Surely, many people, when solving the next scanword or crossword puzzle, came across the question of the name of fresh unplowed land. In the people, such lands are called virgin land. At present, such a word is almost never found in everyday life.
General definition
Unplowed land, or virgin land, is a territory that is covered with natural vegetation and has not been plowed for many centuries. Fallow territories are arable lands that have also not been cultivated for a long time. Fallow and virgin lands differ from old arable lands in that they contain a large amount of humus.

Dense plexuses of the root system of various plants near the unplowed land formed a finely cloddy soil structure. The plowed chernozem lands are fertile, they absorb moisture well, and there are no weeds on them. While the soil of old arable lands becomes structureless as they are used, poorly absorbs water and overgrowsweeds.
A bit of history
In Soviet times, the development of large areas of virgin lands began. This was due to the fact that the state, which had not yet had time to heal the wound after the Second World War, was experiencing a severe shortage of grain and other agricultural products. At that time, on the territory of the Volga region, the Urals, Kazakhstan, Eastern and Western Siberia, the Far East, large areas of still undeveloped lands were observed, which for centuries accumulated fertility. Thanks to the development of these territories, the provision of the population with products was improved, and the industry was enriched with agricultural raw materials.

As a result, virgin farms accounted for almost 40% of the gross grain harvest throughout the country. In parallel with this, industry successfully developed in the virgin territories. Thanks to all this, the appearance of entire regions has changed, and the development of virgin lands has contributed to strengthening the economy of the state and improving the well-being of the people.