Man as a biosocial being: what does this mean?

Man as a biosocial being: what does this mean?
Man as a biosocial being: what does this mean?

In order to understand why a person is a biosocial being, one should understand the meaning of the term "biosocial". The concept implies a system of behavior that is a symbiosis of biological and social factors.

man as a biosocial being
man as a biosocial being

In other words, the behavior of biosocial beings (humans) is simultaneously determined by natural instincts, psychological characteristics and social skills.

Man as a biosocial being is a very special form of being. We are its inseparable part, but at the same time we influence being, changing it. We are simultaneously the object and subject of knowledge.

Not a single isolated science, be it biology, psychology, anatomy or the like. cannot create a complete image of a person. Only philosophy tries to do this, but its knowledge is reduced to the study of universal human nature.

Why is this happening?

Precisely because man, as a biosocial being, contains too many aspects. Hehas the following characteristics:

human biosocial creature
human biosocial creature
  • Common human features, i.e. is a member of a particular species.
  • Special, which means that each individual is a representative of a particular race, nationality, ethnic group.
  • Specific: personality, psyche, talents, inclinations, needs.

Man as a biosocial being is also considered because he is dual in origin and nature. On the one hand, although it is highly organized, it is an animal; biological organism. On the other hand, it is a creature with social, political, cultural, and other unique skills. It is this feature that makes it possible to consider that a person is a biosocial being, or, in the words of Aristotle, a "political animal".

On the one hand, the vital activity of representatives of our species is determined by biological origin. An individual is able to inherit the biological characteristics of his species, has a predisposition to a certain life expectancy, diseases, type of behavior, temperament.

biosocial being
biosocial being

On the other hand, a person does not have a clear predisposition to a day or night lifestyle, type of food, behavior (herd, for example). Therefore, unlike animals, he is capable of developing in any direction.

Man's needs are inextricably linked with his nature. Only nature manifests itself in the body, physiological needs, instincts (for example,the need to eat, multiply, etc.), and the social - in the mind. However, both the natural principle and the social constitute a single conglomerate, which, in its essence, is being.

By the way, there are disputes about human nature in science. Some scientists believe that nature is determined solely by the genetics of the species: upright posture, breathing with the help of the lungs, etc., while others include in the concept and the psyche of the individual, his intellect, emotional development. This also confirms the complexity of human nature.

Furthermore, consciousness is a psychological manifestation that is a product of the brain, and the brain is of biological origin. This is another proof of the truth that a person as a biosocial being can only be considered simultaneously from several points of view.
