New materials used for interior decoration, furniture manufacturing, in many respects are not inferior to natural ones, but they cannot completely replace them. And this is due not only to the human desire to live in a natural, natural environment, but also to the fact that artificially created components do not cope with all tasks. For example, for the construction of yachts, the manufacture of garden and home furniture, the production of decking, teak is most suitable. It is no coincidence that this precious tree species is in demand all over the world – its durability and beauty have determined its popularity.
Growth area
Tectona grandis, or teak (tree), also has the following names: Rangoon or Burmese tonic, Mulmein, Indian teak. Distribution area: India, South and Southeast Asia in the region of Burma, Thailand, the Malaysian Peninsula. Due to the great popularity of teak wood products, it has been actively grown on plantations. The differences between wild and plantation teak are in the internal color of the wood, and no fundamental differences were found in terms of the main operational qualities.
In nature, a tree reaches a height of 40 meters, a trunk diameter of up to 60 centimeters, but in rare casesthere are specimens with a diameter of 1.5 meters. Teak plantations, in addition to traditional habitats, are located in Panama, Africa and Costa Rica.

Teak wood is very durable. Under favorable conditions, it can be preserved for centuries - some figurines found in Indian cave temples were carved more than two thousand years ago and still retain their integrity and beauty. The natural wood of this breed is rich in shades, and, dissolving the log, you can enjoy the beauty of the palette from warm yellow to dark brown. There are also shades of gray, lemon, ocher.
Teak is a type of wood with valuable qualities. The presence of a large amount of oil and the content of rubber (up to 5%) in the wood structure determines the smoothness, velvety, matte sheen. These same substances give wood water-repellent properties, resistance to chemical damage, fungi, and various types of insects. Also, oils and other constituents of the material give the wood a pronounced smell of old leather.
The texture of the wood (teak) is mostly straight-fibered, but sometimes the fibers are waviness. In terms of its physical and mechanical properties, this type of tree species is inferior to oak, larch, but close to drooping birch. Some experts claim that teak is successfully replaced by ash, provided it is properly processed.

Like every tree, teak has growth rings, but unlike otherwood, in the massif of this breed, when cut, they give a unique play of color, which is a hallmark of the material. Under the influence of the environment, the stains disappear, the color becomes uniform, darkened.
Teak wood has its advantages:
- Abrasion resistance.
- Weather resistant (tolerates moisture and dryness without damage).
- Resistance to fungus, pests, decay.
- Easy to process by hand and machine.
- Expensive.
- Must be oiled or opened with water-based varnishes annually.
- Getting dark.
Wood's durability and longevity minimizes imperfections, as wood furniture or finishes save money on repairs or replacements.

Teak (wood) is processed manually using a standard set of tools. Experts recommend further sharpening them, since the mass of the material contains a lot of essential oils. Teak wood material is less susceptible to water and fiber swelling, but decking or flooring in damp rooms should be made with this possibility in mind. Prolonged stay in the aquatic environment can affect the fibers with fungus and decay: to a greater extent, this process applies to the end parts of the treated board.
Impregnation for wood (teak) is contained directly in the wood structure, but additionalefforts are needed. Actively used in the manufacture of yachts, teak wood, according to experts, is annually scraped and treated with the same oil or a mixture of linseed and tung oils with the addition of beeswax. Furniture manufacturers cover the finished product with oils or water-based varnishes, which well impregnate the wood structure in the mass. Furniture left untreated outdoors will acquire a characteristic silvery coating by the beginning of the next season, which is difficult to get rid of, but the wood will not suffer.

Building material
Teak wood is an expensive material, and the construction of houses from it is not carried out even in distribution areas. Shipbuilders began to use its best properties from the 15th century. Ships made from this type of wood were durable, did not require frequent repairs and replacement of individual parts. Today, these qualities are used in the construction of luxury yachts, but the material is used for the interior lining of cabins, deck covering, and for individual sail fastening elements, handrails are made and so on.

Finishing material
As a finish, teak (wood) is used very widely in various fields. The beauty and durability of parquet from this precious breed allows you to admire it for several generations. Wall paneling is suitable for classic design rooms, especially for those who do not want to make frequent repairs and radically change the situation. Forfor connoisseurs of natural materials, a lightweight veneer finish is available.
Veneered plywood, solid wood of more common species, which reduces the cost of the final product, but allows you to use products with a set of qualities of solid wood, a plant such as teak. The color of wood in veneer, with proper processing and further use, changes in the same way as that of a board made of solid wood, that is, it darkens.
The special qualities of wood are in demand when finishing indoor floors and outdoor terraces. To date, modular panels are being manufactured that greatly simplify the laying of material, since the board or parquet slabs are mounted in a module, taking into account the structure and behavior of wood. For interior work, teak flooring is rarely used due to its high cost, but it is it that makes it possible to carry out repairs extremely rarely, while maintaining all its qualities in the long term. Decreasing the cost of terraced flooring work is achieved by using more affordable wood, for which teak-colored impregnation is used. Often this impregnation is made from teak oil, which strengthens the fibers and weather resistance.

Teak furniture
Teak wood furniture is popular at all times. It is not difficult to meet an armchair, couch or table made of this breed at flea markets. Most often, all pieces of furniture are in good condition and the maximum they need during restoration is to replace metalparts, grinding and coating with a protective agent. Today, outdoor furniture is most in demand on the Russian market: it is purchased for summer cottages, private houses, open balconies and loggias. In most cases, these are folding structures that can be removed indoors in cold weather.
For teak folding furniture, the weak point is the fasteners, and the best option would be wooden. As they swell with the rest of the structure, they hold their grooves tighter while the metal parts loosen, corrode, and fall out.

Features of care
Preservation is a prerequisite for the preservation of teak products. Every year, before the start of the season of active use, outdoor furniture must be cleaned of dirt and dust. Sometimes it needs to be further sanded and coated with oil or other protective composition. Stubborn dirt is very difficult to clean from the pores of the wood, so many people remove the top layer of wood with subsequent processing, but this only applies to items that have been exposed to outdoor use. Floors, panels, furniture used in enclosed spaces do not require any special tricks: they are periodically, once every few years, covered with a protective compound.
Teak wood products and finishes are very durable and beautiful, they add individual style to any room in the house and the space outside the window.