In 1988, the leadership of the Soviet Union signed an agreement under which they pledged to eliminate short- and medium-range missiles. At that time, the USSR had several missile systems that fell under these parameters. Among them was the Pioneer strategic missile system. Of course, it was quite new, since it began to be used only in the mid-1970s, nevertheless it was subject to disposal. Information about the history of creation, design and performance characteristics of the Pioneer missile system is contained in this article.
The Pioneer missile system in the technical documentation is listed under the index GRAU 15P645 RSD-10. In NATO and the USA it is classified as mod.1 Saber SS-20, which means “saber” in Russian. It is a mobile ground missile system(PGRK), using a solid-propellant two-stage ballistic missile 15Zh45 medium range. Developed at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (MIT). The Pioneer missile system has been in service since 1976.
A bit of history
In the 1950s in the Soviet Union, rocket science, according to experts, was carried out in the "liquid" direction. It was only in July 1959 that Decree No. 839-379 was issued, according to which it was decided to refuel surface-to-surface missile systems with solid fuel. The initiator of this direction, as well as the resolution itself, was Ustinov D. F. At that time he was the chairman of the Commission dealing with military-industrial issues.

It was planned to design completely new operational-tactical systems, designed for a flight range of 600 km, strategic (2,500 km) and intercontinental (10,000 km), which would run on solid fuel. In 1961, the Soyuz Research Institute of Chemical Technology (NIHTI) developed a recipe for a solid fuel mixture. In the same year, the first domestic solid-fuel complex "Temp-S" (SS-12) was created, using a guided ballistic missile with a range of 900 km. In 1972, the draft design of the Temp-2S complex (SS-16) was ready, and in 1974 the PGRK itself. It was on the basis of "Temp-2S" that the Pioneer missile system was made (photo of this PGRK - below).
About the design of SS-20
The creation of the Pioneer missile system began in 1971 at MIT. The process was supervised by Nadiradze A. D. The engineers werethe task was set - to develop a new medium-range missile, through which it would be possible to destroy a target at a distance of up to 5 thousand km. In addition, the designers worked on the rest of the elements of the complex. For example, over a mobile launcher, which was planned to be placed on a wheeled chassis. To facilitate the process, the engineers used the Temp-2S intercontinental missile as a basis. The main work was carried out by MIT employees. In addition, organizations such as NPO Soyuz and the Central Design Bureau Titan were involved in the design of the Pioneer missile system. Due to the fact that some elements were borrowed from the SS-16 project, the construction of the new complex was planned to be completed in 1974
About testing
The Pioneer RSD-10 missile system began to be tested in September 1974. During testing, some elements were subject to fine-tuning, after which they were checked again. According to experts, it took almost two years. In March 1976, Soviet designers reported to the State Commission on the successful completion of the project. After the signing of the relevant act, the new 16P645 missile system entered service with the Strategic Missile Forces.
About the launcher
The main elements of the Pioneer missile system are represented by the 15Zh45 ballistic missile and the 15U106 self-propelled launcher. Due to this architecture, with the help of the PGRK, it was possible to patrol at a great distance from the base, and having received an order, launch a rocket in a short period of time. The self-propelled launcher wascreated by employees of the Volgograd Central Design Bureau "Titan". Engineers used the MAZ-547V chassis as the basis for the car, which has a wheel arrangement of 12 x 12.

15U106 turned out to be more than 19 m long, and weighed 80 tons (if a transport and launch container and a rocket were installed on it). The presence of a V-38 diesel engine, designed for 650 horsepower, made it possible to accelerate the installation to 40 km / s on a flat road. According to experts, the 15U106 was capable of climbing up to 15 degrees, three-meter ditches, crossing water barriers if the depth did not exceed 1.1 m. the car was equipped with a lifting unit. It could be controlled by hydraulic actuators.

As a material for the manufacture of the transport and launch container 15Y107, engineers used fiberglass. In order to make the TPK stronger, it was reinforced with titanium rings. The container had a multilayer structure, namely, two fiberglass cylinders were separated by a heat-insulating layer. The length of the TPK turned out to be no more than 19 m. A hemispherical cover was attached to the front (upper) end with pyrobolts. For the mortar launch of the rocket, the rear (lower) end of the container was equipped with a PAD body (powder pressure accumulator).

How did the complex work?
To launch a rocketPioneer used the cold method. The bottom of the container was completed with a powder charge, due to the combustion of which the rocket was ejected from the TPK. In an effort to improve the design, the engineers decided to combine the powder battery with a separate cylindrical element. In other words, we got a retractable glass inside the container. When the rocket was launched, powder gases acted on it and on the "glass". As a result, he fell to the ground, thus forming an additional support for the entire transport and launch container. Also, this part performed another task. In the event of an abnormal combustion of the charge, which could harm the rocket, the pressure inside the container was released through the "glass". The rocket was held inside the TPK by detachable support-leading belts (OVP), which were also used as an obturator. After the rocket took off, these belts were shot off. As a result, they scattered to the sides at a distance of up to 170 m. According to experts, because of this feature, it was impossible to make a group launch on one site. Otherwise, the starting PGRK would have severely damaged the surrounding objects.
About rocket
"Pioneer" launched two-march ballistic missiles 15Zh45. In its design there were dilution stages and an instrument compartment. The length of the first stage was 8.5 m. It weighed 26.6 tons. It was accompanied by a 15D66 solid-propellant engine in a fiberglass housing, running on mixed fuel. To reduce the length of the rocket, the engineers slightly drowned the nozzle of the power unit into the body. Engine drivengas-jet rudders, for the manufacture of which heat-resistant material was used. On the outside of the rocket there were lattice and aerodynamic rudders, with which gas-jet ones were connected. The second stage as part of the rocket had a length of 4.6 m, weighed 8.6 tons. A 15D205 solid-propellant engine was placed in it. To change the flight range, the engineers equipped the second sustainer stage with a thrust-cutting system.

This system, according to experts, the engineers decided not to borrow from the Temp-2S project, but created it from scratch. Like the first, this stage was also controlled by gas rudders. Four 15D69P solid-propellant engines were used in the breeding stage. The location of these small-sized power units was the side surface under the warheads, which were used in the 15ZH45 as combat equipment.

There were three in total. The power of one reached 150 kt. Missile with circular probable deviation (CEP) no more than 550 m.
The Pioneer complex has the following characteristics:
- The type is a medium-range ballistic missile.
- Firing accuracy indicator (KVO) was 0.55 km.
- Range - up to 5 thousand m.
- Rocket launch is possible from an open area and from a special protected structure "Krona".
- Probability of hitting - 98%.
PGRK completed:
- Stationary and mobile command post withmeans of communication and control.
- Three combat missile systems from three divisions.
- Vehicles.
- A stationary facility that housed the launchers. This ensured the combat duty of the PGRK, ready to launch.
About modifications
RSD-10 "Pioneer" served as the basis for the creation of new complexes. Engineers developed the PGRK 15P656 Gorn. It uses 15Zh56 as a command rocket. Previously, the Pioneer-UTTKh missile system with the 15Zh53 missile was created. According to experts, it has improved combat characteristics. Structurally, it practically does not differ from 15Ж45.

However, the management system and the aggregate-combat unit have been changed in it. As a result, the CEP was 450 m, and the flight range increased to 5,500 km.