Hunting from the approach: the concept, the opening of the season, permission and advice from hunters

Hunting from the approach: the concept, the opening of the season, permission and advice from hunters
Hunting from the approach: the concept, the opening of the season, permission and advice from hunters

Several types of crafts have been invented for the extraction of animals and birds. Judging by the numerous reviews, hunting from the approach is quite effective. Its essence is to get closer to the trophy at a shot distance. To do this, a person will need to know about the habits of a particular animal. According to experts, it is not necessary to take dogs to hunt from the approach. The extraction of the beast can be done individually or in pairs. For safety reasons, if you have to deal with an elk, a wild boar or a bear, it is advisable to go fishing in a group. Learn more about approach hunting in this article.

Introducing the method

Fishing from the approach involves a hidden foot approach to the beast. It is under this definition that this method is listed in the resolution, which indicates the permitted types of fishing. Thus, hunting from the approach is carried out without the involvement of vehicles. Judging by the numerous reviews, in addition to knowing the habits of animals, the hunter must have an excellent reaction, patience and observation. Membersthis event must have a hunting license and a permit to store weapons.

stalking in winter
stalking in winter

If these documents are missing, they will not be allowed to fish. Also, an authorized representative or individual entrepreneur in charge of hunting grounds is provided with papers that indicate how many animals and what species are to be shot.

What's special?

According to experts, the main condition for a successful hunt is to keep quiet. It will be possible to imperceptibly approach an animal or a bird if the hunter has a certain skill and skills of silent movement over rough terrain. To do this, before entering the fishery, the territory is carefully studied, paths are chosen in which the sound will not resonate. For example, experienced shooters recommend approaching the target in hollows and hollows. Hunting time is of great importance. The fact is that in the morning and in the evening the air has high humidity, as a result of which the sounds are not as clearly audible as in dry weather. This will give the hunter the opportunity to approach unnoticed and fire a shot.

About equipment

You need to go fishing in camouflage or comfortable clothes. It is important that it does not rustle during the movement of a person. It is also desirable that the hunting equipment be with fixed movable elements. To do this, they are tied with ordinary insulating tape. Light waterproof shoes are worn for hunting from the approach in autumn. To fish for a billhook or a bear, you need to have felt cloaks on a rubbersole. Since during the hunt from the approach in winter you will have to move through deep snow, many shooters acquire skis. This mode of transportation is quite noisy. Therefore, sliding surfaces are glued with skins. Such covers are also called skins. They are moose, horse and seal.

What is required to hunt a hare

A shooter who decides to hunt hares from the approach must have good physical fitness. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the habits of this animal and its habitats. Hunting is possible if the hares have bred enough.

hunting for hares from the approach
hunting for hares from the approach

How is the hunt?

The essence of this event is that the hunter must walk many kilometers until he "raises" the hare from its hole. If there are few of these animals in any locality, a person will simply lose a day. It happens that the animal does not break away, but carefully raises its head to see who disturbed it. One person can not always notice this movement. Therefore, experienced hunters recommend going fishing in a group of 3-4 people. In this case, it is possible to bypass places with limited visibility. For example, look at the forest, shrubs and weeds from the sides. In the field, hares can hide in the edges of ditches. They are formed in those areas that are not plowed. Finding them is easy: there will be large stones, telegraph poles and high-voltage power lines. You should move slowly and be ready to fire a shot offhand at any moment. Therefore, it is desirable that the hunter has good shooting skills.

When to go out for a hare?

Usually hunters go hunting on quiet, dry and frosty days. It is in such weather that the hare easily leaves its shelter, and does not lie to the end until a person steps on it. This is how the animal behaves if the weather is warm, damp and windy.

How to hunt roe deer?

Start of the season - end of summer. The hunt lasts from the last days of August until September 20. The season coincides with the rut period. Further from October to December. The exact dates should be clarified, as they may differ in each region. A license is required to shoot this type of animal. In autumn, roe deer hunting is best done on windy and rainy days. In such weather, the animal is often deployed in an open and well-viewed area by the hunter. Due to inclement weather, the instinct and hearing of this animal is dulled. Therefore, the shooter need not worry too much about his disguise.

roe deer hunting from the approach
roe deer hunting from the approach

In winter it is better to go out in windy and clear weather. On such days, judging by the reviews, it is easier to find the beast. The wind will drown out the steps and smells of people. You can hunt individually or in pairs. Experienced hunters go with a well-trained dog. Her task is to notice the roe deer before a person, pick it up and drive the animal towards the owner.

Before you go fishing, the shooter needs to explore the area, namely woodlands and forest clearings. This is where roe deer prefer to graze. Also followsconsider disguise. Clothing in its color scheme should not differ from the area. In autumn, it is better to use khaki camouflage, in winter - gray and black suits. So that it does not rustle during movement and from the wind, preference should be given to soft tissues. It will be possible to walk silently in rubber boots or felt boots.

As practice shows, a well-fed animal is less cautious. Therefore, it is best to start hunting early in the morning. At this time, the roe deer will just graze. During the day and in the evening, this animal is more alert. Experienced hunters take advantage of the fact that roe deer have poor eyesight. The beast does not smell the smell of a person if you go against the wind. If the animal turned its head towards the hunter, then you should freeze and not move. Most likely, at a long distance, the roe deer will not see a person and will continue to graze.

How do they get moose?

The peculiarity of this animal is that, like many other ruminants, it needs rest after feeding. The fact is that elk cannot burp chewing gum and digest food on the go. Wolves take advantage of this. Predators drive the beast until it is completely exhausted and falls. Man, unlike the wolf, this method of hunting is not available. People use several other methods, one of which is stalking moose. In autumn, it is not difficult to identify the laying of the beast. They do this on broken bushes and corroded tops of plants. If such places can be found, then soon you will be able to see resting moose.

elk hunting in autumn from the approach
elk hunting in autumn from the approach

After a family is found, a target must be selected. Since at this time of the year the female often carries cubs, the old elk should be shot.

About tracking down a billhook

Many beginners are interested in how the hunt for wild boars works? According to experienced shooters, this activity is very exciting and reckless, but also quite dangerous. The hunter will have to concentrate all his strength, skills and abilities as much as possible. You also need to know the hunting ground and the habits of the billhook.

boar hunting from the approach
boar hunting from the approach

Boars are nocturnal animals. Rest they come in the daytime. In addition, boars prefer not to change their habits: they mostly go to the same places for watering and feeding, leaving clearly visible paths behind them. On these tracks, hunters determine exactly where the billhook eats. This should be done during the day. Since the boars are noisy on the fattening, the shooter has a chance to approach unnoticed. Approaching a wild boar rookery is quite dangerous. Despite the fact that billhooks have relatively poor eyesight, they have highly developed hearing and sense of smell. Since the wild boar is a herd animal, several individuals can rest in one place. If one boar feels danger, it will raise the rest, which are able to deal with the enemy. It is allowed to harvest billhooks from the beginning of summer until February 29.

boar hunting from the approach
boar hunting from the approach

On the rules of conduct

Hunting for a wild boar from the approach provides for the following rules:

  • The gun should always beloaded and ready to fire.
  • A hunter shouldn't wear perfume. According to experts, the boar can even smell the smell of shampoo or shaving foam.
  • You should proceed during the daytime.
  • You need to move slowly and carefully. It is advisable to periodically make small pauses and listen to the sounds.
  • Approaching the boar from downwind.
  • Shooting is done from natural cover: tree, boulder or stump.

Due to the fact that the boar is very secretive, a novice hunter can go directly to the boar. Often, the billhook waits on purpose to then run into a person. Such a collision can be fatal for an inexperienced hunter.

About catching black grouse

The hunting season starts in August from the third Saturday. In some regions it lasts until the end of December or February. Hunting for black grouse from the approach is to imperceptibly approach the bird, and then shoot it. The black grouse is a fairly cautious species. Therefore, experienced shooters use vegetation as cover. It is necessary to catch the moment when the bird will not look around. It is most convenient to do this when the black grouse is feeding. Therefore, they go fishing in the morning and evening hours. At this time, the game will leave the hole and go in search of food. The hunter first discovers the hole, then sneaks up unnoticed, and then shoots at the frightened bird. Before fishing, it is desirable to conduct reconnaissance. The purpose of this activity is to explore the area. After the hole is found, the shooter needs tocheck if there are grouse there. To do this, inspect the snow near this place. If traces of wings are visible on the ground, it means that the bird has flown away.

grouse hunting from the approach
grouse hunting from the approach

Don't get too close to the hole. You need to shoot from a three-meter distance.

What do experts advise?

It is not recommended to focus on only one hole. It may be that the black grouse dug several passages 1-2 m long under the snow. Therefore, it is possible that the bird will fly out in another place. This process looks very impressive: a snow cloud rises, noticing which, you need to shoot offhand. If you had to hunt together, then for safety reasons you should keep a distance of at least 15 m from your partner.
