Each responsible parent begins to acquaint his child with the rules of traffic rules at an early preschool age. We teach kids how to cross the road and follow the traffic lights. Meanwhile, children under the age of 18 are still involved in road traffic accidents caused by drivers. A reflective element is a real safety feature that can help make pedestrians more visible on the road.
Operation principle
Reflective stripes are mandatory sewn on the uniforms of police officers and some other departments, road workers overalls and sportswear of famous brands. The principle of operation of such inserts is simple. In bright light, they look normal. But it is worth getting light on them in conditions of poor visibility, as it will be reflected. If the roadway is not well lit, the driver can only notice a pedestrian from a distance of 25-30 meters. Often this gap is not enough for timely braking.

Reflective element on clothing allows you to see a pedestrian at a distance of 200 meterswith low beam headlights, and approximately 350 meters with high beam. At the same time, reflective elements, or, as they are also called, flickers, are now available to everyone. You can protect yourself by choosing clothes with reflective inserts, wearing special bracelets, key rings, pendants. Flickers are also sold in the form of stickers for fabric and plastic. A properly selected reflective element will not spoil, but will decorate your outfit. And most importantly, it can actually save your life!
Is it mandatory to wear flickers in Russia?
In our country, the law on the mandatory use of reflective elements by pedestrians came into force on July 1, 2015. It clearly spells out situations and cases when wearing flickers is mandatory. A retroreflective element on a pedestrian's clothing must be present when moving on the roadway outside settlements. It is mandatory to use this personal protective equipment during rain and fog, as well as when crossing the road, driving along its edge or shoulder. There is even a fine, the minimum amount of which is 500 rubles for non-compliance with this rule of traffic rules. Reflective elements at the same time cost from 15 rubles apiece. In all other cases, wearing flickers is optional, but recommended.

Reflective placement tips
How to wear reflective elements correctly? The easiest way is to choose outerwear that has reflective stripes sewn on by the manufacturer. Today it is quite easy to find on salesuch jackets, pants and accessories. It is desirable that there are several reflective inserts in one outfit. Flickers today can be found in the form of key chains, badges, and even decals for clothing. Also look out for bright bracelets and stickers for surfaces made of hard materials.

Place reflective details not only on clothes, but also on a hat, purse or backpack. If the garment does not have sewn-in bands that can reflect light, tie a flicker bandage over the sleeve. With the help of reflective stickers, you can also decorate and secure a children's bike, scooter or stroller.
How to make DIY reflective elements?

On sale today you can find flickers of all colors of the rainbow, all sizes and shapes. But it is much more interesting to make a beautiful and useful accessory with your own hands. For such a craft, you will need: reflective tape, cardboard, pieces of bright fabric and auxiliary tools. Start by creating a sketch of the future flicker. It can be a simple shape - a rhombus or a heart, or something more complex, such as an image of an animal. According to the sketch, cut out 2 templates of the same shape, one of which should be about 1 centimeter smaller than the other around the perimeter. The larger size is cut from fabric and the smaller size is cut from reflective tape.
The most important stage of work is the connection of parts. A smaller blank is glued onto a larger element (cut fromfabrics). If necessary, the edges of the textile part are pre-treated. Your flicker is ready - you can sew it on your favorite jacket or wear it as a key chain by attaching a string to it. Clothing with reflective elements made by one's own hands will surely please the child and become his reliable protection on the roads!