Political parties of modern Russia - multiply and multiply

Political parties of modern Russia - multiply and multiply
Political parties of modern Russia - multiply and multiply

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, political diversity is recognized in our country. The political parties of modern Russia offer a wide range of choices that can be made based on individual beliefs and preferences. This justifies the existence of all kinds of political entities.

political parties of modern russia
political parties of modern russia

However, since 2003, the parties of modern Russia have been forced to admit that since the creation of United Russia, a dominant system has actually been established in the country. In this case, any citizen of the country can notice the predominance of members of this particular party in almost all existing bodies of power and local self-government (at the district and federal levels).

Arrived in our shelf

Despite this, in 2012 the political parties of modern Russia dramatically increased their number from 7 to 73. This happened due to the liberalization of legislation that occurred after the mass protests of citizens in 2011. The adopted document simplified the procedure for creating political parties. At the same time, the minimum number ofparty.

contemporary political parties in russia
contemporary political parties in russia

This allowed smaller parties to also apply for registration. In addition to facilitating the general registration procedure, there has been a significant simplification of mandatory reporting. In the current legislation, modern political parties in Russia also have the right to express the political will of their own electorate, to take part in all public or political events, in elections. Among other things, they can represent and lobby the interests of their citizens at all levels of government, as well as at the levels of local governments. In addition, the political parties of modern Russia are required to have their regional offices in at least half of the constituent entities of Russia. And the governing bodies of a political party must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

parties of modern russia
parties of modern russia

Political parties in modern Russia have the right to nominate candidates for existing elected positions. The nomination of candidates for elections to the State Duma or to the legislative bodies of the country's constituent entities is not excluded.

Quantity doesn't mean quality

For the Russian Federation, multi-party system is a new trend. But this does not interfere with the creation and development of various political parties. Modern society is also already able to choose from the existing variety of parties exactly the one that will lobby and protect its specific interests. But the simplification of the procedure for creating parties led tothe emergence of a business that allows especially enterprising citizens to assist in the creation of a party or in its subsequent resale for a fee.

Simple math

According to modern legislation, the votes of citizens who were cast for non-passing parties can be distributed in favor of the past ones. This happens in proportion to the votes gained by the parties. At the same time, the failed party, which received about 3 percent of the vote, has the right to receive funding from the state. In order to pass a federal law, it will be enough to get half the votes of deputies, and to pass a federal constitutional law, about 70 percent of the votes are already required.
