The orange tree is an evergreen plant with a small height (2-10 meters). It belongs to the genus of citrus fruits and has rather long and thin branches. Pomeranian differs from other representatives of this species in the presence of rather long sharp spines. The natural habitat of the orange is the Himalayan mountains. Although it is cultivated by residents of the Mediterranean countries, the Caucasus and Latin America.
The main value of the orange
What does an orange tree look like? What it is? This plant is known to everyone due to its main value - the fruits. They are berry-shaped, orange in color and slightly flattened.

In their appearance there are many similarities with tangerines or medium-sized oranges. It doesn't take much effort to separate the skin from the fruit. Below it are 12 lobules with yellow furrowed seeds. They are quite bitter and inedible, reaching 6-7 cm in diameter.
No less famous are the white flowers of the orange. They are called "orange blossoms". They have found their application in pharmaceuticals andperfumery.
Fruits and their uses
In the world, the orange tree is also called sour or bitter orange, Seville orange, bigaradiya. Its peel consists of glycosides, organic acids, carbohydrates, essential oils. A rather high price is the neroli type of the essential oil of the fruit, consisting of camphene, myrcene, anthranilic acid methyl ester, limonene, geraniol, linalool. Thanks to these components, it has wonderful aromatic and beneficial properties.
This fruit is not accepted to eat fresh. But its unusual taste and aromatic properties are widely used in cooking. In particular, they are used for the preparation of candied fruits, marmalade, additives to a wide variety of sauces and drinks. In all these processes, only the skin of the fruit of the orange tree is involved, which contains most of the useful and fragrant essential oil. Their pulp is not used.

Even Avicenna used the fruits of this citrus tree. He also devoted some of his writings to describing their benefits.
Properties of orange
It is no coincidence that the orange tree is so widespread and popular all over the world. It has a lot of useful properties. These include:
- anti-inflammatory effect;
- use in the fight against rheumatism;
- calming properties used to treat depression, apathy, depression;
- rejuvenating effect of fruits;
- helping improve digestion, increase appetite;
- choleretic effect;
- positive effect on the heart.
Due to its antiseptic, antispasmodic and laxative properties, orange peel helps to speed up the treatment of colds and respiratory diseases. This fruit is able to relieve inflammation of the testicles in men. Orange seeds are a kind of antidote for poisonous bites of various types of insects and snakes.
Orange flowers
The orange tree, whose flowers have a charming white color, was quite popular in the Middle Ages. Many nationalities used them to decorate the hair of the bride or decorate the wedding dress. They were a symbol of tenderness, purity, youth. Only in the middle of the twentieth century, the fashion for orange flowers began to fade. Instead, they began to use callas and roses.

During the fashion for greenhouse plants, the orange tree was popular. It was specially planted in a large box so that it could be brought into the room during the cold season. The most famous bitter orange is the one planted by Charles III's wife Eleanor de Castile.
Delicate aroma, in which light notes of jasmine and honey are felt, have found their application in perfumery. Even today it is used to create perfumes. But relatively recently, during the Renaissance, only noble ladies could use this kind of perfume. This is due to the high cost of these fragrantflowers.
Orange light oil has been used by culinary specialists since ancient times. Pharmacists did not ignore him.

The plague was cured with it. In the modern world of medicine, it is used to treat other ailments.
Essential oil, which is extracted from orange flowers, is called neroli. Its main useful properties include:
- beneficial effect on the nervous system (treatment of depression, stress, insomnia);
- antimicrobial and antiviral properties;
- helps get rid of a variety of dermatological diseases, scars and scars;
- strengthens immunity;
- is a rehabilitation tool used after various types of surgeries.
In German, an orange tree is oranienbaum. Also called a small town, which is located near the Gulf of Finland. It is still not known exactly what history the name of the tree has. Each city of Russia in 1785 received its coat of arms. The emblem of Oranienbaum became an orange tree.

One of the versions of the origin of the name of the city says that a whole greenhouse of orange trees was found at its location. Above each was the German version of the name "oranienbaum". This find is of great interest to people. Therefore, the orange tree, the photo of which can be seen on all the brochures and photographs of Oranienbaum, began to symbolize this city.
Cosmetic use of orange oil
Neroli essential oil is considered to be quite an effective anti-aging cosmetic product. Therefore, it has a fairly wide scope. Its main effects include:
- pore reduction;
- wrinkle smoothing;
- eliminate stretch marks and stress spots;
- help in the fight against cellulite, dermatosis and eczema.
It can be used for any skin type. Its soothing, vasodilating and antiseptic action contributes to the rapid removal of various irritations.
Since the concentration of neroli oil is higher than that of analogues, a sensitivity test must be done before using it. This will help eliminate the occurrence of an allergic reaction. Also, its relaxing functions are contraindicated in cases where there is a need for a clear head and a quick reaction.

Like other types of cosmetics and medicines, neroli has its contraindications. It is not recommended to apply it to the skin before sunbathing. You should also check for individual intolerance to the components.
The orange tree holds fewer and fewer secrets. What it is and why it is used, almost everyone knows. Its flowers and fruits are becoming more widely available, and their remedies are widely popular around the world.