Knowing the rules of behavior on the road, the attentiveness of the pedestrian himself is not always a guarantee of safety. Often accidents happen because of drivers, but not because only inadequate drunk people are driving, who got their rights for money. Sometimes it is simply impossible to see a pedestrian in the dark on an unlit section of the road. That is why the use of reflective elements for pedestrians is a very important condition if they want to protect themselves.

Sad statistics
As shown by the data provided by traffic police inspectors, every second accident is precisely a collision with a pedestrian. And if in the daytime accidents rarely have disastrous consequences, then at night the situation deteriorates sharply. What is the reason? In limitationreview of the road, inadequate behavior of a pedestrian, in the absence of observance of elementary rules on the road, which all road users must adhere to. Every year, several thousand people die on the roads, and the total number of accidents involving a pedestrian is in the tens of thousands. No one says that the use of reflective elements would be a guarantee of protection from an accident, but according to the same statistics, they increase the chance of a pedestrian to be seen by six times.
Who is at risk?
Given that in the winter season, deep twilight comes at 16-17 hours, the probability of being left out of sight of the driver during movement or maneuver occurs not only among idle revelers who did not get home on time. Children returning from school, extracurricular activities, art studios are the most vulnerable part of the population. Their inattention, coupled with darkness, is a big risk.

In addition, according to the reports of police officers, pensioners also fall under the category of pedestrians at risk. With age, both hearing and vision become dull, liveliness and mobility are not the same as in youth, so it is so important to take care and protect yourself. This is very easy to do by attaching reflective elements to your clothes or bag.
What are reflectors, how do they work?
There are many different devices that can reflect light. Initially, these were reflectors - plates that were attached to cars, bicycles and other vehicles. These are the samefigurines in yellow, red, orange or white. Reflective elements for pedestrians work on the same principle. They are able to reflect a beam of light in the dark without absorbing it. A variety of materials can be used, most often it is a textile or synthetic base on which polyvinyl chloride is applied. They also make reflectors as separate items - as a piece of clothing, bags, where the tape or appliqué is a non-removable element and sewn directly on them.
Where to buy?
So it turns out that you can buy ready-made clothes or individual items with reflective elements that are attached to themselves or used as decoration. Such accessories can be found not only in specialized stores for athletes or tourists, but also in the departments of children's goods, toys, stationery stores. But in the departments where sewing accessories are sold, thermal applications and a special tape are sold. With their help, it is easy to make your own reflective elements for pedestrians.

Adult reflective clothing
Seldom does anyone pay attention to such elements when buying clothes. But in vain, because mostly people prefer to buy and wear clothes in dark colors (black, blue, brown), and it is these colors that merge most with the environment. Gray and overcast winter days, darkness and an unmarked person are the most favorable factors that contribute to various kinds ofemergencies.
It is worth noting that in sportswear, manufacturers, at their discretion, insert piping, patches, patterns that create the possibility of not using additional retroreflective elements. For pedestrians and cyclists, this is an added benefit, as there is no need to constantly remove them and worry about having a reflector with you.
Children's safety is the most important thing
Fortunately, it is customary to pay more attention to children. That is why a lot of clothes and special accessories have been created for them, which children will wear with joy and pleasure. Of course, this is not all clothing, so parents should pay attention to this issue, review the child's wardrobe, and if the use of reflective elements is not provided by the manufacturer, it is important to take care of this yourself. Fortunately, there are models of various brooches, stickers, stripes for every taste, their price is quite low, and attaching them is easy and simple. Persuading a child to wear an accessory is not difficult, because the bright design and wide color palette will definitely appeal to him.
Maybe it will blow over?.
It is extremely unreasonable to hope for a happy coincidence in the matter of one's own safety. Each person is responsible for himself and his actions. By the way, back in 2006, in our country, the use of retroreflective elements (including pedestrians) was legally approved. This rule is only advisory in nature, but its presence in the general set of rules shows how much the authorities are concernedthe increasing incidence of accidents in which people suffer (and sometimes die).
The inspectors plan to change the nature of this rule so that it becomes mandatory for all categories of citizens.
What about other countries?
In order not to go far, let's clarify that in Belarus, with which Russia borders, it is approved: retroreflective elements for pedestrians are a mandatory accessory that is not subject to reservations and disputes. In Europe, the situation is even stricter, because in the case when the traffic inspector notices that there is no reflector on the clothes, this threatens with a very serious fine. Perhaps that is why people in Western countries are more disciplined, because what is easier: to put on a reflective bracelet for yourself and a vest for a child, or to pay a fine of 300 euros? Here in Russia, perhaps, it is necessary to introduce the whip method, maybe then there will be a result.

What are the reflective elements
If everyone agrees on the need for their use, then you should understand the types and methods of use. The most affordable options that do not require any additional actions other than the purchase itself are key chains, pendants, brooches and bracelets. Their advantages are low cost, bright design, high variety of models. They can be made from different materials, have various sizes and shapes. The disadvantage of such removable reflectors is that they are easy to lose, forget about scrap or at school (at work).
Thermal reflectors, tape, buttons, stickers are all options,which a person needs to independently fix on clothes, a bag, a bicycle, a stroller or a sled. Thermal stickers are probably the best option. Why? Here are three undeniable benefits:
- ease of use;
- durability;
- wide selection.
Heat-on stickers containing reflective elements (for pedestrians, exactly what you need) can be glued to any fabric. It can be cotton, linen, synthetic surfaces. It is not a problem to attach it to both casual jeans and outerwear - a jacket, raincoat, windbreaker. Numerous motifs (sports emblems, flowers, cartoon characters) will help you not only protect yourself, but also make an original decoration.
Is it possible to make such protection with your own hands?
As mentioned a little above, you can personally decorate clothes and a bag, as well as a vehicle using thermal applications. But for lovers of needlework and original things, it will not be difficult to make a beautiful little thing, pendant or brooch. To do this, you just need to use objects and parts that have reflective properties. These can be buttons, braid, and even ready-made reflectors: having beaten them a little, anyone can easily create retroreflective elements for pedestrians with their own hands.

Another great opportunity to showcase your talents is making paracord bracelets. This is the kind of cord that climbers and the military usually use for their equipment. There is a paracord that is processedspecial luminescent substance. During the day, it accumulates sunlight, and at night it gives it away, emitting a soft, even light.
The vest is the most striking tool to attract attention
Separately, I want to highlight these reflective elements for pedestrians. The photo of the vest clearly demonstrates how bright and catchy it is. Ribbons sewn on the front and back will help the driver to see a person even from a very long distance (at least 100-150 meters with the headlights on).

The lightness and compactness of the vest when folded makes it possible to always have it with you. After all, it will not take up much space either in a handbag or in a children's briefcase. In speci alty stores, you can always get a variety of sizes, ranging from small ones that will fit even a child of elementary grades, and ending with vests for adult men in their prime.
Another novelty that has appeared on the market offering reflective elements for children is special belts. The tape with reflective paint is sewn onto the belt braid, it snaps into place with plastic snap hooks. This design makes it easy and quick to remove the belt and put it on when the child goes outside.

Set an example
Unfortunately, the country's educational system takes into account many different sciences. But to teach children and adults elementary rulessafety, which relate to behavior on the road, in public places, in nature, still no one can. It is very important that parents give their children the right and positive example, clearly demonstrating how to behave in a given situation. Only the systematic consolidation of skills, a daily reminder will develop a habit in a person that will come in handy more than once in life.