Proverbs and sayings about justice and kindness

Proverbs and sayings about justice and kindness
Proverbs and sayings about justice and kindness

Proverbs of different genres accompany humanity throughout life, and aphorisms about goodness and justice are of paramount importance. Reading the wise revelations of the peoples of the world, people gain experience and pass it on to their children. Thousands of sayings can be found on the Internet and in the reading rooms of the country. Someone is fond of collecting well-aimed and clever phrases. And I really want to follow the example of collectors of ancient wisdom and increase knowledge by adding it to the common baggage.

Proverbs and sayings about justice

Do good and be fair not only to yourself, but also to those around you, folk wisdom suggests. The way it is. With what respect and attention you treat people, they will repay you the same. But attention should be sincere, radiate care and justice, and respect should radiate kindness and politeness. That's the whole secret.

Let's get enough of the wisdom of sayings that carrythe potential for spiritual harmony.

proverbs and sayings about justice
proverbs and sayings about justice

Selected proverbs about justice and goodness

Sayings and proverbs about justice:

  • Love milk mushrooms, love tuesok.
  • If you plant evil, you will receive evil.
  • Good is answered with kindness.
  • Whoever has the truth wins.
  • For work and pay.
  • What you shout is what you hear.
  • A fair word is better than a lie.
  • Do things, but do not forget about justice.
  • Evil knows the rightness, but is silent.
  • Human affairs are kept by justice.
  • Do not look for the truth if you have not grown it in yourself.
  • Many will judge others, few will judge themselves.
  • Justice without good is a windbag.
  • God has his own justice.
  • Being fair is easy, being kind is hard.
  • From correctness to love - a hundred roads.
  • Human justice is as changeable as the wind.
  • Where people benefit, there is justice.
  • If you are looking for a fair word, listen to everyone.
  • Justice without benefit is almost truth.
  • Don't hit Kuzma for Tyomkin's guilt.
  • Whoever is a liar, for that is a whip.
  • For kindness and treats.
  • Better the oppression of a lion than the sincerity of a hyena.
  • Everyone is fair in other people's affairs.
  • Justice and darkness illuminates.
  • In fairness, the resulting wound does not hurt.
  • A word of honor will crush even a stone.
  • Don't judge others, lest you be judged.
  • A conscientious act and the dog remembers.
sayings about kindness and justice
sayings about kindness and justice

Sayings about goodness and justice:

  • Evil time, good - eternity.
  • Do good - it will come back a hundredfold.
  • God will give for selfless goodness.
  • Bad deeds will not lead to good.
  • It's hard to find a benefactor, like a treasure, but it's bad - just reach out your hand.
  • Evil and good will seem evil.
  • Charity without love is meaningless.
  • If you follow evil, you will not find good.
  • It's bad if you haven't done good to anyone in your life.
  • Choose the beautiful, turn away from the bad.
  • Grow the good, throw away the evil.
  • Kind and death at all.
  • Don't trade good for bad.
  • Good to seek and seek, but the bad itself climbs.
  • Kind is useful in every home.
  • Darkness does not tolerate light, and evil - good.
  • Take care of yourself, choose good.
  • Only to make good for yourself is the way to the worst.
  • For good, every day is a holiday.
  • With a good heart live happily.
  • A kind person will do better than an unhappy one.
  • Sow good, fertilize good, reap good, share good.
  • Real good does not distinguish people.
  • Don't brag about the coin, brag about the good.
  • Life is given for good deeds.
  • If you don't understand good, then don't do evil.
  • Deeds of good live for two centuries.
  • Good done in secret lives two lives.
  • A kind answer will warm you in the cold.
  • Bad for those who are not generous with kindness.

Agree that these proverbs and sayings aboutjustice and kindness will correct anyone, even the most stubborn "misunderstanding".

Justice and goodness never end

To put it simply, you need to run your mind and heart over the reasonable sayings of antiquity more often. For this, poets and writers, priests and ordinary people come up with such sensible proverbs and sayings about justice in order to convey simple truths to people. And if somewhere you have a book of aphorisms lying around, look through it and remember what we live for.
