Narmaniye is a big fan of world literature. On his personal VKontakte page, the video blogger shared his favorite books with users, among which were the work of E. M. Remarque "Life on Loan", D. D. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye", S. Collins "The Hunger Games", F S. Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" and many others.

The guy has his own life credo - it is to go through life easily and purposefully. Watching his projects, we can conclude that the guy does not change his own principles. For Guram, it does not matter how much he will earn, he does not strive for secret we alth, he just wants to do what he loves and get high from it.

Guram Narmania and his girlfriend

The video blogger has never revealed his personal relationship to the public. Many of his fans and admirers are constantly wondering about his heart, is it freeit? In no one personal interview did he answer the direct question: "Do you have a girlfriend?".

Guram Narmania and his girlfriend
Guram Narmania and his girlfriend

For a long time this question remained open until Guram started posting photos on Instagram with his girlfriend. It became clear that the video blogger is in a romantic relationship, but the information cannot be found on the Internet at all. It is known that Guram's girlfriend is signed on Instagram under the nickname fuentas_.
