Singer Nikolai Baskov: height, weight and interesting facts from life

Singer Nikolai Baskov: height, weight and interesting facts from life
Singer Nikolai Baskov: height, weight and interesting facts from life

The life of public people is always hidden behind seven locks. They seek to isolate themselves from the paparazzi and annoying journalists, reporting only what they themselves consider necessary. Fans do not like this state of affairs at all, they want to know everything about their favorite star, down to body parameters, clothing sizes and even shoes. Enthusiastic people are difficult to understand for those who have never been someone's fan. However, the fact of their existence cannot be denied, because if they did not exist, who would then visit concert halls, stadiums and theaters?

Sensitive subject

rise of the basques
rise of the basques

The hero of today's material will be the favorite of the public and the conqueror of women's hearts Nikolai Baskov. Those who are looking for autobiographical information about him or want to read another heartbreaking story about his new hobbies will be bored here, because it will be about something completely different. Our article will reveal rare facts and find answers to the most sensitive requests regarding Baskov:height, weight, age and the last love of the famous heartthrob. By the way, due to the fact that various sources in the press publish absolutely opposite data, and the opinions of many experts differ on specific figures regarding the parameters of the famous pop artist, we will conduct our own investigation and find out specific plausible data.

Complex or reluctance to reveal the secret?

Nikolay Baskov growth
Nikolay Baskov growth

Many fans of the country's "natural blond" are interested in the question of Baskov's growth. It is known that such information is most often in the public domain about athletes due to their professional activities. And there is very little data regarding artists. It is worth noting that some celebrities do not hide natural parameters. However, Nikolai Baskov never made public specific figures. Rumor has it that he is embarrassed about his height and complexes about it. Based on all this, you have to conduct a whole investigation and build a bunch of conjectures and assumptions.

Comparison of Baskov with other stars

how tall is a basque
how tall is a basque

In the media, you can find data regarding Baskov's height in cm, which differ from each other. So, for example, the spread of numbers is from 168 cm to 174 cm, and in some sources even 178 cm. How can you find out the exact figure? In this difficult matter, a comparison of the artist with other celebrities, the data on which (in this case height) is plausible, will come to the rescue. We will call on Sergey for helpLazarev, Evgeni Plushenko and Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. By the way, it is worth saying that the blond of the national stage has been friends with the first two contenders for more than one year, but he personally met with the former president of the country in the Kremlin.

Baskov and Lazarev

Sergey's height is 1.81 m. He belongs to those men who are classified as "above average". Against his background (on joint pictures taken at various events), Nikolai Baskov looks much lower. From this, the conclusion suggests itself that the figure equal to 178 cm should be immediately deleted from the list of real data regarding Baskov's growth.

Basque height and weight
Basque height and weight

Nikolai Baskov and Evgeni Plushenko

The photos of Nikolai with Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko, whose height is also above average and equal to 178 cm, show the same significant difference as in the previous comparison. It is clear that Baskov's height most likely refers to the "average" option, and in our country, for those who were born in the USSR, it fluctuates within 168 cm. By the way, this limit has increased quite a lot among today's youth, so, since 2013 year, its value is considered to be a figure of 178 cm.

Personal meeting with Medvedev

Nikolai Baskov received a state award from the then President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. The growth of a representative of power is not a secret and is only 1.62 m. The photographs taken at the award ceremony show that the artist is somewhat taller than the former president of our country. Based on everythingof the above, it is quite simple to draw a conclusion about the growth of Nikolai Baskov. The most plausible figure indicated in the media can be considered the value of 174 cm.

He althy lifestyle

Baskov's height in cm
Baskov's height in cm

Those who like the work of Nikolai remember the period when he first appeared on the stage. Baskov was engaged in opera singing and showed great promise in this field. However, having made his debut in front of the audience as a pop artist, the artist retrained, giving his preference to modern song and show business. At that time, Baskov's age, whose growth is now no secret, reached the mark of 23 years. The viewer saw Nikolai, to put it mildly, out of shape. He did not have a sporty fit figure, but, on the contrary, gave the impression of an ardent lover of delicious food.

It is known that the world of popularity is quite cruel, so every artist has to look 100% in order not to lose fans and be in trend. Nikolai Baskov, whose growth is small, like no other, understood the need to comply with generally accepted standards. He took up his appearance, went on a diet, and after a while he could already demonstrate a good result to the public. By the way, despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since losing weight, the artist remains irresistible and continues to lead a he althy lifestyle. On social networks, he with great pleasure uploads photos of his snacks or full lunches and dinners. It is worth noting that his favorite foods are fish, vegetables, and avocados are indispensable.almost no meals. Now Baskov's weight and height are in perfect balance, which experts calculate, and amount to 80 kg and 174 cm, respectively.

The artist's companion who made him think about the wedding

Basque age growth
Basque age growth

Victoria Lopyreva, who appeared not so long ago in the artist's personal life, as others notice, contributed to his transformation. By the way, the girl is not at all embarrassed by Baskov's height, although against her background he looks quite low. Of course, in this case, you can attribute everything to Victoria's shoes, which are most often high heels. But the fact remains.

Nikolay has repeatedly noted that it was quite difficult for him to lose weight. He first tried to play sports on his own, but soon hired an instructor who picked up the optimal training system for him. Now the schedule of the artist's tour includes mandatory classes in the gym and massage sessions. The girl supports Baskov in all endeavors, believing that he is quite purposeful and stubborn. She is not at all embarrassed by Baskov's growth. By the way, the artist drinks up to 4 liters of water daily, although some consider this method of dealing with excess weight already outdated. Sometimes, however, he pampers himself with ice cream or chocolate, but immediately gets rid of the calories gained during training.

And one more point that I would like to mention in today's material concerns the new image of the artist. Recently, he began to dress quite differently from the way others used to see him, preferring bright colors to strict suits.cropped trousers, barefoot moccasins and stylish tight-fitting jackets. The singer himself notes that for all positive changes he is pushed by love for a beautiful woman who is always there.

Closing word

Each person in this world is individual and there is no point in getting hung up on his natural parameters. A talented person should not be measured in centimeters, but evaluated only by creativity. It doesn’t matter how tall Baskov is, what matters is what positive emotions the artist gives to each listener when performing on stage.
