Singer Oleg Gazmanov, who stands out on the Russian stage, is not only a talented performer, but also a composer and songwriter, whose lyrics formed the basis of the hits of many stars.

Oleg Gazmanov. Biography
Oleg Mikhailovich was born in the small town of Gusev, Kaliningrad Region, in the summer of 1951 in a family where his father was a naval officer and his mother a medical worker. Both of them took part in the defense of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. Oleg's childhood passed among the consequences of the war, which were expressed in the remains of guns, mines, grenades and everything else that boys of his age amused themselves with, finding them in the abandoned corners of the city, which still bears the imprint of front-line devastation. For many boys of that time, such games ended rather sadly, but Gazmanov was lucky, the fate of being blown up by a mine bypassed him. After graduating from school, young Oleg decided to follow in his father's footsteps and went to study at a higher naval school, mastered the profession of a mining engineer. He also seriously engaged in gymnastics, even had categories and titles. This base was very useful to him on stage, where he famously twisted somersaults or did some other acrobatic stunt. AfterIn the army, the future artist worked for some time for the benefit of his native school, studied at graduate school, and even planned to defend his candidate. But in parallel, he studied music, sang in restaurants, played the guitar in various musical groups. However, he was noticed only in 1988, and then not as a performer, but as the author of the song "Lucy", written for his son. A year later, he began a successful career as a singer and the idol of thousands of Russians.
First marriage
The first wife of Oleg Mikhailovich was a Kaliningrad girl named Irina. They started dating as students and got married pretty soon, although Gazmanov had not yet thought about children. Irina has a degree in chemistry. At first, the young family had some difficulties with Oleg's parents. His mother, Zinaida Gazmanova, could not find a common language with her son's beloved. But some time later, both women agreed on love for a man who was one of them as a husband, the other as a son, and peace and harmony reigned in the family. And in 1981, Irina gave birth to a son, which brought her even closer to her mother-in-law. Later, Gazmanov, with his wife and son, moved to Moscow, where he began to build a musical career. And everything was fine with them, until wild popularity came to Oleg Mikhailovich. Irina Gazmanova could not live in this cycle of fans, letters, calls, departures on tour and filed for divorce. The family broke up. Gazmanov did what a man should have done - he made sure that his former family did not need anything, and the gap between the parents did not affect his son in any way. Relations between the former spouses remained warm andfriendly. And it was Irina who helped Oleg take care of his mother when she started having serious he alth problems.
Second marriage

Marina Muravyova became the second wife of Oleg Gazmanov. Children, family, love - everything sparkled with new colors for him. The story of their love with Marina was not simple. It was full of lyrics, partings, throwing and a number of random meetings. Oleg became interested in Marina when he was still married to his first wife, however, as he claims, at that time they already lived separately, and their relationship was purely formal. But after a while, an affair with a married man, albeit formally, tired the beauty, and she decided to part with Oleg. Muravyova even married another - the brother of the infamous creator of the financial pyramid "MMM" - Vyacheslav Mavrodi and became pregnant in this marriage. However, both Mavrodi sat down for an extremely long time, and Gazmanov divorced his wife. And nothing else prevented two adults from becoming happy. And they finally got married.
All children of Gazmanov

Oleg Mikhailovich has three children. The first-born is the son of Rodion, he was born by the first wife of the artist Irina in 1981, when the Gazmanov family still lived in the Kaliningrad region. The second was the son Philip. Philip's biological father is businessman Vyacheslav Mavrodi convicted of fraud, and his mother is Oleg's second wife Marina. But Marina divorced her first husband while pregnant, and Gazmanov met her from the hospital. boyhe raised from the cradle as a native, giving him love, care and a surname. In 2003, a year after the wedding of Oleg and Marina, their charming daughter Marianna was born.
Career of Rodion Gazmanov

Of all the children of Gazmanov, the most famous, and from childhood, is Rodion. His stage debut took place when he was seven years old. He sang a touching song about the dog Lucy. But it was not only the finest hour of Rodion himself, it was also the beginning of his father's career. Later, Rodion often sang with his dad, but as he got older, he preferred business to the stage. But the craving for creativity, apparently, remained, because not so long ago he began to make attempts to return to the stage, for example, participating in the TV show "Voice" or "Just the same".