The youngest grandmother in the world. Who is she?

The youngest grandmother in the world. Who is she?
The youngest grandmother in the world. Who is she?

We live in an age when meeting a woman on a city street with a stroller or just with a baby in her arms, it is difficult to unequivocally and with certainty answer who she is to the child: mother, grandmother, sister or nanny.

The youngest grandmother: the relevance of the issue

the youngest grandmother
the youngest grandmother

Every modern person, perhaps, has heard a lot about the problem of the aging of the nation. It occurs when, for some reason, there are more people of retirement age in the state than young people. As a rule, this phenomenon is quite common in Western Europe. Here, young people prefer to get on their feet first, build a business, purchase their own housing, and only after that think about their offspring.

That's why the "oldest" mother in the world was recorded here - Spaniard Maria del Carmen Bousada. I would not like to apply the word “old” to this woman, let it be “adult”. And the courage of a 67-year-old woman cannot but command respect. At that age, the title "young grandmother" would not have fit, and the woman managed to endure and give birth, however, with the help of a caesarean section, two amazing babies.

young grandmother
young grandmother

In developing and generally poor countries, women give birth earlier. What is it connected with? According to scientists, this is due to poor awareness of contraception, with a lack of sufficient funds not only for contraceptive pills for women, but even for condoms for men. Very often, eleven and twelve year old teenagers have sexual intercourse for the sake of curiosity, because there is nothing else to do, since neither study, nor career, nor the future life interests them. They grow up in front of TV screens and computers, where sex has long become something of a habit.

The youngest grandmother on the planet

grandmother and grandfather
grandmother and grandfather

According to official figures, the youngest grandmother on the planet now is 23-year-old Rifka Stanescu from Romania.

It so happened that a woman gave birth to her first child at the age of 12. The baby was named Maria, and exactly one and a half years later her brother Nikolai was born. According to the Romanian herself, her children were born as a result of true and pure love, which she rarely had to see in her parents' house. The poverty of a half-Gypsy family dictated its own rules. And Rifka's father decided to marry his daughter to the son of a successful businessman at that time. However, the girl, having learned about this, ran away with her lover, a seller from a jewelry store, Ionel Stanescu, who was only a couple of years older than her Juliet.

This couple is still living together. And recently they also became famous as the youngest grandparents on the planet, since their twelve-year-olddaughter Mary gave birth to a son, Jonah.

In official sources it was not possible to find information about who can claim the title of "The youngest grandmother" in our country. Nor is there a pattern. On the one hand, experts say that the tendency to early motherhood is observed among the inhabitants of the Caucasus region, and on the other hand, as you know, the youngest mother was and to this day remains a Muscovite Valya Isaeva, who gave birth to her daughter at the age of 13.
