A girl from the provinces, a well-known blogger, an Internet star, the owner of a successful business - an extraordinary Tanya Lieberman. Her Instagram account has more than 80 thousand followers, with whom she shares her thoughts, positive emotions and vivid pictures from her life.
Biography Facts
Tanya Lieberman was born on October 24, 1984. From childhood, she dreamed of working in glossy publications, successfully graduated from the Faculty of Journalism in Tyumen, conquered Moscow, and interned at Seventeen magazine. However, when the fuse of the first impression from the world of journalism faded, the girl thought about her own prospects.
In 2009, she started blogging at Livejournal and quickly won the recognition and love of readers. After moving to Tel Aviv, she radically changed her life. The girl braided dreadlocks, left the Moscow company "Podium" and opened her own business: an online sale of oriental exotic jewelry.

Lieberman promotes bright creative jewelryJerusalembazar.ru. The project, which opened in October 2009, caused a huge stir among regular readers of Tanya Lieberman. Today, the girl enters into agreements with many designers, finds them mostly on her own, promotes them, as she loves to wander around the shops of Tel Aviv.
In the spring of 2012, the family of Tanya Lieberman and Misha Peisakhovich was happy about the addition - their daughter Michal was born. And two years later - the son of Yankel. The daughter became the star of her mother's blog and the favorite of readers. Often, the pages feature a pet dog, Hanukkah.
Tanya gained fame thanks to her blog in LiveJournal, now her army of fans in social networks is tens of thousands of people. Tanya Lieberman has been decorating weddings since 2012. Conducts master classes in flower compositions, now also abroad, not so long ago in Yekaterinburg, and in January of this year - in London. With her light hand, the floristic wedding design project Flowerslovers saw the light of day. Later, a beauty salon was opened. She was not involved in business development in Israel, she believes that it is easier to make money in Moscow. Flowers are a favorite hobby and a "side" business, and the main thing is the Jerusalembazar store, which sells products from Israeli designers: jewelry and ceramics.
She was happy to blog about the process of building, arranging and finishing her own house in the suburbs on Novorizhskoye Highway.

Tanya Lieberman, whose biography resembles the tale of Cinderella, beforededicate herself to a jewelry store, worked at Podium as a personal assistant to the founder. This business had its advantages: an interesting business, an excellent leader, the availability of free time and an image image. But the work was not entirely to their liking. This is probably why Tanya decided to quit her job and go to Israel.
Tatyana works mostly at home, but two stores and opportunities for master classes do not allow her to stop there. Lieberman's schedule is quite tight, but for all her employment, she successfully copes with the duties of a mother and entrepreneurial activity. Not so long ago, little Michal was hired a nanny. In any case, the kids need an eye and an eye, and even if they are with a nanny, mom does not relax. Regularly takes the kids on work trips to other cities.

Jerusalembazar online jewelry store is a unique project, bright jewelry and original work. The stones that adorn most of the products are fascinating. You can admire the assortment presented in the store at periodically operating showrooms in the center of Moscow.
How did the idea of selling jewelry from Tel Aviv come about? The jewelry market in Israel is crowded, the choice is huge. Jewelry making is a national hobby, all girls make something. Often there are original, memorable things from novice designers. It is with such talents that Tanya Lieberman tries to cooperate. Her first partner was Segal. Then TanyaLieberman, a celebrity, decided to take a chance. She brought her works to Moscow: silver jewelry with semi-precious stones. Products sold out on the first day.

At first she did not think that she could support herself in the jewelry business, she planned to downshift with money from renting an apartment. But people immediately liked the project. Readers of Tanya's blog quickly appreciated the store. The project resembled her blog, was interesting, beautiful and personal. Tatyana served everything with exceptional taste: assortment, pictures, photos.
Today, Tatyana puts all her strength into her business, which gives rise to sales. Income, of course, exceeds several times the office salary. At the same time, not a penny was invested in advertising the store, only LiveJournal PR and word of mouth were used.
Why did she choose entrepreneurship without investment?
When Tanya started her business, she had no children and no husband. Her dad, a successful entrepreneur from the Tyumen region, always believed that it was impossible to make money online. It probably spurred the girl on. In the Lieberman family, everyone has certain entrepreneurial talents. Grandmother Tanya, for example, is also a business woman at 78 years old, her business has been successfully operating for 22 years.
Tatyana Lieberman's business was initially risk-free. She grew slowly without large investments, she invested only what she earned in the same business. There was no choice, because at that time there was nothing to invest. Business without investment can only be done on social networks. Tanya Lieberman had her blog inLiveJournal is a free advertising platform, and started selling jewelry that I brought back from my trip.
The investment amounted to almost zero, equal to the cost of five earrings. After the sale of the first products, she again made a purchase for 15,000 rubles. Then she received 45,000 rubles each, giving half for an apartment. Gradually, the small investment paid off. There were no plans to open a store at that time. I just wanted success, as Tanya Lieberman herself says.
Real store
All major projects and events of Tanya Lieberman take place in Moscow. In Israel, the spouses do not have permanent housing, so it is problematic to spend a lot of time there. The increase in assortment prompted Tatyana to open an offline store. He began work in autumn 2014 in Moscow. At this time, the girl was already carrying a second child under her heart, actively running a business, organizing the opening.
It became impossible to conduct all sales in site mode. The store was opened as soon as the first opportunity arose, and the risks decreased. Online and offline shopping are not the same - different assortment, different atmosphere, pricing policy. If a visitor has entered the site, he purposefully selects a specific category and stops at the model he needs. At the same time, he does not see anything. There is no consultant on the site who will share additional information.

The couple did not regret opening an offline store, says popular Russian blogger Tanya Lieberman. Creation of a small cozy shop-shop, which is pleasantto go in was an interesting experience for them. Today, the family business is faced with the task of getting out of the state of “business on the knee”.
About the blog
How did the diary for Tatyana Lieberman's friends grow into a platform with thousands of people? At first, the girl wanted to write incognito. She started LiveJournal when she spent her last days aimlessly at IKEA. The work turned out to be uninteresting, it was necessary to leave, it was necessary to fill the time with something. Then Tanya still lived in Yekaterinburg. Later she moved to Moscow, worked for a long time at an unremarkable job, meanwhile subscribers were added to LiveJournal. Over a thousand.
How did Tanya hook her audience?
At that time, Tanya Lieberman, a blogger, also had a small income, in Moscow she rented a modest room on Voikovskaya and worked as a secretary. There wasn’t much to write about: I didn’t do reviews of cosmetics or fashionable clothes, I didn’t travel. But she famously wrote with charisma and an insane spark, she presented simple events as extraordinary. People were interested in reading.
Relationship with husband
Mikhail, Tatyana Lieberman's husband, is formally on maternity leave today. Together, the couple run the family business. Moreover, Mikhail puts much more effort than he had in his main job. Motivates spouses to do their job, for the benefit of the family. Why was it decided that the husband should leave his main job in a prestigious company and take over the wife's store? At some point, the business began to bring in more money than wages. It became clear that the business needed to be developed. In addition, the couple moved tosuburbs, and it became physically very difficult to continue working in Moscow. Children in this family come first. Tanya Lieberman, whose wedding took place in the spring of 2011, is planning a family business with her husband so that she can be with the kids and have time to earn money.

Peysakhovich-Lieberman is a very loving couple. Together they make decisions, they think alike in global, fundamental, life issues: relationships with children, the desire to live outside the city, family budget planning. They know how to resolve many issues calmly, without sorting things out and without looking for endless compromises, but sometimes they have different opinions on minor issues.
Hourly parenting is not for me
The daughter and son of Tanya Lieberman have a very small age difference - two years. The second child was also planned and desired. They gave birth to the first and immediately wanted a second. According to Tatyana, one should receive joy in the process of raising children. You can’t get hung up on difficulties, in which case you risk not having fun, especially in parenthood. “Hourly parenting is not for me,” Lieberman says. The family has a nanny. At the same time, the girl clearly understands that it is very difficult and unnecessary to combine the upbringing of children and business, since both will be done poorly.

Tanya Lieberman's family clearly divides the time when it is necessary to take care of children, and when it is work. Self-denial loses its meaning if a woman no longer receivesenjoyment of interacting with the child. An unhappy mother is a victim that no one needs, especially children.
People themselves create barriers that prevent them from being happy
Tanja Liebermann is today a personal brand, an example to follow. She feels her responsibility, more and more brings positive things to the masses and does not express negative things on social networks. Sometimes, like all people, he gets upset, writes evil posts, but in general he does not see the point in suffering in public. Lieberman believes that it is worth focusing on the positive, learning to be happy, taking life easy. Of course, real problems cannot be treated casually. But most often people limit themselves, prevent themselves from being happy. Therefore, Tanya considers herself responsible for demonstrating to people that it is quite possible to live happily and harmoniously. She is not afraid to make her dreams come true and live as she wants. All this is described in detail by the girl in her blog. Here it is, the story of Tanya Lieberman.