Reinforced concrete density: types, density calculation

Reinforced concrete density: types, density calculation
Reinforced concrete density: types, density calculation

The density of reinforced concrete is one of the important characteristics of this material, which is a particularly strong structure. It has many advantages, but there is also a disadvantage, expressed in significant weight. Professionals put up with this at the stage of design and construction of facilities. This feature of reinforced concrete must also be taken into account when dismantling structures, in the process of dismantling them.

In practice, reinforced concrete is widely used not only in industry, but also in private construction. You can prepare the mixture for the formation of a reinforced concrete structure yourself, as well as tie the reinforcement using a special wire. The result is a durable and strong construction.

Main varieties of reinforced concrete

reinforced concrete density
reinforced concrete density

Reinforced concrete density may vary, which will be affected by the composition of the solution. Whereas the weight depends on the density. Reinforced concrete is classified precisely from this characteristic, among othershighlight:

  • especially heavy;
  • heavy;
  • lite;
  • lightweight reinforced concrete.

The density of reinforced concrete in the first case is limited to 2500 kg/m3, which is an impressive value. In civil engineering, this type of reinforced concrete is not used. The composition can contain the following placeholders:

  • magnetite;
  • limonite;
  • barite.

Reinforced concrete density

average density of reinforced concrete
average density of reinforced concrete

Heavy concrete has a slightly lower density, it is 2200 kg/m3. Among the ingredients of such a material are more familiar gravel, crushed stone, etc. The density of reinforced concrete will be even lower when it comes to lightweight concrete. This is heavy concrete with metal reinforcement and through planes. In this case, the parameter of interest will be 1800 kg/m3.

Density of lightweight concrete

reinforced concrete density kg m3
reinforced concrete density kg m3

Lightweight concrete has a density of 500 kg/m3. This parameter is characteristic of expanded clay, cellular, perlite and polystyrene concretes. This material is reinforced with reinforcement. The average density of reinforced concrete depends not only on the composition, but also on the method of pouring. If the liquid mixture is further compacted using vibratory machines, the density will increase by 100 kg/m3.

Density calculation

reinforced concrete density t m3
reinforced concrete density t m3

The density of reinforced concrete, the types of which were described above, can be determined if the basistake the proportions of the solution in units of mass. Liquid should be excluded from the calculation, which will completely evaporate from the array after 28 days. This will allow you to get the exact density of the monolith.

Sometimes builders use averaged data if the brand of concrete is known. For example, for grade M-200, the density will vary from 2385 to 2400 kg/m3, while for grade M-250 this value will vary from 2390 to 2405 kg/m 3. For grades M-300, M-350 and M-400, the density will be in the range from 2400 to 2415; from 2405 to 2420 and from 2410 to 2430 kg/m3 respectively.

If you need the specific gravity of reinforced concrete, then you should be aware that the weight of a cubic meter is also affected by the reinforcement scheme. It is important not only the number of rods, but also their cross section. These parameters allow you to determine the internal volume occupied by the reinforcement. After that, you can carry out mass calculations. Depending on the purpose and shape of reinforced concrete, rods of different diameters can be used. As for their styling, they can be located at a certain distance from each other.

In order to find out the density of monolithic reinforced concrete, special accuracy is not needed, so the amount of reinforcement can be taken approximately. Thus, in the manufacture of concrete paths and blind areas, 8 mm reinforcement with mesh sizes of 200 mm is usually used. One square meter of material will contain 16 m of rods, and if the steel density is 7850 kg/m3, then the weight of the reinforcement will be 6.3 kg.

When it comes to horizontal beams with support, slabs and foundations, the diameter of the reinforcement usually varies from 12 to 16 mm. The cell size is reduced to 180 mm, while the total length remains the same. In this case, the weight of the reinforcement will be a limit of 14 to 25.2 kg. For cantilever beams and floor slabs, the diameter of the reinforcement is between 16 and 18 mm, this is true if the cell size is 130 mm. The total length of the reinforcement per 1 m3 of reinforced concrete will be 49 m, in this case the reinforcement mass will vary from 77.3 to 97.8 kg.

Density of additional structures

density of reinforced concrete and concrete
density of reinforced concrete and concrete

It would be fair to consider also the option with vertical walls and columns. In this case, the diameter of the reinforcement can be equal to the limit from 14 to 18 mm with a mesh size of 130 mm. The total length remains the same, but the weight will be equal to the limit from 59.2 to 97.8 kg.

As soon as the amount of reinforcement and density indicators are known, it will be possible to determine the weight of one cubic meter of reinforced concrete. From the cube, the average volume is determined, which is occupied by steel rods. The final result is the volume of concrete, then the numbers are multiplied by the specific gravity for each material, and the results are added up.

Calculation of density using the example of a strip reinforced concrete foundation

density of monolithic reinforced concrete
density of monolithic reinforced concrete

Reinforced concrete density (kg/m3) can be calculated on the example of a strip foundation, which is made of M-300 grade concrete. In this case16 mm rods were used. At the first stage, the volume occupied by the reinforcement in a cubic meter of material is determined. To do this, use the following calculations: π r2 L=3.14 (0.008)2 16=0.003 m3.

So clean concrete will take 0.997m3. To calculate the mass of reinforcing bars, multiply the values: 0.003x7850, as a result, it will be possible to get 23.6 kg, while the mass of concrete must be calculated by multiplying 0.997x2400. Calculations will make it possible to understand that the mass of concrete is 2392.8 kg. After the values are summed up, you can get the density of reinforced concrete, these calculations will look like this: 23, 6 + 2392, 8=2416 kg / m 3. These manipulations are carried out at the design stage loads on the building foundation.

Concrete density information

specific gravity of reinforced concrete
specific gravity of reinforced concrete

The density of reinforced concrete and concrete must be known to builders. If the first value was described in detail above, then the second is worth talking about. The main performance indicator for concrete is the response to uniformity and compression, as well as strength. The listed characteristics are regulated by density, which is a physical indicator determined by dividing mass by volume.

In construction, it is customary to use the average value of this parameter, because it is influenced by various factors, including:

  • quality and size of filler;
  • variety of filler;
  • composition of water;
  • sand grain size.

Density of the main types of concrete

Average density is used in characterization and is considered as a range in which the material is divided into 4 types. For example, heavy concretes have a density above 2500 kg/m3. This composition is created from fillers, iron ore, steel scraps, magnesite, and is not used for traditional construction work. Such a high density is necessary for security, so this concrete is used for the construction of special structures. The minimum average density is estimated at a value that is lower than the value of 500 kg/m3. This version of the material is used as heat-insulating fillers. A more complete understanding of the differences in concrete density, grades and types, as well as the approximate area of \u200b\u200buse, can be assessed by reading the information below.

Especially heavy concrete, which was discussed above, may have the following grades: M550, M600, M700, M800, M900, M1000. Heavy concretes have a density ranging from 1800 to 2500 kg / m3, material is used for load-bearing structures by the type of foundations. Grades of such concrete may look like this: M350, M450, M500. Lightweight concrete has a density ranging from 500 to 1800 kg/m3, grades can be defined by the following designations: M200, M250, M300. Particularly lightweight concretes have a density of 500 kg / m3, and their grades are as follows: M15, M50, M75, M100, M 150. This type of material is used to create a heat-insulating layer and construction walls.


Reinforced concrete is a combination of steel and concrete that has unique properties. The strength, reliability and durability of the material allowed it to be widely used in the field of construction. When designing structures, many characteristics are taken into account, one of them is the density of reinforced concrete, t/m3 or kg/m3 - these are the physical quantities in which this parameter is usually measured. For example, if you know the density, which is equal to 2200 kg/m3, then you can convert this value to tons per cubic meter. In this case, this value is 2, 2.
