There are plants in nature that truly amaze even the most sophisticated botanist with their appearance. Such "wonders of the world" include strongylodon large (or, as it is also called, jade flower). It is a plant from the legume family. In the wild, it is found in the tropics: the forests of the Philippines and Hawaii. In decorative conditions, jade flowers are cultivated in various countries. They can be found in botanical gardens and greenhouses.

Jade flowers are primarily famous for their inflorescences, painted in azure, emerald-bluish-green tones, similar in color to jade stone. The plant is a rather large vine with a woody stem (length - up to 20 meters). The leaves of the plant are smooth, trifoliate. The flowers themselves are up to 12 centimeters in size. They are collected in long, almost meter-long, brushes of several dozen, sometimes up to a hundred pieces.
And jade flowers glow at night. This glow attracts bats, which pollinate the plant in exchange for honey nectar. As a result, small boxes are formed containing bean seeds (up to 12 pieces in one). But tender seeds pretty quicklylose their viability. Therefore, a rare amateur gardener manages to grow jade flowers without special training.
The garlands of light hanging from the vines are impressive in their beauty, especially at night. Perhaps this plant has one of the rarest colors in the world.

All known species of Strongylodon come from the southern latitudes of the Pacific Ocean and southeast Asia. In the wild, jade flowers are endangered due to the fact that man methodically destroys their habitats. Despite this, botanical gardens in all countries are trying to save the endangered population. So, for example, in Hawaii and Florida, the flower already grows in fairly large quantities and in a temperate climate.
This plant has no dormant period. For flowering, it needs bright light (or at least intense diffused light). Jade flower loves moisture. In decorative conditions requires abundant watering. The lack of moisture causes darkening of the foliage and stunted growth. Thus, watering - natural or artificial - is needed by Strongylodon throughout the year. Under cultivation conditions, the soil needs to be fertilized during the growing seasons. And this flower needs soil with good drainage, rich in humus, with the addition of peat.

Strongylodon breeding
The flower can be propagated by cuttings or seeds. The plants are quite prolific, but the seeds quickly "fail" and lose their germination capacity. Themit is shown to plant only fresh, and before planting in the ground they are slightly filed. Cuttings for best results should be cut in the spring. After that, they need to be placed in a very warm and humid place. Then within a couple of weeks new sprouts will appear.
If you need to transplant
Young plants are recommended to be transplanted every year. But when the flower matures and begins to "crawl up the walls", its transplantation causes problems. The plant can even be difficult to move. Therefore, with the achievement of a certain age, a jade flower is determined for a permanent place (in decorative conditions). Let it be a large container, where the plant's root system would develop well and freely. Then it is enough just to change the top layer of soil (up to 5 centimeters) to a new one.

Pest pests
The flower is not particularly susceptible to various pests. Sometimes it can be affected by aphids, mites, mealybugs. In this case, it must be treated with traditional methods, like other ornamental plants.
Jade Vine
- Strongylodon flower is sometimes called that way (and also jade bunch, jade grapes). Everything happens because of the unusual flowers of the plant.
- According to some reports, from the flowers and the nectar they contain, you can make quite a decent local Filipino or Hawaiian moonshine.
- In Hawaii, this flower is used to weave traditional flower beads.