Erin Dark: filmography and photo of a red-haired American

Erin Dark: filmography and photo of a red-haired American
Erin Dark: filmography and photo of a red-haired American

Erin Dark is a fairly popular American actress who is well known by many filmgoers for her role as Cindy in the television series Good Girls Riot (2015). Her participation in this series was well remembered, because the actress played one of the main roles. And it was thanks to this project that Erin received a good share of fame.

Also, the popularity of the red-haired beauty just soared when the public found out about the engagement of the actress with Daniel Radcliffe, who probably does not need to be introduced. But first things first.

Redhead beauty Dark
Redhead beauty Dark

Dark's early years

Baby Erin was born in the state of Michigan, in the city of Flint, on September 10, 1984. Parents named their beloved daughter Erin Constance-Maya Dark. Unfortunately, almost nothing is known about the Dark family, since the girl does not like to talk about this topic.

From a young age, Erin was drawn to acting. And at the age of 13, she performed one of the roles in the Christmas production of Visions of Sugarplums.

After graduating from high school, Erin Dark entered the Faculty of Fine Arts inUniversity of Michigan. And after graduation, for a long time, young Dark was in the theater troupe of the Flint City Theater.

Erin Dark in a black dress
Erin Dark in a black dress

Next, Erin realized she needed to move forward and moved to New York. Here, without much difficulty, the young actress was trained in Bob Krakover's courses, immediately began performing on the theater stage and appearing in various episodes of film projects. Interestingly, Dark is so energetic that, in addition to acting, she also managed to work behind the scenes.


Erin Dark is truly a workaholic and never seems to get tired. But this is evidenced by a rather capacious film portfolio of the actress. Here there are both significant roles and episodic ones:

  • "Mercy" - the role of Ann.
  • "Road Obelisk" - the role of Emily.
  • "Something is wrong with Kevin" - the role of Rose's young assistant.
  • "Pan American" - Mimi Narducci.
  • "Better than nothing" - Cass.
  • "Poor rich girl" - Tin Employi.
  • "No connection" - Lauren.
  • "Girls" - Stacey.
  • "Two days in New York" - Cynthia's voice.
  • "Kill your loved ones" - Gwendolyn.
  • "Pavement traffic" - Dalia.
  • Beside Still Waters - Abby.
  • "Black box" - Claire Timoshuk.
  • "The longest week" - barmaid.
  • "Obshchak" - a cocktail waitress.
  • "Irreversibility" -Ellie.
  • "Love and mercy" - Marilyn Wilson.
  • Draft Day is a Seahawks fan.
  • "Still Alice" - Jenny.
  • "Discussion thread" - Chloe.
  • "Seven Lovers" - Laura.
  • Hunter&Game - Audrey.
  • "Public morality" - Susie.
  • "Good Girls Riot" - Cindy Reston.
  • "Fleeing reality" Portland girl.
  • "The Amazing Mrs. Meisel" - Mary.
  • "Thank you for your service" - Tracy.
Erin Dark
Erin Dark

And when is the wedding

In 2012, Erin Dark began filming in the movie Kill Your Darlings. On one set, she met her current fiancé, Harry Potter. It is noteworthy that at that time Daniel was dating the well-mannered and reserved Englishwoman Rosie Cocker. However, their union has already given a significant crack, so the appearance of the eccentric red-haired beast only dotted the i.

Below is the photo of Erin Dark with her fiancé Daniel Radcliffe.

Radcliffe with his future wife Dark
Radcliffe with his future wife Dark

While Dark and Daniel were dating, there were a lot of rumors about their separation and marriage. But only in 2017 the guys got engaged. But there has been no news of the wedding yet. By the way, there was a period when the lovers took a break in the relationship, but it was small and only strengthened their union.
