Victoria Manasir: biography, personal life, children

Victoria Manasir: biography, personal life, children
Victoria Manasir: biography, personal life, children

The biography of Victoria Manasir is a vivid confirmation that a modern business woman does not have to give up her personal life for the sake of a career. As the wife of one of the richest people in Russia and the mother of four children, Vika successfully develops her own business, travels a lot and always finds time to communicate with her sons and daughter.

victoria manasir biography
victoria manasir biography


Victoria Vladimirovna Manasir (before her marriage - Sagura) was born in Moscow in 1981. The girl's mother was a professional conductor and from childhood instilled in her daughter a love of music. In 1990, Vika's younger sister Margarita was born.

Parents brought up their daughters in strictness, always making high demands on them. Thanks to this, Vika grew up as a disciplined and responsible girl. At the age of 12, Victoria Manasir became passionately interested in ballet, but they did not want to accept her into a choreographic school, because she was too old tostart dancing. In this difficult situation, her mother helped her, who agreed to work as an accompanist at an educational institution only on the condition that her daughter was taken on a trial period. The doubts of the choreographers were in vain. Flexible and graceful Vika quickly mastered the ballet steps and achieved unprecedented success in the art of dance.

Meet Ziyad Manasir

After graduating from the choreographic school, Vika was invited to perform in the famous ensemble named after. I. Moiseeva. In the early 2000s, the Jordanian oligarch Ziyad Manasir, who does business in Russia and is the founder of the Stroygazconsulting holding company, was invited as a guest to one of the band's concerts. The entrepreneur liked the soloist of the ensemble Victoria Sagura, and he began to court her. Soon after they met, the lovers began to prepare for the wedding. For Victoria, this marriage was the first, and for her chosen one - the second. Ziyad Manasir, who turned out to be 16 years older than Vika, was already married before meeting her and raised two daughters, Helen and Diana. The latter, after the new marriage of her father, began to live with him and her stepmother.

victoria manasir age
victoria manasir age

Having children

Marriage with a businessman opened a new happy period in the biography of Victoria Manasir, giving her the joy of motherhood. In 2004, Vika gave birth to her husband's daughter Dana. A year later, the son of Alex appeared in the family of Victoria and Ziyad. But the couple did not stop at two common children. After 4 and a half years, the former soloist of the Moiseeva ensemble Victoria Manasir gave her husband a sonRoman, and on September 1, 2017, another boy appeared in the family of a businessman and his wife, who was named Andrey.

The status of a mother of many children does not scare Victoria. Since childhood, the oligarch's wife dreamed of a large number of kids and even literally begged her little sister from her parents. In an interview with reporters, Manasir says that in the future he plans to give birth to at least one more child. The husband of Victoria's aspirations supports, since he himself was born into a large family, in which, besides him, 11 more children grew up. To date, Ziyad Manasir has more than 50 nephews, given to him by his brothers and sisters.

Ziyad Manasir and Victoria Manasir
Ziyad Manasir and Victoria Manasir

Further education and business

The biography of Victoria Manasir is not limited to raising children. After marriage, the girl graduated from the Financial Academy under the MBA program. In addition, Victoria has degrees in design and psychology. A brilliant education and financial support from her husband allowed her to establish her own business, which brings her not only income, but also moral pleasure.

In 2003, Victoria Manasir opened a private clinic, the French House of Medicine, on the right bank of the Moskva River. Later, the businessman's wife had the idea to create an institution in which children and their parents could reveal their creative and intellectual abilities. This is how the Vikiland children's and family leisure club appeared, the place for which Manasir chose Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street in Moscow. Some time later, the Vikiland club opened a branch in Barvikha Village.

victoria manasir children
victoria manasir children

In her club, Victoria Manasir offers children to learn foreign languages, master acting, drawing, singing and dancing. Vikiland also has teachers who teach kids sports, pottery and chess. The club can prepare the child for school. So that parents do not get bored while their children are in class, they can meditate in the yoga room in Vikiland, get painting or vocal lessons. Victoria often visits the club she created, not only as a hostess, but also as a visitor. Here she enjoys working with the potter's wheel and doing yoga.

Secrets of parenting

Journalists who are interested in the biography of Victoria Manasir often ask her about children. The wife of a businessman answers these questions with pleasure, joking that motherhood is her biggest life success, profession and hobby. Despite her busyness, Vika always puts the interests of her children in the foreground. Manasir does not trust domestic education, which, in her opinion, suppresses the freedom of students. In order for her older children to receive a decent education, she sent them to study at the Bilton Grange boarding house in London. Roman is still too small to study abroad, so Vika assigned him to a Moscow school. In his spare time, Alex is engaged in hockey, rugby, horseback riding and music. The daughter of Victoria Manasir and Ziyad Manasir Dana loves to draw, her works are shown at art exhibitions. Roman plays basketball, tennis and swimming.

Victoria brings upchildren in severity and instills in them respect for older people. She never punishes them, and prefers to resolve all conflict situations with them through conversations.

Victoria Manasir Moiseev Ensemble
Victoria Manasir Moiseev Ensemble


Victoria Manasir's age allows her to remain cheerful and energetic, despite the busy rhythm of life. She loves to travel with her husband and children. Victoria's favorite vacation spot is cozy European resorts, but she does not refuse trips to Africa and Antarctica.

Victoria has received several educations, but is not going to stop there. Her dream is to enter the directing department at VGIK. Manasir feels the potential to make films and is confident that she will be able to make interesting films in the future.
