What is an oil rig? Work on oil rigs

What is an oil rig? Work on oil rigs
What is an oil rig? Work on oil rigs

Oil (drilling) rigs are structures that are part of drilling stations. They are divided into mast and tower and are used for:

  • TPS (hoisting operations);
  • support (on a tackle basis) of the drill string during drilling;
  • placement of drill pipes retrieved from the well;
  • location of the traveling system;
  • placement of SPO and ASP mechanisms, platforms: working, emergency evacuation and auxiliary equipment;
  • top drive locations.

Russian oil rigs are built mainly at shipyards in Kaliningrad, Severodvinsk, Vyborg and Astrakhan. All drilling rigs are the most complex complex, which is designed for drilling any wells, both on land and in the sea.

The first oil rigs in Russia were built in the Kuban. And one of them gave a fountain of oil, which made it possible to produce more than 190 tons per day.

Types of drilling

Drilling is divided into two types: horizontal and well drilling. Horizontal drilling is a trenchless controlled methodlaying communications underground with the help of special drilling rigs. Well drilling is the process of mining large and small diameters. The bottom is called the bottom, and the surface is called the mouth.

oil rig at sea
oil rig at sea

Drill string

The drill string is the main part of the structure of an oil rig. The column consists of:

  • top and bottom kelly sub;
  • lead pipe;
  • of kelly safety sub;
  • lock clutch;
  • lock nipple;
  • drill pipe;
  • tread;
  • sub for UBT;
  • directly to the UBT itself;
  • centrator;
  • on-bit shock absorber.
  • oil derrick
    oil derrick

The drill string itself is an assembly of special drill pipes that are lowered into the well. The pipes are designed to supply mechanical and hydraulic power directly to the bit in order to create the necessary load on it and control the trajectory of the well.

Derrick functions

The oil rig performs the following functions:

  • transmits rotation between the rotor and the bit;
  • accepts reactive moments from bottomhole engines;
  • supplies flushing agent to slaughter;
  • supplies power (hydraulic) to motor and bit;
  • presses the bit into the rock using gravity;
  • provides motor and bit replacement by transporting them to slaughter;
  • allows for special and emergencywork in the well itself.

Oil rig operation

The oil rig is intended for lowering and lifting the drill string into the well. At the same time, the tower allows you to support it on weight. Since the mass of such supporting elements is many tons, special equipment is used to reduce the load. And lifting equipment is one of the main components of any drilling rig.

work on oil rigs
work on oil rigs

The oil rig also performs a number of other works: it places a traveling system, drill pipes and other equipment in the drill string. During the operation of the tower, the biggest danger is their complete or partial destruction. Most often, the main reason is insufficient supervision of the structure during operation.

Lower and raise the drill strings several times. These operations are strictly systematic and consistent. Winch loads are cyclical. When lifting, the power of the hook goes from the engine to the winch, when descending - vice versa. In order to use the maximum power, multi-speed modes of operation are used. During drilling and after its completion, candles rise strictly at the 1st speed.

Varieties of drilling rigs

Oil rigs are divided into different types according to height, design and load capacity. In addition to towers of the mast type, towers are also used, which are assembled from top to bottom. Before starting the assembly, the lift is mounted on the base of the tower. After complete installation, it is dismantled.

House buildings

When installing an oil rig, construction is always carried outnext to it are the adjacent structures, such as:

  • reducer;
  • pump shed;
  • receiving bridge (inclined or horizontal);
  • rock cleaning system;
  • warehouses for bulk materials and chemicals;
  • drilling support facilities (transformer pads, etc.);
  • household facilities (canteen, dormitories, etc.);
  • travel system;
  • winches;
  • BT break-out and make-up tools.

Offshore oil rigs

Russian oil rigs
Russian oil rigs

From the drilling rig, which is located on land, the sea differs in the presence of water between the drilling rig and the wellhead. There are several ways to drill in offshore areas:

  • from fixed offshore platforms;
  • from offshore gravity platforms;
  • from jack-up drilling rigs;
  • from semi-submersible drilling rigs;
  • from drilling ships.

An oil rig in the sea is a platform, the base of which rests on the bottom, and it itself rises above the sea. After the end of operation, the platform remains in its place. Therefore, a water separating platform is provided, which isolates the well from water and connects the wellhead with the platform platform. Wellhead equipment is being installed at the MSP.

In order to tow the platform to the well, five tugboats are used, while auxiliary vessels (escorts, tractors, etc.) also take part. An offshore gravity platform is a base made of steel and reinforced concrete. An oil rig is built in deep bays and delivered to the desired point by tugboats. It is intended both for drilling and for storing and extracting oil before it is shipped. It is heavy, so no additional devices are required to hold it in place.

how to make an oil rig
how to make an oil rig

The jack-up rig has good buoyancy. It is installed on the bottom with the help of lifting mechanisms to a height inaccessible to waves. After the end of operation, casing strings and liquidation bridges are used.

Semi-submersible installation consists of an equipped platform and pontoons connected by columns. The pontoons fill with water and submerge the platform to the desired depth.

Jack-up units have good buoyancy and a large hull, which ensures towing immediately with equipment installed on them. At the set point, they are lowered to the bottom and immersed in the ground.

How to make an oil rig and what is it made of?

Drilling rigs are made from shaped steel or used compressor pipes. They are made up to 28 meters high, and with a carrying capacity of up to 75 tons. High towers are the most convenient, since lifting and lowering can be done not only by singles, but also by knees, which greatly speeds up the work.

first oil rigs
first oil rigs

The distance between the lower legs of the tower and the upper part is about 8 meters. If the well is shallow, then masts will also be required. Towers and masts are mounted on a solid foundation, which must be additionally strengthened withsteel ropes attached to anchors.

Crown blocks are installed on the towers, where the traveling system with a lifting hook is located. Work on oil rigs involves the installation of ladders that are mounted for workers. They are made of metal or wood.
